1. #1
    Bloodsail Admiral Phurox's Avatar
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    Warrior in PvP... How is it?

    Hey guys

    I have always played Rogue. I skipped it because I really dont like how it is played in MoP, so I decided to play a elemental Shaman

    I really like it, but I would like to have two characters. A caster and a melee.

    But... I have a 86 warrior, and already there I think they have a huge shitload of abilities.

    Ain't a warrior pretty hard to play in PvP with all these abilities? I know that many of them are situational, but still

  2. #2
    Considering you're asking if they're hard and not good, I can tell you that they would be a good class for you. Warriors have among the highest skill floors and lowest skill caps, which means that even if you're bad at playing them, you can still perform semi-well compared to skill capped people and it's easier to perform to 100% than compared to, let's say a Druid.

    The amount of abilities shouldn't put you off though, all you need to do is just learn how to use them, then get enough experience to react fast enough to actually use them when it's needed.

  3. #3
    I would not consider my Warrior particularly hard to play relative to other characters. I wouldn't consider it particularly effective at the moment either, but I do find it pretty fun, and there's some excellent quality of life changes coming in 5.4.

  4. #4
    Warrior feels rather lackluster with basically all ranged classes having tools to escape on a rather similar cooldown to our tools to keep up. "Damage" wise ... well it's an insult to even call it damage outside of cooldowns, we're not really scary in this department... at all.

    Hard to play classes are primary those with a huge toolset, ie most hybrids. It just requires way more knowledge of the game to act accordingly (when to off-heal, cc or deal damage). Second to that are all those classes with spamable cc and decent peels, they can change the speed of a game dramatically. Probably easiest to play are melee with little to no utility like warrior or DKs. Don't get me wrong, i still enjoy playing my warrior over all other toons, that's just how i rate the situation.

  5. #5
    Warriors have been stripped of active abilities consistently since WotlK.

    The toolkit is not by all means small, but it suffers from very long cooldowns. So while you have a good number of buttons, you can't push them as often as you would like (or need). This makes it that in this moment the hardest part in playing a warrior well, is planning. It really what sets apart a very good warrior from a mediocre one. Essentially you only get one shot. Do it right, you can make something of it, mess it up, you don't get a second chance.

    Very good warriors in team pvp settings for example often pick CC abilities over damage ones, in that case it all comes down to DR counting, cooldown counting etc.

    One of the hardest tricks to master for example is the use of Mocking Banner/Safeguard trinket offensively.

    It is much more cerebral then it appears.

    I'm just a mediocre warrior, but really good ones are capable to do some really amazing stuff, trough perfect execution.

    But 90% of the time, YOU WILL feel underpowerd, you will be cc-ed and you will feel like you are lacking the tools you need.

    (For example I consider WotlK as the highpoint of warrior pvp. Unrelenting Assault, 8 Second spell reflects, String/Sunder/Rend/TC/OP rotating, Deep Wounds clipping, Arms/block/Revenge Spam, Shield Slam dispelling, Spell Reflect Intervenes, Stance Specific goodies...the good old days.)
    Last edited by Mihalik; 2013-08-07 at 03:11 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Mihalik View Post
    Warriors have been stripped of active abilities consistently since WotlK.

    The toolkit is not by all means small, but it suffers from very long cooldowns. So while you have a good number of buttons, you can't push them as often as you would like (or need). This makes it that in this moment the hardest part in playing a warrior well, is planning. It really what sets apart a very good warrior from a mediocre one. Essentially you only get one shot. Do it right, you can make something of it, mess it up, you don't get a second chance.

    Very good warriors in team pvp settings for example often pick CC abilities over damage ones, in that case it all comes down to DR counting, cooldown counting etc.

    One of the hardest tricks to master for example is the use of Mocking Banner/Safeguard trinket offensively.

    It is much more cerebral then it appears.

    I'm just a mediocre warrior, but really good ones are capable to do some really amazing stuff, trough perfect execution.

