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  1. #1

    Post Hearthstone leaks from a Blizzard employee (UPDATED)

    EDIT: As HearthPwn leaked the whole card list to you, I'll now give you examples from the rest of the cards as well. I can confirm the HearthPwn cards are not fake, they are absolutely legit. On top of that, their card information is more recent than the info I had.


    1. Unknown cards that I leaked for the first time:
    Grounding Totem - 1/0/3/ Redirects the next direct damage spell to itself (This card existed in an earlier version of the game, but as the Shaman already has 25 cards, this one was either scrapped for being too problematic, or is planned for a later release)
    7/5/8 neutral minion. Legendary quality. Increases attack on minions. Art is the same as the Vanndar Stormpike from WoW TCG (this card is also from an earlier version of the game, but is either scrapped or will be released later)
    (1) Arcane Blast - Deal 1 damage. Draw a card. Rare quality. Art is same as in the WoW TCG. (I'd be glad if it could be somehow confirmed that such a card existed at some point, because it no longer exists in the game. And I mean there isn't a chance this card is postponed and will be added in a later patch. What happened to it is that instead of a Mage card, it was reworked as the Rogue card "Shiv" instead)

    2. Unknown cards that I leaked for the first time and are now confirmed:
    Sorcerer's Apprentice [2/2/2] - Your spells cost (1) less. (Mage minion)
    (1) Mirror Image - Summon two 0/1 minions with taunt
    (7) Flamestrike - Deal 4 damage to all enemies enemy minions. Epic Common quality. Art is same as in the WoW TCG. (In a previous version of the card it was Epic quality and dealt 4 damage to the enemy hero too, but was probably nerfed for being way too powerful like that.)
    (2) Frost Nova - Freeze all enemy minions. Basic quality. Art is same as in the WoW TCG.
    (3) Spellstealbender - Secret card. Rare Epic quality. Art is different from the WoW TCG.
    Water Elemental
    Whiteout (The card was pretty much taken from the WoW TCG, bearing the same picture, a similar effect and the same name, but now you know the card by its new changed name - Blizzard)
    -Third Shaman Hero Power Totem - 0/2 totem, gives +1 Spell Power.
    Flametongue Totem - 2/0/3 totem, gives a friendly adjacent minion +2 Attack. Basic quality. Art is the same as the Blazing Elemental Totem
    (3) Hex - Transform a minion into a 0/1 Frog with Taunt.
    Lava Burst (3) Rare quality. Art is the same as the Magma Spike WoW TCG Card
    Rockbiter Weapon - same art as in the WoW TCG. (Art has been changed.) Basic quality.
    Earth Elemental - 5/7/8 Taunt, Overload (3). Epic quality. (I don't see this card in the HearthPwn database, but this should be the third Epic-quality Shaman card.) Update: Now "revealed" in a Tuesday Update
    Fire Elemental
    Light's Justice - weapon, 1/1/4, same art as the WoW TCG card
    (2) Holy Light - Restore 6 Health. Basic quality. Art is the same as Father Gustav WoW TCG card
    Hunter's Focus - same art as the WoW TCG, 4 mana cost, increases attack power (was reworked into Multi-Shot with a new effect)
    Fen Creeper [5/43/6/taunt] common quality
    4/2/4 minion. Basic quality (The card I meant was Dragonling Mechanic)
    4/2/4 minion, same art as the "Tinker Bixy Blue" WoW TCG card. Basic quality
    Ironfur Grizzly - taunt. Basic quality
    Argent Commander
    Frost Elemental
    Hungry Crab

    3. Missing information on known cards that I leaked for the first time and is now confirmed:
    Ogre Magi 4/4/4 Spell Power +1
    Reckless Rocketeer - 6/5/2/Charge
    Grom Hellscream - art is the same as the cover of "Rise of the Horde" novel
    Arcane Shot - art is the same as the Chimera Shot WoW TCG Card
    Explosive Shot - same art as the WoW TCG card
    Snipe - art is the same as the Delinar Silvershot WoW TCG Card
    Scavenging Hyena - same art as WoW TCG card "Banzai"
    Houndmaster - same art as the WoW TCG card "Leader of the Pack"
    Timber Wolf - same art as WoW TCG card "Fang"
    Kung Mukla - Art is the same as in the WoW TCG
    Flare - same art as the WoW TCG card
    Gladiator's Longbow - same art as the WoW TCG card "Merciless Gladiator's Crossbow of the Phoenix"

    II. POST-RELEASE INFORMATION (~Expansions & Major patches)

    1. I think World of Warcraft won't get a Demon Hunter class soon - if there were such plans for an upcoming Burning Legion focused expansion, Metzen wouldn't let Illidan be a normal card and would save him as a Hero. Well, that if some cards aren't also included as heroes at some point.

