Thread: LFR and Fury

  1. #1

    LFR and Fury

    Just wondering, with the LFR loot system, does it check if I'm specifically specced SMF or TG? So if I'm running as TG do I only get 2handers, or can I get 1handers?

  2. #2
    It just checks for either Arms or Fury.

    IF you're Fury you'll have a chance at both 2Handers, and 1Handers.
    If you're Arms you'll only have a chance at 2Handers.

    It doesn't go that indepth.

  3. #3
    I've been running TG all the time and I've had both 2h and 1h weapons drop.

  4. #4
    If a boss drops both, such as Sha of Fear, your best bet is to suck it up and go arms just for that boss. S'how I did it

  5. #5
    Well, I'm Arms now and thinking about going SMF but I only have 2 Shin'Kas, no 1handers, so was wondering if I could still get 1handers even as TG

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