    But 90% of the time, YOU WILL feel underpowerd, you will be cc-ed and you will feel like you are lacking the tools you need.
    Completely agree, warriors have to work alot harder than most for the same results. Come 5.4 we will be in a much better place; we get mass spell reflect since intervene will break roots, a much stronger BS for more talent flexibility, weapon-switching QoL changes, so far slight dmg boost, hamstring off the gcd, shattering throw requiring no rage, and storm bolt stunning for 4 seconds. Nothing too crazy, but buffs are buffs. Plus bliz apparently hasn't done the #s pass on damage stuff for 5.4 yet, and I except arms to get something since we suck in pvp and are the lowest by a mile in pve.

    (For example I consider WotlK as the highpoint of warrior pvp. Unrelenting Assault, 8 Second spell reflects, String/Sunder/Rend/TC/OP rotating, Deep Wounds clipping, Arms/block/Revenge Spam, Shield Slam dispelling, Spell Reflect Intervenes, Stance Specific goodies...the good old days.)
    Oh man, got me nostalgia'ing over here. Also, intercept, and even though it was kind of annoying weapon switching in battle stance to get the shield bash 6 second interrupt + daze was unique and baller when you got it off. Felt like you outplayed them so bad because you had to do it well in advance and predict what was happening because of the lag involved.

    Unrelenting assault and 50% MS was the best implementation of warriors imo. It was a class that's damage was pretty good (there were better), but it was one that you needed off of you. Even if I wasn't doing enough damage to kill you I was making your life hell with 50% MS and unrelenting assaulting or shield bashing your casts. Warrior should be just that; the class that makes you think "get him the hell off of me NOW" more than anyone else. Playing WLD back in wotlk was fun as hell; bouncing around fucking with all the casters while my lock slowly drained everyone, then popping in for a bladestorm to cleave-kill. Man, fun stuff.

  7. #7
    Pandaren Monk meathead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mihalik View Post
    Warriors have been stripped of active abilities consistently since WotlK.

    The toolkit is not by all means small, but it suffers from very long cooldowns. So while you have a good number of buttons, you can't push them as often as you would like (or need). This makes it that in this moment the hardest part in playing a warrior well, is planning. It really what sets apart a very good warrior from a mediocre one. Essentially you only get one shot. Do it right, you can make something of it, mess it up, you don't get a second chance.

    Very good warriors in team pvp settings for example often pick CC abilities over damage ones, in that case it all comes down to DR counting, cooldown counting etc.

    One of the hardest tricks to master for example is the use of Mocking Banner/Safeguard trinket offensively.

    It is much more cerebral then it appears.

    I'm just a mediocre warrior, but really good ones are capable to do some really amazing stuff, trough perfect execution.

    But 90% of the time, YOU WILL feel underpowerd, you will be cc-ed and you will feel like you are lacking the tools you need.

    (For example I consider WotlK as the highpoint of warrior pvp. Unrelenting Assault, 8 Second spell reflects, String/Sunder/Rend/TC/OP rotating, Deep Wounds clipping, Arms/block/Revenge Spam, Shield Slam dispelling, Spell Reflect Intervenes, Stance Specific goodies...the good old days.)
    "(For example I consider WotlK as the highpoint of warrior pvp. Unrelenting Assault, 8 Second spell reflects, String/Sunder/Rend/TC/OP rotating, Deep Wounds clipping, Arms/block/Revenge Spam, Shield Slam dispelling, Spell Reflect Intervenes, Stance Specific goodies...the good old days.)"

    no just no!i will admit that later on in wrath arms got/had some nice utility "for warriors not compared to other classes".the reason blizz gave warriors a few nice talents is because how bad warriors were when wrath started "s5".DK's and rets shit on warriors it was not even a close fight.if you think that was the high point of warrior pvp your just wrong.BC was both wows and warriors prime years,wrath is where everything started to go to shit.

    the only reason and i repeat the only reason why warriors started doing well in wraths pvp was for one reason only =ARMOUR PEN.without arp warriors did shit damage compared to other plate classes period.
    Last edited by meathead; 2013-08-07 at 06:37 PM.

  8. #8
    Looking pretty good next patch but the rotation is still lame and the very idea of fighting Blood DKs makes me want to strangle myself.
    Quote Originally Posted by kbarh View Post
    may i suggest you check out wowwiki or any similar site, it's Grom that orders the murder of Cairne

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