    2.The team is currently making discussions about which Warcraft characters to be saved for future Heroes (class representatives) - for example Velen is currently a normal card instead of a hero, and Anduin is the Priest Hero. The most likely plan for now, is making at some point possible that some characters could be used in both card versions and as a Hero. This means upcoming legendary Thrall minion for shamans, legendary Anduin for priest, Garrosh minion, Jaina minion, etc. At the same time, making Edwin VanCleef hero, Velen hero, Grom Hellscream hero, etc. The hero and minion versions will likely be two different things though, not both-in-one as Jaraxxus.

    3. Update on the above:
    The team decided to put them lower in the priority list. The decision was made because of the complexity that comes from such a feature. Do you make all Warcraft characters exclusive to either a hero or minion? If there is Antonidas minion and mage hero, would they be 2-in-1? If this is the case, wouldn't such minion cards become too popular because of the given benefits that obtaining them would unlock you an additional hero? If they are separate beings, how could a Thrall hero summon the Thrall minion? Should they be mutually exclusive, meaning you can't have their effects as part of the same strategy? If there is such a restriction and you use a different Shaman hero, then how could you summon the Thrall minion if your opponent himself is using the Thrall hero??? Is there less confusion if the Thrall minion is the pre-Cataclysm version of him? How much realism do you compromise for the gameplay?
    As you see, a lot of questions. They can be decided upon, but the devs need to first see what the community really wants as a priority once the game is released. Especially in the current rapid development progress, the team doesn't have the time to sit down to discuss all of this now. In the end, maybe the best choice would be to implement all the heroes as $5 "skins" that just change the picture and voice, without different hero powers. It is simple enough for a casual title, and selling visuals in F2P games is known to be profitable. And there are a lot of picky people that don't want their class hero to be alliance / horde / male / female / blood elf / human / Garrosh.

    4. There is an obvious reason there isn't currently a Lich King card........ The team is 100% making LK/Arthas the future DK Hero. One could say he is much more powerful than all the other Heroes to be placed alongside them, but Chris is determined to use him to hype the future DK class. Also if LK was just another powerful legendary card, the team would not be able to make a Frostmourne weapon card for him. And popular stuff like this sells the game too much to stay as a missed opportunity. They also better make that legendary Ashbringer at some point - for a Tirion hero, just as there is currently a Doomhammer for Thrall. (Update: Oh, thanks for giving Tirion his Ashbringer just as I said... )

    5. The team has plans for "new" attributes - they are not completely new, it's minions that can include one of the statuses you can currently give to a minion. For example this card, useful for Warrior decks: Wounded Defender - 3/4/2 Damaged. (Update: Injured Blademaster and Imp Master are very similar to what I gave you as example, and somewhat serve as testing cards for this. Of course, a specific Damaged attribute is not needed if the card's effect just includes dealing damage to itself, but later this could change. For the start of such a game, a lot of effects start as a gimmick of a specific card, but can be added later as a baseline attribute, included in many new cards. Also, if such effects become baseline, they take much less card text space, allowing for another effect to be included in addition to this one.)

    6. While talking about Deathwing, I mentioned there are no plans for other minions with such high stats, except if something like Ritual summon is implemented. A mechanic called Ritual / Sacrifice / whatever works the way I described: The minion has these high stats, but can't be played unless you destroy friendly minions for a total of X attack or more, X health or more, also maybe a combination of the two. Now I'm adding onto this - Void Terror is actually the testing card for this mechanic, and adding a new major effect in the game similar to his special one is considered and will be decided based on the use of Void Terror.


