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  1. #81
    Field Marshal Adelphia's Avatar
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    Hardest to master so far for me has been Orianna, but it has totally been worth it as now I'm pretty good with her and it's so rewarding to time your protect correctly along with a well timed dissonance to slow the other team and help your team get away. Also once you level that Q, it does some hefty damage!

    I found Anivia pretty easy to pick up once I read a little on Solo Mid first before jumping into a match, she can combo pretty well early on too. Also Anivia is super fun to play, imho.
    Quote Originally Posted by Setheria View Post
    Don't get me wrong, Mind Sear is as useful as tits on a bull, but let's not get carried away here.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Kendrel View Post
    Easiest for me:


    Taric. I know, he's OP, but I'm someone that hasn't spent a great deal of time on support, and my playstyle is all wrong for him. I'm quite aggressive and until late game he isn't much of an aggressive character.
    That's really weird. Cause Taric is one of the most aggressive supports in lane. Hence why he got nerfed, cause he was a lane bully.

    Him, Thresh, Blitz and Leona are aggressive supports that are meant to scare the crap out of the enemy lane.

  3. #83
    The hardest to master for me must be LeBlanc or Twisted Fate. Both are fairly easy (just like every other champ) to get good at, but to master them is a whole other story. I've only ever seen two great LeBlanc players (Reginald and Faker). Making use of her early game is fairly easy but her playstyle changes throughout the game so knowing how to adapt on her is so important.

  4. #84
    Im generally quite decent at playing bruisers/junglers/support/assassins, and I have trouble landing all those skill shots while not getting harrased/caught when playing mid champions (and I suck at last hitting as AP mid). I never really bothered much about playing ADC. All the farming and waiting until late game quickly gets boring.

    Easiest: Volibear, Ryze, Draven (only ADC I can play), Kassadin, Vi, Thresh, Nasus, Singed, Udyr, AP Yi, Darius.

    Hardest: Syndra, Zed (I will never learn to use those shadows properly), Lissandra, Tryndamere (I always ulti at least 2 seconds too early, and I never survive after having used it), Twitch (so squishy).
    Jayce and Elise are also quite hard to get the hang of, but I don't have as many issues with those as with those I wrote above.

    There are probably a ton of other mid champions I can't play, but I'm not going to bother buying them seeing as I will never play them in anything but Dominion and vs AI. I refunded Syndra, and I am wondering if I should refund Lissandra.
    Last edited by mmoca20fa69a21; 2013-05-02 at 11:29 PM.

  5. #85
    hardest - every adc

    Most Successfull - Morde

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Funkthepunk View Post
    Easiest: Ryze
    I just want to point out that Ryze isn't as easy as he is generally made out to be. He has no skillshots but a champion can be hard to play regardless (lets be honest, League mechanics aren't that hard.

    What makes Ryze a bit tough to play is his laning phase, against an unexperienced player Ryze laning is cake and you make it to late game fairly easy (where his true power lies). However, against an experienced player laning phase can be pretty tough. If you get outplayed you'll never make it to late game.

    This is the reason you often see Ryze players (at higher level at least) pick up TP instead of ignite. His ganks are fairly strong and it lets him get stronger through other means than just straight up beating his lane opponent.

    I'm not saying Ryze is "hard", I just wouldn't place him in "easy" either.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Aissy View Post
    I just want to point out that Ryze isn't as easy as he is generally made out to be. He has no skillshots but a champion can be hard to play regardless (lets be honest, League mechanics aren't that hard.

    What makes Ryze a bit tough to play is his laning phase, against an unexperienced player Ryze laning is cake and you make it to late game fairly easy (where his true power lies). However, against an experienced player laning phase can be pretty tough. If you get outplayed you'll never make it to late game.

    This is the reason you often see Ryze players (at higher level at least) pick up TP instead of ignite. His ganks are fairly strong and it lets him get stronger through other means than just straight up beating his lane opponent.

    I'm not saying Ryze is "hard", I just wouldn't place him in "easy" either.
    To be fair this thread is about what champions each poster had the hardest/easiest time learning. These are only my opinions.

    My laning phase usually suck anyway when I am playing mid, and I hardly ever win my lane as a mid player (since I rarely play that role). As Ryze however I usually manage to get RoA and tear and I am able to roam around and gank and 1v1 anyone (my mechanical duel skill is actually quite strong). Same goes for Kassadin.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Funkthepunk View Post
    To be fair this thread is about what champions each poster had the hardest/easiest time learning. These are only my opinions.
    Sorry if I came off as rude, it wasn't my intention. I too have some champions that come very naturally to me even though others think they're hard, and some champions that are considered easy that just don't fit my playstyle.

    I just felt like going on a Ryze rant.

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