View Poll Results: Should Ghostcrawler be replaced as Lead Systems Designer?

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  • Yes

    526 22.73%
  • No

    1,788 77.27%
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  1. #1
    The Lightbringer Fullmetal89's Avatar
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    Do you think Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street will lose his position ?

    This isn't a thread to bash the guy, for better or worse I think he's done a great job. Its just that for the last two expansions the game has been bleeding subs by the millions. Now I know that WoW is aging and people are just not that interested in it anymore but in the world of business all that matters is how much profit you can make for the company. So way I see it, those last two expansions are like poor performance reviews for GC. He seems to be out of touch with the game as of late. The stuff he said about hunter utility I found to be kind of ridiculous and the inclusion of Flex Raiding seems like a cop out for lack of catch-up content. I don't think they would or should flat out fire the guy but I do think its time for someone else to take the lead. Let GC work below this person advising them. I would argue the same thing about Chris Metzen. Seems the guy can't be reasoned with and everything he says goes, lore-wise.

    EDIT: I never wrote that he has the sole responsibility of the game therefore sub losses are all his fault. Apparently I wasn't clear enough, what I am trying to say is that he has a leadership position therefore if the game performs badly he is partly to blame. Of course he isn't in charge of everything but the truth is that companies always look at who's in charge whenever they are losing money. Of course this can be applied to Tom Chilton or anybody else in Blizzard. Also he isn't infallible he's adapted a lot of poorly developed ideas into the game over the years which have eventually been either completely removed or broken other aspects of the game.
    Last edited by Fullmetal89; 2013-08-01 at 04:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Honorary PvM "Mod" Darsithis's Avatar
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    No. I don't think any of them are going to be fired.

  3. #3
    So GC should be fired for things out of his control?


    The sub loss was going to happen regardless of what Blizzard did. You can't capture lightning in a bottle twice. Those of you who gripe about WoW's changes don't seem to realize that without those changes, WoW's subs would be in the 1 million range at this point.

  4. #4
    No. Nope. Definitely not.

  5. #5
    No, he won't be.

  6. #6
    Didn't they promote the guy in charge of Diablo III?

    No, Greg Street will not lose his job.
    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    I'm glad you brought up IQ, the last standardised IQ test I took I scored a 127, the threshold for 'Genius' is 140, and the threshold for 'Gifted Genius' is 165+, based on the fact the global average IQ is 84, and the fact you're likely Americanwhere the national IQ is BELOW the global average and falling consistently which has led to calls for global intervention in your abysmal education system, I feel you have VERY LITTLE room to talk about IQ levels, but thanks for trying.

  7. #7
    Why did you list stuff that he has no control over?
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    Alleria's whispers start climaxing

  8. #8
    As I've said before about GC, I don't have strong feeling on him either way. Sometimes he says things that make an awful lot of sense and I find myself agreeing with, other times he leaves me sat there thinking "wat".

    I feel his greatest weakness is class balance, sometimes he says things about classes that just plain don't make any sense, and sometimes I feel his understanding of how some classes work is lacking in some areas and that he should think more before replying to critisicm.

    Other than that, I certainly do not envy his position, he has a very tough job, he has alot of people to try and please, and for the most part he does a great job, I suspect alot of reasons for people leaving WoW are out of his hands, and it would seem very unfair for him to lose his position.

  9. #9
    GC has been an utter disaster for WoW both for gameplay and sub numbers.

  10. #10
    Too good to be true.

  11. #11
    GC isn't responsible for everything in game

    Stop bashing him for everything wrong with the game

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by killidan View Post
    GC has been an utter disaster for WoW both for gameplay and sub numbers.
    MoP >> TBC.

    Yeah, I said it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Vellerix View Post
    As I've said before about GC, I don't have strong feeling on him either way. Sometimes he says things that make an awful lot of sense and I find myself agreeing with, other times he leaves me sat there thinking "wat".

    I feel his greatest weakness is class balance, sometimes he says things about classes that just plain don't make any sense, and sometimes I feel his understanding of how some classes work is lacking in some areas and that he should think more before replying to critisicm.

    Other than that, I certainly do not envy his position, he has a very tough job, he has alot of people to try and please, and for the most part he does a great job, I suspect alot of reasons for people leaving WoW are out of his hands, and it would seem very unfair for him to lose his position.
    I disagree. Class balance was utterly broken during vanilla and tbc and it only started to become better from wrath

  14. #14
    You can't expect the man to have the perfect answer to literally everything, so yes, sometimes he will say ridiculous things. I think that without him the game(Or at least the sub base, since the game is subjective) would be far worse off.

    Edit: I'd also like to add that you can only have class balance if there is only 1 way to play. As soon as there are alternatives there is no longer balance.

  15. #15
    The Lightbringer Fullmetal89's Avatar
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    Interesting to see a lot of people still have faith in the guy. By the way I don't think he should be fired, I just think someone else should take the reins for a while. The guy probably would love to have less responsibility. He always looks super tired in interviews.

  16. #16
    Only person I think can be bashed is Metzen (who has absolute monopoly over story)

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by PrairieChicken View Post
    GC isn't responsible for everything in game

    Stop bashing him for everything wrong with the game
    He's responsible for everything but lore and quests pretty much.

  18. #18
    I am Murloc! Seefer's Avatar
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    Will he? No.
    Should he? Yes.

    I dislike damn near everything he has done to this game since joining and I dislike his arrogant ass attitude.
    History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people - Martin Luther King, Jr.

  19. #19
    I dont think it would be that simple.. and too much to hope for No, they'll either move him to other projects or have him work behind the scenes and just choose another public face..

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by lunchbox2042 View Post
    He's responsible for everything but lore and quests pretty much.
    He doesn't design instances. He doesn't design pvp. I can go on and on

    Plus he isn't the only one making the decision and is also influenced by outside forces (for example GC admitted that he wants flying mounts gone but he can't do it for obvious reasons)

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