    1. The number of cards is not 300, they are currently more than 350.
    Update: At this time, the current number of polished collectible cards is 385-400 (there are a lot more cards, including DK ones, but this number includes only the really polished, as in perfectly balanced and ready for release even now).

    2. Nozdormu's effect is a good example of something that looks pretty straightforward at first glance, but in reality is more complicated. The idea of the effect is to give the players little time to think. But if you activate cards as shown in the presented gameplay video materials, the card's effect could become a disastrous frustration. What danger could there be in a 15 second timer? Animations. If you have to wait for an animation to end before other interactions, turns could end before you even finish attacking with your current minions, because some effect animations are over 5 seconds. Good luck summoning Jaraxxus - he alone would eat half your time along with the warlock. The obvious solution is making the timer active only outside animations, but it doesn't fix the problem - with so much animations in a turn, and a lot of them being slow, you'd have more time to think during animations (15+ sec) than outside them (15 sec) and it ruins the card's idea. To prevent this, you have to count animations in the 15 seconds, but be able to "chain" your actions during them - this is currently how interactions are handled in the game.
    (Update: Someone in the comments mentioned speeding up animations - this is also an option, but something like this would never be implemented in Hearthstone. Speeding the animations 5 times looks unrealistic and breaks the atmosphere / ideology of the game. Other games may use speeding up turns, but HS would lose its flavor from something like this.)

    3. To address the confusion about using cards for another class (by Thoughtsteal/Mind Vision/Lorewalker Cho or other) - the way the game is designed, the restrictions on spells of a different class are that you simply don't have have the option to manually put them in your deck. You can still use them if you get one in a duel with cards that do so.

    4. The "Finding Opponent" has a very small chance to actually land on the hilarious options. (Update: I really hope this will stay in the game and is not just an internal joke that would be removed from the public versions of Hearthstone.)

    5. Here's an interesting situation that is actually possible in a match. Consider these perfect card draws:
    Enemy starts first with 1 mana. (You are second)
    Your 1st turn, you have 1 mana and 5 cards in hand. Innervate - now you have 3 mana. Innervate - 5 mana. Nourish - down to 2 mana. Wild Growth - 0 mana. End turn.
    Enemy turn, he has 2 mana now. probably deals 2-3 damage to you this turn.... nothing scary.
    Your 2nd turn, you gain 1 mana by rule and have 2 from the nourish and 1 from the WG. 1+1+2+1=5 mana. You draw a card and now have two in your hand. Activate them - Nourish - 2 mana now, Wild Growth - 0 mana. End turn.
    Enemy turn, now he has 3 mana. Probably deals another 3-4 direct damage to you.... as if anybody cares.
    Your 3rd turn, you gain 1 mana naturally, 2 from Nourish, 1 from WG, 1 from The Coin - 5+1+2+1+1=10 mana! You draw a card..... HELLO THERE, DEATHWING! :cool:
    Other big minions work too, like Illidan, Alexstrasza, Nozdormu, Onyxia. Even if the enemy does something to your minion on his next turn (he will have 4 mana), you already have 10 mana every turn....

    Being serious now, of course these exact card draws would rarely happen (even though you have control of your first hand). This was just to show the most extreme version of sacrificing all hand, board and hero life to reach 10 mana on your third turn for the card you are about to draw. The same strategy (but less extreme) is still very good in normal games, just mulligan your first hand to get as most WG's, Innervates and Nourishes as you can. Throw some cheap taunt minions like Shieldbearer, or you can just use a Healing Touch to negate that early damage. Most importantly, make sure to have those late minions for mid game that will win you the duel. As far as lategame goes, while Priest is probably the safest lategame hero, the team's goal is making Druid the fastest lategame-reaching hero.
    (Update: Even though the above what-if scenario is still a cool little thing, it's outdated by even more ridiculous hypothetical situations that use the new effect of Millhouse Manastorm)


