1. #1

    Your Top 5 favorite champions and WHY

    As the title says, what are your five most favorite champions, and why?

    For me It's them 5

    Well, I pick most of them because of I play mainly support, It's fun and loving role, looking out for your ADC <3
    Except when it's a douche bag, then he can ward himself

    Please either use thumbnails, or use smaller pictures.
    Last edited by Isrozzis; 2013-08-04 at 02:25 PM.

  2. #2
    1; vlad, Because spam heal damage aoe win
    2; jayce, insane damage, insanely fun to play
    3; jarvan, love his kit for jungling
    4; lee sin, same reason as j4
    5; Jax, imagine if I had a real weapon

  3. #3
    1: Zac

    Zac has the most amazing jungle in my opinion. His clear is astoundingly good, as well as his ganks. Both his q and e CC and his e at level 3 has more range than vision range, which is great for ganking.

    His lategame is phenomenal too, with huge health, armour and MR, as well as awesome peeling and cc ability.

    2: Zed.

    Zed is great as both mid and top. He excels at farming, with his q and his e, at the same time being able to zone an enemy out of lane quite easily.

    As soon as he hits level 6 he can kill/force a back on most champs mid lane, and do a lot of damage top lane.

    His escapes and initiations are godlike too.

    3. Lulu.

    Lulu's early game poke is a great thing as support. I love being able to help my adc zone with this. Her E is a great sheild and you can choose to either give your adc a steroid or completely disable the enemy's adc for a short while which is an awesome tool in teamfights.

    Her ult is handy in teamfights, as well as chasing/escaping. Her ult also serves as a heal.

    4: Vi

    Vi also has an amazing jungle clear, as well as an sweet initiation to lane, and to top it all off her ult is the ultimate finisher/disable

    She has the best quotes in the game too.

    5: Jayce

    Jayce is the most fun character to play in the league in my opinion. eq combo in cannon form is so satisfying, as well as qer combo in hammer form, great harras, awesome sustain(mana at least) as well as being able to escape/chase quite well.
    My Tumblr. (:
    My warlock.
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    My Lolking
    Lel I bought my spectral tiger from the horde auction house at 9 in the morning for the sweet sweet price of 1c.

  4. #4
    Dreadlord Kennpai's Avatar
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    1. Zed, pretty much everything When in Rome has said. Also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HquXToGreQ is the reason why I love him. Dade's Zed was flawless last split.

    2. Singed, The laugh.

    3. Karthus, I enjoy farming champions and this is one of the best ones.

    4. Rumble, I don't even own him but still enjoy to play him during free weeks even though I suck terribly with him.

    5. Vlad, his healing is extremely nice. And once you get rolling with him the aoe damage is immense.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelbak-Illidan View Post

    2. Singed, The laugh.
    fucking brilliant. Fan of Dyrus i presume?

    - - - Updated - - -

    OP, how did you do the thing with the image? Is there a website you can do it on?
    My Tumblr. (:
    My warlock.
    My Paladin.
    My Lolking
    Lel I bought my spectral tiger from the horde auction house at 9 in the morning for the sweet sweet price of 1c.

  6. #6
    I only play (Have played 5 heroes in the game, still level 28 tho)

    1. Kennen, because for the first time I had over 20 kills in one game! (20-1)

    2. DR Mundo, fun to play with self heals and a good tankish

    3. Te Emo, stacking AP with blinding dart? Yes pls!

    4. Zac, jump over things to escape, also massive aoe with CDR

    5. Aatrox, strong champ, easy to get fast last hits. Ulti hitting crazy with fully geared

  7. #7
    1 - Leona, easily my most played champ. I main support and the CC she brings to the table + being able to chase down escaping champs is godly.

    2 - Jax, Whack, whack, whack, whack, whack. The most fun champ I know, getting insane attack speed and tearing a turret into pieces in seconds is hilarious.

    3 - Taric, rolling with 5th age Taric skin always provides some humour, but hes a solid support and also great fun when you play him duo bursty (AP) support bot lane, people rarely expect to be destroyed by him.

    4 - Ziggs, (pool party skin ofc) There's just no hiding from those bombs, build mana/regen and just harass the hell out of your opponent with water bombs and squeaky ducks.

