Poll: What would you do with Garrosh

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  1. #121
    after theramore he must die

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by slime View Post
    I want him exiled to darkmoon faire island. He is forever imprisoned in a dunk machine and Kids all over Azeroth get to throw balls to dunk the once great leader of the horde into water.
    I wasn't sure till I saw this post. This. 100 times this. Best possible outcome.

    "There is a thin, semantic line separating weird and beautiful. And that line is covered in jellyfish." - Welcome to Night Vale.

  3. #123
    Stood in the Fire Darkfie1d's Avatar
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    "All life must end!"

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  4. #124
    redemption, so long as it is Saurfang that does it. Or killed by Saurfang.

    Kinda getting sick of Thrall showing up all the time now.
    My name is Cernunnos, I will love you like no other, I have died a thousand deaths, each time I died I thought of you.

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Luccas View Post
    I'd like to see him running away somehow and staying a warchief of his own horde somewhere with new capital city. Would be a shame to see his ruling style completely gone from game.
    yeah i thought about it, and would love to see Garrosh survived and create his own non playable faction, that would couse mess in Azeroth both in Alliance and the Horde.

  6. #126
    I believe the final cutscene for SOO should be the public execution of Garrosh in Stormwind. It would be interesting to see him breaking down in tears, knowing that he faces his final moments not in glorious battle but at the end of a piece of rope. A disgraceful death of a coward while even his own people mock and spit on him. In those dark and final seconds before his neck snaps, he can admit his wrongdoing if only to himself and realize that his legacy is a life of nothing but failure and regrets. Not that I believe Blizzard has the stones to pull that kind of thing off.

  7. #127
    they could have the alliance cut off his head and place it on the gates of stormwind or something.. who knows lol. just like onyxia and nefarian. but id rather see him die then be imprisoned. either or is fine i guess.

  8. #128
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haven View Post
    Winning, for change.
    Do you honestly believe blizz would have spine to do that ? And hell, that option does not involve thrall !!!!

  9. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    Do you honestly believe blizz would have spine to do that ? And hell, that option does not involve thrall !!!!
    what if Thrall and Garrosh join foces, kills every other racial leader on a spot ans set curse to Stormwind?

  10. #130
    The Unstoppable Force
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    Where Thrall and the Horde needs me to be
    Exiled, the imprisoned and then eventually killed.... Have him run into the WoW version of Bastard Bolton for all I care...

    Amazing sig, done by mighty Lokann

  11. #131
    Death is the price for killing Cairne.

  12. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Totle View Post
    I would want him to see him flee, to escape and wander alone. This would give him time to reflect on what he has done and who he has become.

    I hate garrosh, and want to use his face as a shield, but i think this is good.

    Being said, why is it that Horde characters get redemption, i want Anduin to come along and be all

    "yo i learned magic, and im hella strong, mediv aint got shit on me"

  13. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by enfermera View Post
    Being said, why is it that Horde characters get redemption, i want Anduin to come along and be all

    "yo i learned magic, and im hella strong, mediv aint got shit on me"
    Yes, useless child sudenly getting superpowers, its not like wow lore is already down the shitter.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by enfermera View Post
    "yo i learned magic, and im hella strong, mediv aint got shit on me"
    Anduin strikes me as similar to Frodo .....a complete pansy

    But seriously Anduin has yet to kill anything or as far as I know, even hurt anything
    Last edited by Dreknar20; 2013-05-19 at 11:15 AM.
    We have faced trials and danger, threats to our world and our way of life. And yet, we persevere. We are the Horde. We will not let anything break our spirits!"

  15. #135
    I prefer him getting clenased of the sha infestation halfway throu the raid, and the begging for forgiveness. and trall will forgive him, even thou every1 else wants him dead. The sha of (was it pride? or arrogance? cant remember) will appear form the shadows and rip garrosh heart outfrom his chest. Then do some gloating then flee down into ragefirechasm.

    The remaining part of the instance will be us following the sha down there and see the horrors that have been done.. orcs, trolls, taurens, goblins malformed by fleshshaping. We will fight our way throu various abominations until we finally corner the sha of pride and deafeat him just be4 he can unelash some latest experiment (an experiment wich wich could then be a hc only boss! i do find those so exciting, so full of mystery).