    1. Charge effects were used on more cards in the beginning, but were proven too powerful with certain stat distributions - a [3/3/1 charge] minion currently exists that is really a bigger annoyance than a 3 spell for 3 damage, because that minion stays alive and requires the enemy to react to it, instead of just doing whatever he wants - it is always best if you can force the enemy to catch up with your actions, instead of playing by his rules. So, the enemy either sacrifices a spell/hero power and some of his mana to deal that 1 damage, sacrifices 3 health on a monster (because your minion will attack back when attacked), or doesn't react and the next turn the Wolfrider deals his 3 damage AGAIN. Thus charge was proven too powerful for possible epic cards like [3/5/1 charge] or anything like that.
    2. Early on, damaging spells were worse (they were eventually buffed to their current state), as a minion for the same mana was more useful. That's why now spells need more damage than mana cost, bonuses like Effect on spell cast/Spell Power are keeping them up with minions, and Mage minions give and get further bonuses to spells. Even now, Shadow Bolt is arguable instead of Wolfrider (especially when comboed with Power Overwhelming).

    3. Let's talk about the Fireside duel. This game was totally staged to happen the way it did. The main idea was to leave the warlock at as low health as possible, and then turn the tables with Jaraxxus. Such clutch plays are very exciting for the viewers, and it was planned from the start to show this in the duel to hook as many people to the game as possible. While it's logical to advertise any product with the best it is capable of being like, this here was ridiculous - in reality the druid could win easily, but was not playing serious at all, because the warlock had to be the star of the video. (UPDATE: After seeing the strength of a Druid, do you now see what I meant? :) ). If the druid actually wanted to win, he wouldn't focus so much damage at Warlock's health only to leave him with 1 left. He also had very good cards in his hand that he didn't use at all to not counter the warlock too much. Just look at it, at some point he constantly had 7 cards in hand and didn't make much play with them. But that's why the team decided to use a druid against the warlock, druid has a lot of spells that make him draw cards. With a lot of cards in hand, the options you have allow the game to be much more easily controlled in the wanted direction. The idea of having as much draw as possible was why the druid had a Gadgetzan Auctioneer in his deck along with Nourish, Wrath and Ancient of Lore. And the intention to play Jaraxxus was why the warlock didn't activate one of his minions that discard a random card from your hand until later when Jaraxxus was already used.

    4. There is a good reason you don't get free card packs early on when you start playing the game for the first time. Even though there is no trading, if you could get a free pack in the first 5 minutes of the game, this would lead to Chinese farmers and botting programs constantly creating new accounts and opening packs for the chances of legendaries/gold cards. Accounts would then be sold to competitive players or collectors. A fresh new account that had the extreme luck of finding 2 gold cards in its first card pack would often be sold to collectors who want such good start to building their full collections - a lot of them would pay the price to get this early big boost, instead of relying on RNG or disenchanting so much cards.

    5. Some time ago all of you thought Shamans could summon three different totems - Stoneclaw, Healing and Searing totem. Maybe some of you remember that when I told you about the spellpower shaman totem (and then the second time when I mentioned it) I referred to it as "The third shaman totem" instead of "Searing Totem". Well, that was.... because it wasn't Searing Totem, duh. You may recall that I initially gave you a different version of the Earth Elemental, which was in fact summoning that totem. The idea was later scrapped and those two totems were put again on a test phase before solidifying them as a part of the Shaman's hero power arsenal (even though Searing Totem was made just a bland copy of the Paladin hero power). There is actually a proof of the totem differences in the earlier stages of the game - look at the Mage vs Shaman duel again, now that you know the totems are four. The shaman uses his hero power 6 times, and all 6 times he gets either a Healing Totem, or a Stoneclaw Totem. This is not some mad luck, the other two totems just didn't exist in the game at that time!


    1. Deathwing's latest version is the one with 8/8 stats, the 12/12 is too gamechanging and is an older version.
    (The above is obsolete because Deathwing was reverted to his previous state, so now he's again a 12/12.)

    2. Arcane Intellect is a bad card, as 3 mana for 2 draws is not a good deal. You'd be better by adding another strong card in the place of Arcane Intellect.
    (The above is obsolete because it was true in the earlier stages of Hearthstone, where a single game lasted 7-8 turns (and back then, terms like "lategame" didn't mean the same as now). Later in development, games became longer and draw power cards like this one are now much more useful in the later turns. )

    3. Additional generic cards are being made to combat the repetitive feeling of getting a single crap card from packs again and again. The idea is that getting three different useless cards will feel better than getting the same bad card three times.
    (The above is obsolete because there was a change in direction. Early on boosters had a higher chance of giving you a common card. This was good for slowing the pace at which you build your collection, but eventually discourages buying packs with money as a purchase is not beneficial enough. That's why no additional common cards were made and there is even a rule now that every opened pack contains at least one epic/legendary card - to encourage buying them. The slow in progress was achieved by other methods - you obtain your free basic cards slower than before, and crafting was also made less effective.