    5 - Mundo, used to play him all the time, another champ that can just annoy the hell out of your lane opponent. Build health and spam axes all day, they are running around playing dodge ball while you just stand there laughing your ass off.

    As you can probably tell, I'm nowhere near a plat player, but I sure as hell have a lot of fun when I play.
    "I'm a beaver in a hole, if you don't know what that is then I feel sorry for you"

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Titan Gallahadd's Avatar
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    Beyond the 1% barrier.
    Fiora: The first character I got, and still one of my favourites, the damage she can deal is just.... wtf and Dat ass... I mean Ulti..

    Irelia: Do I need to explain why Irelia is an amazing top lane? Didn't think so.

    Garen: Because DDEEMMAAACCCIIIAAAAAA, also it's great being a tank MONSTER.

    Twitch: Because stealthing right up to the enemy team, throwing a barrel, popping Spray and Pray and detonating a whole team

    Fizz: A new addition to the group, pushing out Swain, There's just something about that lil spear wielding fish that I can't get enough of .
    Check out the blog I write for LEGENDARY Indie Label Flicknife Records:

    Blog Thirty is live! In which we discuss our latest releases, and our great new line of T-shirts.

  10. #10
    Karthus: I really like his model and the ult is just ridiculous to me. I had some fun trying to stack as much AP as fast as I could my first game with him to try to one shot people with it. I got up to 5 deathcaps because it was a 2 hour game and why not?

    Anivia: Played her once or twice in a free week and had to buy her. The skillshot and movement speed are BEYOND frustrating at times (Oh, you can't dodge Brand's skillshot stun and you can't land yours... that's nice), but her damage is absurd and the egg is great in early levels trying to get first blood 1v1 in mid. Also, Eggnivia. Yes, it actually says Eggnivia if you talk when egg'd.

    Brand: He plays almost exactly the same as Anivia really and his ult is just so much better, but at the cost of the revive and slows. I've gotten multiple double kills with his ult because, aside from staying away from your team, you can't avoid it.

    Veigar: I would like him so much more if I was better at farming with him, but he's still a very strong anti-AP. I just laugh at things like AP Tristana.

    Zilean: Yeah... he's definitely a support. OH WAIT DOUBLE TIME BOMB FOR 80% OF YOUR HEALTH. Yeah, time bomb is his only actual damage, but the ult is cool to save yourself/others with too.

  11. #11
    Dreadlord Kennpai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhenInRome View Post
    fucking brilliant. Fan of Dyrus i presume?
    He's the reason why I picked up Singed and became a TSM fan.

  12. #12
    Kha'Zix: I love how he plays. Pretty much perfect for my playstyle
    Irelia: I love swords.
    Ahri: I'm really good at playing her and she's fun and cute
    Teemo: He's Captain Teemo.
    Diana: I love how she plays as well. Tanky and assassin!

  13. #13
    Ezreal - He is quick and mobile, out plays your opponent everyday.
    Kassadin - Fast and mobile, can gank all lanes, free elo, owns all squishy ap.
    Riven - She can 1v3 enemy and carry whole team if fed, fast and mobile.
    Lux - Alots of pokes, cc, and lazer, very reliable.
    Orianna - A better Lux, gamebreaking ultimate, fun to play.

    Will be missed ~

  14. #14
    Kog'maw: Cute as a button, insane range ultimate hard hitting poke, versatile for both AP and AD, funny little guy.
    Zyra: CC that does lot's of damage and plant turret poking.
    Amumu: Rush it, bandage, ???, profit
    Casiopeia: Crazy strong game changing ultimate and great sustain.
    Teemo: Because I'm a terrible person who get's off on the rage of others as my mushrooms cripple/kill them.

  15. #15
    Wukong - awesome ultimate, cool looking skins, extremely fun to play and i just love his lore.

    Draven - Draaaaaaven. I love the axe mechanic, the burst you can do is insane and i just love sniping people with his ultimate

    Hecarim - Come on, whats more intimidating than a huge pony of death charging at you? nothing. Just love his kit, and the fact that movement speed gives you more damage

    Nasus - I like the fact that you dont actually need a single dmg item, to wreck someones face. 3v1 the enemy team is just hilarious sometimes.

    Veigar - the burst. Nuff said.

  16. #16

    We've already got a thread for this exact topic, please keep discussion there : )

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