  16. #136
    Herald of the Titans Northem's Avatar
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    Why everyone hates Garrosh? It is true that at present his actions are more than reprehensible and therefore he should be stopped and receive a just punishment, but we cannot forget that he has been the only one who has led the Horde to its splendor, he has brought together former allies under his command and has more than proved its worth. Garrosh Hellscream is a hero of the Horde! With the amount of progress that he has brought to the Horde ... If the Horde does not appreciate how good Warchief is he, then Garrosh's future must be somewhere else!

    With Garrosh Live, a new threat looms over Azeroth ... a new faction with new interests ... For the love of God! That would give a lot of play in the future! Kill Garrosh is very boring and predictable! Blizzard, Surprise us all! Please!

    The Dark Horde will be proud to have Garrosh as their Warchief, now that Rend Blackhand is officially dead. With the help of the Grimtotem tauren, the Prophet Zul's Zandalari trolls and the entire Dark Horde, Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grom Hellscream, will take the place that belongs in his own right.

    Garrosh for Warchief! Garrosh Hellscream for ever! For the TRUE Horde! For the Dark Horde!

    List of facts about Garrosh and Thrall

    • • Garrosh has been a good leader for the Horde, indeed, has been the Warchief of the Horde long needed. Why do I say this? Because just before his arrival, the Horde-Alliance conflict was practically dead. Garrosh has revived the WAR, when by the end of the day we are in the World of WARcraft.

      Besides, what had done Thrall lately as Warchief? From that he liberated his people and established the Horde capital in a dusty desert, has done virtually nothing: the Horde was stagnant in every way, it is more, ultimately the Warchief of the Horde himself abandoned the Horde to their fate when he had to engage in his shamanic tasks.

      And Garrosh? what has made Garrosh for the Horde? Well to begin his war effort in Northrend was spectacular, which showed the power of the Horde beyond Kalimdor. But above all, when he became Warchief, gave an unprecedented impetus to the Horde itself: the creation of a naval force and a powerful army, reconstruction of Orgrimmar, exploitation of new raw materials, acquisition of new allies, the conquest of new lands and ultimately, an advance of the Horde in every conceivable aspect, not to mention the excellent military and strategist functions of the own Garrosh Hellscream, and the awe and respect that imposes his mere presence. In short, Garrosh is the best Warchief that the Horde could ever have.

    • • Since we met Garrosh in Nagrand we have seen him change drastically, which is logical given his volatility and weak personality. But lately there is something that has turned him even more radicalized. In fact, until not long ago, he condemned the indiscriminate attacks towards innocent people and he hated dealing with demons and the most vicious practices of the Forsaken. However, it is undeniable that the last acts of Garrosh are more irrational, as if he was carried away by their primary feelings, as if he did not mind the honor of battle, in short, is as if he was possessed, as if something had changed inside him and amplify his negative desires.

      Given this Garrosh's progression, it is easy and logical to think that something or someone is taking advantage of the emotional weakness of Garrosh and is using him to create conflict, even inside the Horde itself. So it stands to reason that a foreign agent (Old God, demon, Sha) may be behind the radicalization of the Warchief, in fact that would be the most likely...

      Assuming that the recent acts of Garrosh are due to an external agent that is influencing him, his redemption is possible, and for this, it would be enough with eliminate the source of his corruption, so that Garrosh himself realizes the mistakes he has made. I personally hope that Garrosh does not end being foully murdered, but he is forgiven for his sins, even if it means some sort of punishment or degradation, but never kill him.

    • • Garrosh Hellscream is a major hero of the Warcraft story, especially for the Horde. He is the son of the liberator of the orc race from the bondage of the Burning Legion, Grom Hellscream, and is a character full of nuances and connotations. It is too important to die in a raid. His future will certainly great things holds for, it would be a real shame to lose a character like Garrosh as well as thus. It is a character that can give much play in future events, whether redeemed or as if he is relegated to being a villain.

      Maybe Garrosh might redeem himself, however, it is clear that Garrosh has to stop being the Warchief, perhaps his future is not in the Horde, since the Horde may be too "soft" to have a leader like Garrosh. His future may be more like being a leader of a revived faction: the Dark Horde. The Dark Horde would be pleased to proclaim him as a leader and would benefit from Garrosh's full potential. A Dark Horde led by Garrosh Hellscream with the support of the Grimtotem tauren and Zandalari trolls servants of the Prophet Zul would form a faction certainly very interesting ... I'd bet on it.

