1. #1

    Any old world raiding guilds out there?

    Now, Let me start this off by saying I'm not one of those "BC WAS THE BEST" or "BC WILL ALWAYS BE THE BEST PART OF WOW" players and I will never let myself become a Burning Crusade "Purist"

    However, I am curious if any guilds these days run things like Grull,Kara,Mag,Tempest Keep etc AT level 70 with level 70 appropriate gear?

    I'm not sure but for some reason I have had the urge to level a hunter up to 70 and raid BM with it like I used to back in BC, Just for giggles.

    I was wondering if there were any guild that still do this type of thing? I would really rather NOT resort to going to a private server for this

  2. #2
    It wouldn't be like it was back in BC though, would it? Different spells, stronger base characters at 70. A complete knowledge of the things in the fights that will kill you.

    But hey, whatever works. If you're in the EU there's a guild on Argent Dawn that does - Ante Amanthe but they're more "twink"

  3. #3
    Korgath-US has a guild that does this as well, but they're currently working on WoTLK content.

    If you're interested search for "iToons".

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