    4. I mentioned attempts for a Warrior Murloc deck, but back then murloc decks were weaker, and the Warrior spell "Charge" worked on all your minions instead of a single one.

    FINAL WORDS: I'd say HearthPwn suddenly showing all the other cards was a bad thing. I gave you information about only the boring cards as I wanted the community to see the whole card list bit by bit and didn't want to screw up Blizzard by leaking a really cool card. Some of the cards especially would have been much more awesome for you if they were first seen in a Fireside Duel instead of a datamined gallery. But times change and I'm no longer needed. I could have still answered some questions about game mechanics, but Phenteo / Zeriyah are doing a good job on that, and of course people can fully trust what they say unlike me (even though I tried to build trust in myself as much as I can, maybe indeed looking too desperate in the process). But hey, a time when I would be useful can come again... See you at the Hearthstone Board!
    Last edited by mmocae01d9593d; 2013-07-07 at 03:28 AM.

  2. #2
    I just got %200 more excited fur dis game ^o^

  3. #3
    how did you come by all this information : O ?

  4. #4
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    With no way to confirm this, and the fact that you are an unknown person on this forum, with no further explanations about how you got this information, I have no choice but to close it. The chances are much too likely that this is all just shrewd guesses by someone who knows card games and is trying to get people to believe things. This is not the first, nor the last "leak" we have seen on this forum, so excuse me if I'm sceptical.

    Speculation threads like this, without confirmation of proof, will get closed.

  5. #5
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Allright after talking to other mods we've decided to re-open this thread. Feel free to discuss the information in it.

  6. #6
    I could take you seriously about everything up until [18]

    Then you came off as someone who had just theory crafted a lot and made some ideas about the game and went through a ridiculous game strategy. Especially when you said that the druid would have 2 mana crystals in his first turn which is a common mistake made by many players that has actually in fact not played the game yet, but just watched the first video where you most likely got that idea from. It looks like the druid have 2 crystals on his first turn, hint* he passed his first turn really quickly and the warlock went second, which leads me to believe you haven't played the game at all.

    +2 points for effort tho.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by sisk View Post
    I could take you seriously about everything up until [18]

    Then you came off as someone who had just theory crafted a lot and made some ideas about the game and went through a ridiculous game strategy. Especially when you said that the druid would have 2 mana crystals in his first turn which is a common mistake made by many players that has actually in fact not played the game yet, but just watched the first video where you most likely got that idea from. It looks like the druid have 2 crystals on his first turn, hint* he passed his first turn really quickly and the warlock went second, which leads me to believe you haven't played the game at all.

    +2 points for effort tho.
    So [20] did nothing for you?

  8. #8
    Thanks for opening the thread again. My mistake for creating the second thread and not contacting you first - I thought a new thread that presents the content under "new rules" would do the job. I will quote those now because they still apply here:
    with the clarification that everyone is free to interpret it differently and personally decide if it is fake or legit. In the end, it just helps the whole community if people are aware of this information and the possibility that it could be real.
    Just don't be surprised you guys if you see more and more of it being true...

    I will also copy the second part of it, because I feel people have to see it while making their minds up:
    My expectations were to leave this somewhere open for discussion until some time later it is proven to be true. I posted the leaked Mage and Shaman card information at the end of the post specifically to legitimate myself. And guess what happens mere hours later? Blizzard presents a Mage vs Shaman duel, with two of the cards I revealed being exactly the same (Mirror Image and Sorcerer's Apprentice) and three other new cards I mentioned also being there (Argent Commander, Windspeaker, Water Elemental).
    I won't stop you people if you think it's all coincidence. But yeah, all those cards were not even heard of before.

