just a quick question (i dontplay hunter)
can you feign death helm of command on H lei shen??? deterrance work??(takes 0 damage??)
just a quick question (i dontplay hunter)
can you feign death helm of command on H lei shen??? deterrance work??(takes 0 damage??)
http://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=dw+soul+roc in oceanic now Lol
5172-1206-0622 pokemon FC Lets Battle!!
This might be the worst advice ever, but I've been posthaste disengaging on H Iron Qon to get out of the tornado phase.
Maybe I'm just bad, but I flat out can't get through consistently if I don't have something like a druid's roar. Sometimes I can do it but if I get double tornadoes traveling together there's just no way to get out of it. So basically I'll just turn my character backwards off of where it sets you down (you actually have to make sure it does it), waiting for a time that looks clear, and disengaging out for the haste buff. It's a dangerous crapshoot, but it feels safer than trying to run through that mess with no haste buff.
The trick is to wait until the two near tornadoes cross in front of you then run at about a 30 degree angle to the back of the encounter area near the portal. At one point you may have to stop and let another tornado pass, then make a mad dash for the end. You can jump disengage the last 2 rings of tornadoes with Glyph of Disengage, posthaste isn't necessary and CTHD might be better for absorbing fires/fist smash.
Don't think many of our "regular" posters here are on H-Lei Shen yet, but if Kenny or rogerbrown or Truefire or Dela2k are around, maybe they can answer this. I don't know that it would be useful to feign it, I imagine it would just go back to someone else, and hunters might be fairly well equipped to deal with it.
Horridon HC
You can snake trap the dire call (Dire horn chasing u) to know it back - by a fair amount actually
Megaera hc, when I got torrent of ice debuff I used deterrence and just stood still and at the last tick disengaged away from it. Minimaized the damage taken and area affected by torrent of ice. U still take damage from icy ground so use glyph of deterrence.
Barrage is a great talent on Heroic Horridon for Direhorn Spirits (if you aren't using it already).
You can also proc your two piece and it'll sit on the spirit (not a tip or trick, just some random chance, but funny nonetheless)...
Known issues:
This tier has been nice for it, but there are still a few issues. You can't KC while airborne during Ji-Kun (although you can just time your flight time a bit better to avoid clipping).
You also can't KC during Iron Qon's storm phase. It isn't a LOS issue, of course, since regular ranged attacks still hit. It appears ts a melee hitbox/out-of-range issue... just figured I'd mention it, since you can AS and not burn a global or two wondering why you're mashing KC and nothing is happening. (To be honest, though, the damage reduction would affect your pet and would make AS>KC when you're out of the storm anyways.)
It really shouldn't have anything to do with 10 vs 25. The same number of mobs are present. What matters is the gate adds are going to die much faster the more gear you have and you are going to want the best single target talents as your relative DPS time on Horridon increases.
A tip that can be useful, but also dangerous for your team.
If you feign death with torrent of ice - it goes on someone else.
I feel like we almost need a second sticky for scumbag DPS moves.
Don't know if it's been mentioned but when nests spawn on Heroic Ji-Kun I tend to wait a little while for the Feed Young buff to come out and take it THEN fly down/up to the nests. With the buff the lost time is made up for in extra damage plus you have more time on boss plus you also have a buff when you come back up on boss.
Yep yep. For everyone who thinks TotH is worth using over Fervor for AoE, think about the reality of the situation. You are still forced to cobra shot, you still have to barrage, it's still a proc... Most of all nothing we currently AoE down stays up long enough for TotH to be truly beneficial.
Fervor is a guaranteed '2.5' extra multi-shots every time you use it.
If you truly want to be a scumbag, the only encounter where TotH makes sense is Tortos *and* your guild uses the kite strategy.
On 25-man N Lei Shen, Static Shock splits 1M damage to players.
Since math is hard, a 50% Det won't allow you to solo soak it, right - unless said Det just deflects it?
Unless I have 500k health, right?