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  1. #21

    Is that it? The part doesn't cost too much if that is it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Standsinfire View Post
    Me: whyumad* fixed. Seriously though, it's only because they rapin' eveerbody in here and I don't want you to be snatched out yo' windows.
    Quote Originally Posted by noepeen View Post
    If that were my dog, I'd Hulk Smash the fuck out of that raccoon.
    Or I'd shit my pants.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughes View Post

    Is that it? The part doesn't cost too much if that is it.
    Yeah, and any mechanic that would quote you more than an hour labour to replace a fuel line is ripping you off.

    So all things factored in, if you know exactly which line is leaking, it should be well under 200 dollars.

  3. #23
    ok i have a gasoline VENT tube that squirrels chewed a half dozen fine holes's about 18 inches long..

    Toyota wants $1200 to fix it..600 labor and 600 for a new tank which has the vent tube BUILT cannot buy
    the vent tube...

    any ideas on how to stop the chewed openings..they are not pinholes..the tube will only leak at the end of a fillup IF
    the gas is pumped at a fast rate..

    i tried some gas resistent epoxies..all failed..


  4. #24
    The Forgettable Forgettable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crossd View Post
    ok i have a gasoline VENT tube that squirrels chewed a half dozen fine holes's about 18 inches long..

    Toyota wants $1200 to fix it..600 labor and 600 for a new tank which has the vent tube BUILT cannot buy
    the vent tube...

    any ideas on how to stop the chewed openings..they are not pinholes..the tube will only leak at the end of a fillup IF
    the gas is pumped at a fast rate..

    i tried some gas resistent epoxies..all failed..

    Don't necro 5 year old posts...

  5. #25
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holyshnikies View Post
    I have a leak in one of my gas lines on my car. I read that yellow teflon tape seals natural gas no problem. Would it work the same for gasoline lines in vehicles?

    Or is there another specialized tape or sealant to fix this?
    So I jumped on google and typed in "special tape to seal gasoline lines" and got some good results. Yes, I'm being a little snarky. However, the funny thing was that the second result was this thread.

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