    To the guy above - I had just finished the above and was ready to post it, but will now answer your concerns too.
    Quote Originally Posted by sisk View Post
    Possible. Still won't explain the card leaks. My explanation on this - the Blizzard sources told to me the strategy the right way, but as I was spicing things up I screwed up those mana pools. The strategy is legit, a really powerful minion is possible by the third turn with those cards played in that order, only thing is the Druid leaves those turns with 0 mana left rather than 1. I just got the story wrong, you try typing all of this without making up any mistakes.
    Last edited by mmocae01d9593d; 2013-07-07 at 03:34 AM. Reason: Offtopic parts of the post removed

  9. #9
    Not gonna lie, all I'm interested in atm is finding out when Beta is available.

  10. #10
    this summer june/july is my guess

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by yTie4D View Post
    The way such leaks have to get out is not so simple - you have to make sure you don't get found by Blizzard somehow - an employee would not post such information from his PC at home just to be IP tracked, fired and sued 5 minutes later. Doing it through a buddy in the same area is also not a good idea. Even somewhere else in the same country is dangerous. So you best give the information to someone at the other side of the world to tell it, someone you really trust and you are confident he can't get linked to you. Also, a Blizzard employee is busy enough to write all that by himself - you have no choice but to tell someone the rough information and let him shape it in a more presentable way. Then maybe the employee will skim what you wrote before you post it, but nothing else. Also, if a Blizzard guy wrote the text himself, he could still get recognized by his choice of words and the unique way of speaking. The pool of words used, the repetition of some words - everything that describes your style to present information, Blizzard could make the effort to track it down to a single employee on such a small team.
    How long do you think before Blizzard sends a guy in a duster to 'take care' of you?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Zookini View Post
    So [20] did nothing for you?
    No not really to be honest.

    I could probably tell you that the paladin hero will have spells called "Hammer of the Righteous" and "Divine Storm" that deal AoE dmg to the opponents team. And a direct dmg spell 2 mana 3 dmg called "Exorcism".

    A large minion called "Guardian of Ancient Kings" 8 mana taunt, divine shield and there have been talk that it will have +1 health to all your minions, Just don't ask me about the stats it change too much. (totally made up btw)

    He got some of the cards correct that was released a couple of hours later, he could have seen it at Pax or heard one of the people talk about there or maybe he really does has a friend that have been testing the game (not only the developers have been testing this game out, everyone at the blizz office have probably been playing some parts of this game without necessarily being part of the development team) so at best he told you something that you would learn shortly after, what good is that?

    Besides that everything else he talked about is stuff that you would easily be able to conclude by having play tested with your friends and by using a little common sense, i didn't really feel like any big revelations about the game was presented to me, but rather just heard someone exited about the game that wanted to be acknowledged as someone important.

    Lets just say that his new post doesn't make me any less suspicious ok

  13. #13
    The only part of this post that actually makes sense to me is the Noz portion. If those 15 seconds include animations then it may cause some issues. Personally, I'd like to see them turn this into a 'sudden death' type mode where animations suddenly move at 500% speed increase. Boom Boom Boom, end turn.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by sisk View Post
    I got the cards from PAX? Sounds like a plan! So... you tell me that for three weeks, everyone rushed to make wikis, card lists, databases and whatnot, but they missed so much cards that were all available at PAX, even though thousands of people had access (one way or another) to them? For whole three weeks, no one had a clue about such cards existing, and suddenly they pop out a couple hours before the duel video with the proof of legitimacy? If I had the card info from PAX, why would I wait so long to post them? Do you believe that the leak happened hours before the duel just because of pure luck? Yeah, and the leaked cards starting exactly with Sorcerer's Apprentice and Mirror Image was probably also just luck. This possible explanation you give doesn't sound logical at all and I hope you (or other people) didn't see it as the most realistic one. Now, the version about having inside information of the cards/video, but making up the other information - this logic holds more ground. It sounds more plausible, but I don't care if everyone believes me - I'm also fine with people thinking that SOME of the information is true. In the end, such leak could never be 100% correct when a major part of it is future plans or statistics that change every day in the development process. My idea was to give you a slight clue at what is about to come in general. You should expect that EVERYTHING can change at some point, especially in such an early phase. You know, the company has even canceled whole games that were already announced.

