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  1. #101
    Tm vs Southshore
    Old Av (god i want it back)
    Sense of wonder since the whole mmo thing was new to me.

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Heladys View Post
    The feeling that parts of the world had never been encountered by players other than you... broad swathes of coastline that took you fifteen minutes of dedicated swimming to reach, and then there'd be some fancy ruin or cave complex - completely empty mind you - but it felt like an easter egg left just for you by the developers for your persistence in exploring.
    This. The sense of exploration is completely gone.
    Quote Originally Posted by High Overlord Saurfang
    "I am he who watches they. I am the fist of retribution. That which does quell the recalcitrant. Dare you defy the Warchief? Dare you face my merciless judgement?"
    i7-6700 @2.8GHz | Nvidia GTX 960M | 16GB DDR4-2400MHz | 1 TB Toshiba SSD| Dell XPS 15

  3. #103
    I miss the questing in vanilla, nowdays you complete quests 2-3 at a time and usually in a minute or less.. it goes so fast that the quest didnt had time to actually leave any kind of impression on you.
    but any1 who did vanilla will to this day remember jinta'alor in hinterlands and that wonderful "save sharpbeak" quest for alliance.
    or the "you are rakelikh, demon" quest chain.. or the onyxia attunement Qchains.. those Quests were an adventure!
    i miss that sence of adventure when you got from certain long questchains..
    and i miss being afraid to pull to many mobs.. i miss being able to die if i got 1 or 2 to many mobs..

    i miss the vanilla server communities, where you recognized names of ppl and guilds.. and when you recognized a premade in ab/wsg

    i miss the instances where coordinating cc and being careful to not overaggro or break other ppls cc every pull made the difference between wipe and success. nowdays dungeons go so fast.. you barely even see the place be4 you are done.. the instances doesnt have time to leave any impression more then "zerged stuffs and got done quick"

    i miss the raids being exclusive and hard. so hard and exclusive, that jsut reaching it and seeing it ingame felt like an achievement. The immense satisfaction in downing a new boss and finally getting to see the next boss was wonderfull. (any1 remembering the first time you rode up on your bugg to take a sneakpeak on cthun and BOOM a big green beam shots out as soon as you peak around that corner? )
    Nowdays, seeing a boss or even killing it means nothing.. you have already seen it be4 on an easier difficulty and you killed it on the firstpull while barely caring about the mechanics. killing it and getting to the next means nothing eather.. cuz you ahve already downed that boss on ezmode aswell. the sence of accomplishment is greatly diminished.
    Sure from a buisness point of veiw this isnt feasble for blizz to only have 1 hard raid difficulty, but its what i miss from vanilla!

    i miss using the taxisystem. i miss not being able to fly everywhere and ignore every envorimental obstacle.. (immagine if we could have flown up and saved sharpbeak in hinterlands in vanilla.. it whould have ruined the entire Quest.. just as imo flying have ruined questing everywhere in wow). i miss being bound to the ground and all the sence of wonder of teh world and lust to explore that comes with it.
    Last edited by Aphrel; 2013-07-13 at 01:02 AM.

  4. #104
    I miss playing a game that felt like it was designed for a nerdy MMORPG'er, a gamer that really cared about the integrity of the franchise.

  5. #105
    Legendary! Lord Pebbleton's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jun 2012
    Pebbleton Family Castle.
    Running from Ironforge to Stormwind at level 1.
    Through Searing Gorge.
    Had i known there was a tram.

  6. #106
    I miss not having an in game store.

  7. #107
    Herald of the Titans RicardoZ's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Oct 2011
    Orange County, California
    I miss class quests the most.

    A close runner up would be the sense of adventure that seems gone now, but that's not really anything Blizzard did on purpose, it's more down to datamining and YouTube, really. It's like you know all the gear you need to get in advance now, so you make a list of what you want and go run dungeons until you get it. If you haven't already seen every fight or know exactly what gear you should be wearing you'll be kicked out of your group or something. I know Blizzard didn't do that on purpose, but I guess it just reflects changes more in the attitude of the community: "I don't care about epic adventure and doing cool stuff, just give me gear so I can look cool and do more dps!".

