A goblin shredder that flies? Hell yes!
In the words of the mighty Kamina,"I'm gonna pilot that thing."
sad that a cool mount like this is so easy and cheap to optain ^^
Oh damn, I forgot about him... But he sorta proves my point too as he soloes on his hunter as well... It's not the class, it's the players...
Did you actually read what I post before responding? I meant that he (or they actually) is cool, that it's not just the class... I wasn't bashing him in any way.
According to quite a few people on these forums it's not cheap enough. 12k in living steel and 3k in ghost iron with a 30 day crafting time? holy balls at that effort and expense when they fail to see just how little 30secs a day(when they are playing the game anyway) is. Reason why I keep saying they will change the mats for this thing, a laughable 15k with some "real effort" 30secs a day is just handing this thing out like candy when it's one of the better/best looking mounts they've had available without money.
I'm soo dizzy from solo vid
I knew there was a reason i kept engineering
Naftc, "Hunters are the cheapest class in game and when played right are more deadly than a train plowing through a field of bunnies covered in napalm"
Apart of it is the class, this is why you don't see Mages, Locks, Rogues with World solo firsts...usually. Hunters for a long time were arguably the best solo class, then DKs took over. Hunters are still really good obviously. Last Hunter world first I can remember was Algalon.
i think i am gonna make some cash.. i got 4 toons with engineering![]()
I laugh at people who think 15k is too expensive for a high level mount. I kinda dislike the herb thing, from what I hear (I have been away from wow for 5ish months now) nodes are a mess now with cross server zones. I think they should just remove the ability from druids or allow all mounts to do it.
You would think in this day and age you have killed gods, legends, all powerful beings, and have masterfully crafted armors, why are your machines still the ugliest, rickety looking things on earth?