    About the cards you made up, I see where you are coming from. Of course a lot of spells from WoW will get their HS version, so from a reader's perspective, it doesn't sound like a leak if I mention such spell cards only by name. From my perspective, the Blizzard source gave me the information of several cards in details and made sure some of them are from the Mage/Shaman decks in their Fireside duel to have a quick proof of the whole leak. I suggested he also mention by name all other cards that come to his mind, because even without the specifics it's better to leak them by whatever he remembers about them. Later when writing the whole post, I had too look at the databases to see which cards he mentioned were already known to exclude them. The result was that some cards got exact information leaked, some were briefly mentioned, some were removed for being known, and some of them.... I saved for later.

    About a sentence I used and later you mocked - "Just don't ask me about their stats, they change too much." - when I said it I wasn't joking. If I was making up these, why wouldn't I just make up the stats too and just mention they are not final? I didn't give any stats intentionally, because these cards were too early in development for the Blizzard employee to mention more about them than their initial design. This is also why you didn't see any of those four in the Shaman duel, they were far from ready to represent the game. I think you underestimate the development process too much, at the end of the leak I made a comparison that was spot on - sometimes the customer can't possibly imagine how much mess happened in the kitchen for his meal to be cooked. Hell, I don't think any of you have an idea how much card designs are scrapped on completely for one reason or another.

    Once again, apologizes for some of the mistakes in the first leak. They all came from my attempts to explain general information in more details. The Blizzard source gave me raw info and I had to make examples about some of the ideas to make it clearer for you. Otherwise there would be a risk of a bigger confusion. Some people reading it could say "I don't understand this part, someone explain it to me please" and the other people that want to help would try giving their own examples, even though they are not sure that they got it right either.

    Now, about the PAX event. This sentence I told you in the beginning:
    So... you tell me that for three weeks, everyone rushed to make wikis, card lists, databases and whatnot, but they missed so much cards that were all available at PAX, even though thousands of people had access (one way or another) to them?
    ridiculously as it sounds, was actually true! There were more than 20 cards from the PAX booth decks you don't currently know, because there isn't a single person from there to give these to the community. I intentionally hinted you about cards like the Ironfur Grizzly to see if someone will remember seeing it there, but no one responded to the leak with something like: "Yeah, I was at PAX, I remember this and that from one of the duels." I even gave you a specific piece of obviously incorrect info to see if someone will pick it on - I expected someone from PAX to correct me that Ogre Magi actually is 4/4/2 Spell Power +2, something like that (included in Warlock deck), but no one took the easy chance to correct it. If by not the exact stats, at least by mentioning that the Ogre MAGI gives Spell Power. In the end it looks I overestimated the response from certain people to the leak, and seems like no one from PAX remembers the cards from the Paladin deck for example, to give you some insight about cards you are missing. The community can still try to contact some attendees and ask them questions like "Hey, do you remember a cheap taunt bear minion in the hunter decks?"

    Enough new cards for now, you will be shown other new cards in the next Hearthstone video anyway. All of the cards I leaked now were included in the booth decks. I'll leave it up to you to decide if I got all of these by seeing them at PAX (as the skeptics say) or just by having inside information about which cards were included in those demonstrational decks. If I counted correctly, as of now I have leaked information about 26 new cards, and have given missing details about 7 already known ones. There are not much left, so I expect you'll have a full list of them soon.

    All of this took a while to write down, I hope I didn't miss anything or made mistakes. Enjoy the information and discuss. Job's done!
    Last edited by mmocae01d9593d; 2013-07-07 at 03:40 AM. Reason: The newer leaks were added to the first post

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by yTie4D View Post
    Answers to common questions/confusions I see:
    -Deathwing's 12/12 version is an older, outdated one.
    Actually 12/12 is the latest/current version:

    Hearthston Updates everyday! Featuring the latest articles, news and strategies! Twitter @hearth_players

  16. #16
    Pandaren Monk Solzan Nemesis's Avatar
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    I wonder if they add monk, if the hero will be Chen Stormstout.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by justjimmy View Post
    Actually 12/12 is the latest/current version
    Seems like you didn't read my whole post. I'm aware of the change and I already commented on that in the section about updates to my first leaks. Really guys, read better - I even expect people catching out some of the specific words I use to hint you about something, but looks like that's not the case. I still hope there are guys who not only read comprehensively, but can read between the lines, or figuratively, or even backwards.