      Whatever it is, Garrosh Hellscream deserves more than be the last boss in a raid!

    • • Possibly related to the issue of Garrosh leaving the Horde one way or another, Thrall (Go'el from now) has confirmed his return to the Horde, that is, he leaves behind his neutrality as the shaman savior of the world and will return to interfere in the affairs of the Horde. But seems strange that the path that Go'el began in the early cataclysm can be undone, i.e. if Go'el had already chosen his destiny as the Earth-Warder, he cannot now return to the Horde: his time in the Horde has passed.

      Go'el's counterpart in the Alliance is Malfurion Stormrage, and as you know, he behaves himself neutral in all respects. Why would Go'el interfere in the Horde and Malfurion not do the same in the Alliance? It would be unfair to the Alliance, to put it delicately.

    • • Go'el / Thrall returns to the Horde: is already confirmed. Whatever his role is hopefully the Alliance is reimbursed for some way, if not, again we will see clearly what is the Blizzard's favorite faction.

      But not only Go'el / Thrall's return to the Horde leaves the Alliance in a bad place, if not in this expansion, in which presumably the Alliance would recover all losses suffered at the hands of the Horde after cataclysm, the Alliance lost one of their capitals: Theramore is destroyed. How does Blizzard compensate the Alliance after these events? Very simple: an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth. Or another Horde capital is destroyed (something I do not support), or another "lost" city of the Alliance is recovered to replace Theramore, as Dalaran.

      So again, the Alliance needs to retrieve something after this whole debacle, and if we lose a city it is logical that we recover another. Dalaran and the Kirin Tor would be ideal as they cannot claim neutrality in a war that they bear directly and cannot hide no more their historical affiliation with the Alliance. If Thrall / Go'el leaves neutrality behind and returns to the Horde, I do not understand how the Kirin Tor could not do the same, especially in these circumstances.

      It is true that at present it seems that the loyalty of Dalaran, the Kirin Tor and Jaina are with the Alliance, but we'll see what happens when Garrosh is dethroned and he is no longer a threat to anyone ... Will Dalaran, the Kirin Tor and Jaina herself return to the uncomfortable state of neutrality imposed by her predecessor Rhonin? I'm afraid so, and that would be a kick in the teeth to all the Alliance (excluding the future neutralization of two more heroes of the Alliance: Alleria and Turalyon).

    PD. By comparison:

    Which one inspires more fear, more respect, more power?

    As a bonus, the soundtrack of Garrosh's Horde -> http://www.goear.com/listen/342c5e6/...ld-of-warcraft

  17. #137
    Herald of the Titans Lemons's Avatar
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    Nah, just kill him. If you exile him or put him in prison that only gives him the chance to return later, which I don't think anyone wants. Redemption is impossible, so that leaves death.

    Plus, when you think about it, when exactly have we "spared" a main expansion villain? Illidan, Arthas, and Deathwing were all killed. The only one to survive was Kil'jaeden, (if you want to count him as the main villain of BC..which I don't) but he's a being of incredible power that deserves another go-around, Garrosh is just some punk orc who should die on the first pass.

  18. #138
    Fluffy Kitten Zoma's Avatar
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    All of the above. He is redeemed, but no one cares, so they exile him to a distant prison, where he dies.

  19. #139
    I'd honestly like him dead, but I voted for imprisonment. I can imagine a twist in the story and he ends up living, but it would have to be handled carefully. As others have said, if he's kept alive just because of his father then that would be stupid. Sons aren't their fathers! Likewise, if Garrosh is imprisoned in the tallest tower of the biggest building in Durotar, then it could serve as a reminder.

    For example, imagine one of those large pillars making up the "back entrance" of Orgrimmar. He could have a tiny cell in one of those, difficult to spot, but if you get up there and talk with him, he'll be all sad and pathetic, trapped till the end of his days. Sometimes, being kept alive is a better punishment than death.

  20. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by Zoma View Post
    All of the above. He is redeemed, but no one cares, so they exile him to a distant prison, where he dies.
    This made me laugh harder than it should have.
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    btw: Spires of Arak = Arakkoa.

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