1. #1

    [Solved] Help requested... Weird sound.


    I've got a stupid problem: At random times, there seems to be no pattern, a loud sound like some kind of typewriter comes up, which seems to be caused by some kind of addon. I can't reproduce this and my only hint is that when I am in the tonk steam tank at the darkmoon faire, it happens more regularly. It's the sound of an old mechanical typerwriter machine when you hit a button or enter a new line. Its very irritating as I'm used to play with sound.
    This problem appeared somewhere during 4.2.

    Any help or hint which addon could cause this, so I can disable it, would be most appreciated!

    Here's a list of my current addons:


  2. #2
    Maybe an addon that notifies you when you get a debuff. The steam tonk gets debuffed quite often...
    I don't know which addon can be responsible for that though... i hope i still could help you!

  3. #3
    You can try this:
    local t={}
    hooksecurefunc("PlaySoundFile",function(...) tinsert(t,{debugstack(),"PlaySoundFile",...}) end)
    SlashCmdList["SOUNDDEBUG"] = function(n)
        n = tonumber(n)
        if n and (t[n]) then
            for n=1,#t do
    SLASH_SOUNDDEBUG1 = "/sounddebug"
    How to use. Untested.
    Leave it running in the background until the sound next occurs, do a /sounddebug to get the list of sounds played by addons this session, then use /sounddebug <num> to find the debug stack for it (which should contain the addon's folder).

  4. #4
    Very nice!

    This helped and it seems it's resolved. Using /sounddebug showed me: [22:58:38] #1 PlaySoundFile Sound\Interface\AlarmClockWarning3.wav
    I looked into my alarm clock settings ingame, and there really was this sound... quickly disabled it!

    Thanks a lot!

  5. #5
    For reference, if a generic sound is played, you can then use /sounddebug 1 (or whatever number the entry has) to find out where exactly the PlaySoundFile call came from.

  6. #6

    Ty for your code, it works perfectly

    I would like to make it work so it lists latest wow sounds used as well, how can I do that?
    The reason is i customize wow sounds and instead of looking through the list of sounds, i would like to have the name of the soundfile used by wow printet. For instance i click an npc, the npc says "slow down" and I would like to make /sounddebug print the name of the that sound.

    Is it possible?

  7. #7
    NPC sounds don't go through the UI, so nothing that can be done about that.

  8. #8
    I'm gonna have to bookmark this for future use.

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