    To make a quick update in regards to the newest Fireside duel - you got the chance to see my information about Light's Justice and King Mukla being correct, and it was a pretty fast confirmation. That's right, ONCE AGAIN, several hours after my leak you get a new Fireside duel with cards from my latest leak being confirmed in it. See the trend here? I feel like I'm pointing out the obvious, but maybe someone has to.

    The "Light's Justice" I gave was totally spot on. In the case of "Holy Light".... you didn't get the chance to see it now, as the Paladin won pretty fast using those aggressive cards, and you didn't get his point of view to constantly see his hand. You'll still get the chance to see it later though, or someone who had seen it at PAX can confirm it too. King Mukla - notice how I didn't include which booth deck it was included in. That's because I don't know about it being there at all, but for some reason had to mention it in the leaks..... Maybe randomly, maybe seeing in the future........ or just knowing the Warrior will have it in the duel.

    Also, why does the community think of Leeroy Jenkins as a new card shown? For some reason the databases didn't have him listed, even though he was shown already as the team included him in the press kit. These kits don't contain incorrect info, guys (well, once again - except the changed Deathwing).
    Last edited by mmocae01d9593d; 2013-07-07 at 03:42 AM.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by yTie4D
    Seems like you didn't read my whole post. I'm aware of the change and I already commented on that in the section about updates to my first leaks. Really guys, read better - I even expect people catching out some of the specific words I use to hint you about something, but looks like that's not the case. I still hope there are guys who not only read comprehensively, but can read between the lines, or figuratively, or even backwards.
    I'm sorry man, but there's just no way to take this thread seriously at this point. You seem more interested in flexing your "look at me, I've got the inside scoop" muscles and bashing other forum posters than actually providing a meaningful venue for discussion about Hearthstone. Your posts are oozing with condescension and you attack anyone that questions you, your "source", or your information.

    Try posting without the "see, told ya so!" filling up 50% of the content in your posts, and you'll probably find a significantly more receptive audience.

  19. #19
    Another well researched troll?
    Do we seriously need one of these for every game announced?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by yTie4D View Post
    -I made a mistake with the mana gains and on top of that people got confused because I didn't explain the general idea very well, so I'll make it better now. I presented a situation where the Druid can use his first 7 cards to summon a dragon aspect on his third turn.
    Your game understanding is still waaay off. The best a druid can manage to have during his 3'rd turn is 8 mana with only 4 of them being mana crystals. Or he can have 7 mana with all 7 being mana crystals. There is no way you can have the 9 mana for a dragon aspect in turn 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by yTie4D View Post
    ridiculously as it sounds, was actually true! There were more than 20 cards from the PAX booth decks you don't currently know, because there isn't a single person from there to give these to the community. I intentionally hinted you about cards like the Ironfur Grizzly to see if someone will remember seeing it there, but no one responded to the leak with something like: "Yeah, I was at PAX, I remember this and that from one of the duels." I even gave you a specific piece of obviously incorrect info to see if someone will pick it on - I expected someone from PAX to correct me that Ogre Magi actually is 4/4/2 Spell Power +2, something like that (included in Warlock deck), but no one took the easy chance to correct it. If by not the exact stats, at least by mentioning that the Ogre MAGI gives Spell Power. In the end it looks I overestimated the response from certain people to the leak.
    Seriously here you just sound like the mass murderer from the movie "the Bone Collector" where he leaves out small clues for the police to follow. No one is following your clues because you are giving us very non-sensational non-confirmed news that might or might not change before they are released to the public. You won't find any Hearthstone database that wants to include the cards you mentioned, even tho they might turn out to be correct, simply because without the word of a blizzard employe or an actual image of the card these kinds of spoilers are next to useless. You will find that there is far to much basis for discussion and theory with the cards that are actually released at this point, to be putting energy into speculations of un-confirmed cards.
    Last edited by mmoc90319c550b; 2013-04-26 at 01:55 PM.

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