Thread: Any tips?

  1. #1

    Any tips?

    Hey there MMO-Champion. Since I'm a poor hobo, and not able to keep my WoW subscription active anymore, I've started playing league. It's been about 6 months since I started, and currently I'm Bronze 1 after 17 matches. I feel like I'm not progressing as fast as I could be, and I'd love some critique on my game play. So if anyone has any tips, I'd appreciate it. Just message me on here and I can link you to some videos I've recorded to have some footage to get tips on.

    PS: In no way am I trying to do this to get views on my videos. I'm just looking for advice.
    Check out my youtube channel!!! Gaming videos GALORE!!! :

  2. #2
    Wish I was in Bronze 1 .
    I used to be silver but I haven't been able to play alot of ranked :S.
    If you want to progress fast, get a ranked partner.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aydinx2
    People who don't buy the deluxe edition should be permanently banned. I'm sick of playing with poor people.

  3. #3
    Get a good duelist with an escape mechanism, farm and split-push all the way. That's the way games are won at low elo. There's no reason to join your teams, they are most likely completely clueless. In low level solo q there's literally no way for the enemy team to react correctly to backdooring.

    As for champions - Jax, Nidalee, Singed, Nasus (assuming you know how to play him and won't get destroyed early), Tryn, Zed are the best split-pushers in game.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Airlick View Post
    Get a good duelist with an escape mechanism, farm and split-push all the way. That's the way games are won at low elo. There's no reason to join your teams, they are most likely completely clueless. In low level solo q there's literally no way for the enemy team to react correctly to backdooring.

    As for champions - Jax, Nidalee, Singed, Nasus (assuming you know how to play him and won't get destroyed early), Tryn, Zed are the best split-pushers in game.
    How about Wukong? He's got a good escape mechanism, fast wave clear, and his Q works on towers. I main Wukong and play him jungle a lot.
    Check out my youtube channel!!! Gaming videos GALORE!!! :

  5. #5
    I'm only silver 3 (was placed in bronze 2 after placement) but I like watching videos so if you've uploaded any send me the link and I'll see if there's anything I can think of, although I only started playing around 6 months ago too

    Not a gameplay tip as such but something to consider... As you probably know, at low divisions ranked can be a bit of a lottery, because there are a lot of trolls, afk'ers and toxic people and life gets a lot harder when you end up being 4v5. When i solo queue, if someone else in my team does okay and isn't toxic, i tend to add them to friends (some accept, the majority don't), and then msg them and ask if they want to duo queue. The added communication + eliminating that 1 person from the random afk factor has helped me a lot.

    Sometimes I think that I will always be a mediocre (probably less :P) league player mechanically, but I do have good communication skills and I think I can be pretty positive. Sometimes just being the positive person can go a long way, even though some people will scoff at that. I've seen really strong teams fall apart because of people fighting over essentially absolutely nothing and I've seen people do so much better just because they get a confidence boost from their laning partner. One ADC I played with and added to friends after a good game said to me that it made a massive difference to him to have someone cheerful and friendly on the team.

    When I'm queuing on my own even if say, a jungler comes in and fails to gank resulting in a kill, I'll try and find the positive aspect and say on chat, thanks, we burned his summoner spell, or thanks, eased the pressure a bit for me or even if it totally fails I'll just saw "aw, nevermind, was a good try". Maybe people will think I'm really silly but I think is actually makes a difference to the feel of the game if people are trying to take the positive and not focusing on the negative.

  6. #6
    I just finally finished my promotion series into gold5 (woohoo) from bronze 1 where I got placed at the start of S3

    It took me 101 games to get here, but no matter what advice anyone gives you- I've found it easiest to do this: pick 1 or 2 champions for 3 roles (for instance I took Morde mid, Cho top, Thresh/Leona/Sona support, Panth jungle)

    I played those characters in regular games A LOT- I'm talking 20+ games as each everywhere. Then I took them to ranked and filled whatever spot I could without getting other people to rage. People are going to say "mid carries easiest"- whatever, you can carry as support just as easily by placing wards and having great ult placement/intiation/pings- people are especially receptive when you say I'll support because no one usually wants to and it puts everyone in a good mood

    Yeah you are going to get those real shitty kids who demand mid as last pick and even when you take support, someone else takes mid and they rage and feed- you are just going to have to deal. I really started to go on hot streaks when I was quiet, didn't say shit to the ragers and just focused on being awesome in lane. Buy wards- no MATTER WHETHER YOU ARE SUPPORT OR NOT I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH

    Basically from bronze to S1 its almost impossible to get your team to group, so having wards and playing characters like panth, TF, morde etc (global ults or good 1v1 toons) and catching the dumbass out wins games. Good luck man I hope that helped.

  7. #7
    Best tips I got myself and I would give to other is just to /mute all when you join a game.
    It lets you focus on your own gameplay instead of looking at whine in the chat. You can still see pings ingame.

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