1. #1

    Mainhand, offhand? does it matter?

    Hello! I have enough CP today to buy tyra wep, but should i replace it with my MH or OH first? If I put it in my MH, i have to buy another dancing steel for like 4k gold (not that i dont have enough gold) and if i put it in my OH, does it do less damage?

  2. #2
    MH is always a bigger upgrade - especially for PvP where BS, hemo and Ambush are all MH attacks which give you more output than offhand attacks.

    Obviously assuming you play Sub for PvP.
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

  3. #3
    What Coldkill says. Your Backstab and Ambush hit with your MH weapon so prio that.

  4. #4
    Okay thanks. I play sub, yeah. Btw, is it better to buy all tyra gear before buying wep? or should i buy wep asap?

  5. #5
    weapon asap for sure, weapons are the most important slot for all physical damage dealers

  6. #6
    Yea, JIMM- answered well; weapons are the best single upgrade you can get. Usually the list is MH > OH > trinkets > rest of gear (starting from the ones which give you more stats).

    Again, assuming you have all gear with the same ilvl - otherwise start upgrading the lowest ilvl pieces AFTER THE MH (it just gives the best dps increase hands down).
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

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