  8. #108
    Legendary! Airwaves's Avatar
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    Nothing. I remember having alot of fun but i do not miss it. I like to see what wow does going forward and i don't dwell on the past.
    Aye mate

  9. #109
    Miss actually having the threat of dieing to npcs your level.

  10. #110
    I miss nothing. WoW 2004 was a terrible game. In fact I'd go as far to say that WoW didn't really come into its prime until Wrath.

    I do miss doing a day long Alterac Valley, though. It is the closest WoW PvP has ever felt to an actual battlefield and not just an Unreal Tournemant-esque E-Sport.
    "You hurt me long ago; my wounds bled for years. Now you are back, but I am not the same."

  11. #111
    The old full dungeons. It was awesome being one of those players who could guide a group of people through some of these almost scary places that we could possibly get lost in for hours (pats respawning when you weren't able to clear fast enough sucked). Or when locking picking and pick pocket could actually be used to make money reliably (I was that rogue... the one you call when no one had a key for some reason).


    oh and AV where it felt like a real battle where you had to look at more objectives than balinda and stormpike.
    Last edited by mickybrighteyes; 2013-07-13 at 03:21 AM.

  12. #112
    Not a whole lot really, things are much better now than how they used to be.

    If anything it would be old AV.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  13. #113
    server community and world pvp.

  14. #114
    Actual night time.

  15. #115
    -I miss that sense of community you had back in the day. You needed to be pro-active to get shit done. Elite quest? Let's find a group! Wanna run dungeons to complete quests and get blue items? Let's find a group! It was the only way of getting things done. It felt more like an adventure to me. None of that cheap, LFG-queue. You had to look for interest people.

    -I miss those long quest chains that took you to different places all over Azeroth. Like Yeh'kinya in Steemwheddle Port in Tanaris, that gave you a quest to resurrect the avatar of Hakkar. I don't remember it exactly, but you had to go to Feralas, then the Hinterlands, back to Tanaris and then to Swamp of Sorrows. That my friends, was epic.

    -I miss the class specific quests. I really enjoyed the lvl 30 warrior quests that you had to go to that island south of Ratchet. And the Whirlwind weapon quest was awesome too.

    -I miss how hard it was to get good loot. I remember being 60 and having like 4-5 epics and the rest of my gear was blue. Every epic you obtained, you treasured it. You had a sense of progression.
    Last edited by Thermaplugg yer butt; 2013-07-13 at 07:04 AM.
    Eredar lord of the trifling Gnome.

  16. #116
    Not much to be honest. I miss how Azeroth was before Cata a little. Don't miss the grind to level though. LFG and LFR aren't bad, although I do miss assembling a group to do instances, but I would not want to go back to not having the LFG or LFR system just out of convenience.

  17. #117
    i miss open world cause now you only sit your lazy ass in one place and press buttons to do PVP,PVE,WHATEVER ELSE (however i dont play wow anymore)

  18. #118
    i miss invisible aimed shot.

  19. #119
    i miss theese day's when i was noob in wow, green items, level up and exploring zones.
    i remember, when my first character was hunter, i wear on him, cloth mail and leather green items, i thinked there's no sense on options xD

  20. #120
    Though I haven't read all of the posts, I feel the majority of them have to do with how the game felt back when it was new, but that is just it! When WoW was young it felt novel because we could never openly explore the world of Azeroth before. It has been about 9 years since launch and it only natural that the novelty is gone, but, alas, I do wish that the rigor and challenge of not just raiding and dungeons were still there, but I wish that blizzard challenged and engaged players like they did in classic. While leveling, don't add built in quest helpers, don't hold the player's hand through their journey to max level, make them be content with slowly reaching it by making the leveling process fun, make them engage their skills within the game, but also their cognitive abilities they use in real life.

    It is this that I feel has been lost in WoW, or at least, been reduced to something we only get small doses (i.e. challenge modes, warlock green fire, rogue legendary quests)that we get here and there.

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