Thread: Raid Comp/Roles

  1. #1

    Raid Comp/Roles

    I'm looking for a quick and easy macro/addon that'll display how many of each role is in the current raid. I have the blizz raid frames disabled, and I don't have an easy way of getting this info.

    Something with output like:

    Tank: 2 | Healer: 4 | DPS: 10 | No Role: 9

  2. #2
    This should do what you're looking for, just put it into a macro:

    /run local t,r={} for i=1,GetNumGroupMembers() do r=UnitGroupRolesAssigned("raid"..i) t[r]=t[r] or 0 t[r]=t[r]+1 end print(string.format("Tank: %d | Healer: %d | DPS: %d | No Role: %d",t["TANK"] or 0,t["HEALER"] or 0,t["DAMAGER"] or 0,t["NONE"] or 0))
    I will say it was exceptionally difficult to fit that in a macro

    Druid / Demon Hunter SimulationCraft Maintainer

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by aggixx View Post
    I will say it was exceptionally difficult to fit that in a macro
    Shorter version:
    /run local t,r={}for i=1,GetNumGroupMembers()do r=UnitGroupRolesAssigned("raid"..i)t[r]=(t[r]or 0)+1 end print(("Tank: %d | Healer: %d | DPS: %d | No Role: %d"):format(t.TANK or 0,t.HEALER or 0,t.DAMAGER or 0,t.NONE or 0))

  4. #4
    Was hoping someone would come in and show me some things I missed to make it shorter, thanks Treeston

    Druid / Demon Hunter SimulationCraft Maintainer

  5. #5
    Awesome - I appreciate the effort!

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