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  1. #1
    Pit Lord Toho's Avatar
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    forever doomed to bronze league.

    so I kinda want to reach the gold status to get that elise skin but with always wining one match losing the next one I am stuck in bronze with no hope to get out.

    I play support leona and so far most people said I am good at what I do...
    is it even possible to reach gold at this point?

  2. #2
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    i know that feel dude, i was stupid and jumped into ranked as soon as i hit 30 at the whim of one of my friends, it took me 738 ranked games to get into silver, the hardest part about it for me was forcing myself to carry games because i couldnt trust my team mates.

    however once i got to silver i got to gold 1 in about a week (between there and s3 is where im stuck now) a could duo partner helps a ton if you can get the jungler and support or jungle mid. just roles that can dictate games ya know?

  3. #3
    Pit Lord Toho's Avatar
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    lol damn bro. when I started I was rank 2 in bronze div 1.

    needless to say the next 10 to 12 games. I kid you not. 2/3 games had someone leave from my team and the other 1/3 was us losing fair and square because my team was just plain retarded.

    sure I legitimately lost one game here or there but it was frustrating being demoted to Div 2 and now stuck there with no way out.

  4. #4
    Keep playing, if you're any good you will get out of Bronze. That's really it basically.

  5. #5
    I used to think like that too. I blamed others for being bad. Turns out I was the problem, not others. I'm not accusing you of flaming others and whatnot, but if you do that, stop. Just stop. Focus on your own game, look at what you can do to improve and 'carry' games.
    I find it easiest to 'carry' as a support, since I firmly believe that behind every good ADC is an even better Support. If you're Supporting, spend early game getting your ADC fed, and keeping him/her safe (wards!). Mid / late you 'protect' your team, mainly by giving them enough vision.
    Seriously, do not underestimate wards. When I'm Supporting, I'll get Wards / Sightstone > Boots > Oracles > Everything else. I personally find that getting Locket is worthless if it's going to cost your team vision, and I try to have an Oracles up 100% of the time 15~20 minutes in.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GameFreakRPG View Post
    I used to think like that too. I blamed others for being bad. Turns out I was the problem, not others. I'm not accusing you of flaming others and whatnot, but if you do that, stop. Just stop. Focus on your own game, look at what you can do to improve and 'carry' games.
    I find it easiest to 'carry' as a support, since I firmly believe that behind every good ADC is an even better Support. If you're Supporting, spend early game getting your ADC fed, and keeping him/her safe (wards!). Mid / late you 'protect' your team, mainly by giving them enough vision.
    Seriously, do not underestimate wards. When I'm Supporting, I'll get Wards / Sightstone > Boots > Oracles > Everything else. I personally find that getting Locket is worthless if it's going to cost your team vision, and I try to have an Oracles up 100% of the time 15~20 minutes in.

    Good luck.

    to go with this i buy nothing but wards, just wards, and super late game ill turn that philo stone into shurelias if im supporting

    I also was placed in b1 i won 8 games but queued with my friend sean for all 10 who was in b5 at the time. its frustrating it really is, but even if you arent supporting little things make the hugest difference, cs wards itemization playing to your lane and late game, roaming push objectives focusing the right target. when you improve yourself you make the team have a higher morale and they in turn improve.

    last night for example i was on vayne, we had a mumu jungler their nasus wanted to invade us, so they did i left that invade 4-0-1 3 mins into the game. it gave me enough confidence that my team saw it, when as a vayne you come to lane with boots a cutlass and a dorans blade against tris who is now 2 levels behind you its rather scary, i finished 35-3-1 because i yoloed a little too much once the snowball started, after the game i actually duo queued with the enemy teams sona for 5 games because he wasnt the issue in lane it was me getting fed early and their tris who couldnt cs to save his life. (he was at 15 10 mins in granted i had killed him 7 times by then but sure)

  7. #7
    If you are maining support you should try playing other supports as well. Leona is a very aggressive support and ADCs just want to farm 'till teamfights. I found Thresh to be the best champion for me. I never played support until I was pushed into that role in ranked. You can play aggressive or defensive with him. And like GameFreakRPG has said, wards are important. Basically you want 3/4 wards in laning phase, one at tribush + one at the river (in that bush against champions who can jump in it like J4 or Zac) + one or two in the lane bushes for lane ganks. The thing I noticed a lot from other players playing support is that giving kills and vision to your ADC is everything a support does. I disagree. You want to help your ADC in any way possible. Eat the Mystic Shots their Ezreal feeds you, deny the enemy's vision, poke the enemy, keep an eye out for their jungler and ping when u are scared of a gank, help your ADC with last hitting (tank the mobs before the tower if possible and attack the caster minions once when your ADC doesn't have anything but their starting items. Only do that under the tower tho).
    Basically as a support you have to be like the ADC. You got to know what he wants and how (s)he plays. You have to fullfill that person, you have to keep your eyes on the river while he ganks. You need to CC the enemy ADC when your ADC can attack him.

  8. #8
    The Lightbringer Toxigen's Avatar
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    Keep playing, learn to carry from multiple roles.

    That's about it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    Not finding-a-cock-on-your-girlfriend-is-normal level of odd, but nevertheless, still odd.

  9. #9
    I think it would be very hard to carry yourself out of bronze by playing support. Don't get me wrong, support is a critical role, and in higher elo bot lane will win or lose based on which support best controls the lane. But that said you are highly dependent on teamwork with your AD carry to get the job done.and whether you'll have an ad carry that will work with you, focus on farm and do the things they will need to do is very uncertain at bronze.

    I agree with bob though, best solution if you want to play support and get to gold is to find someone you can work with and have them either play ad carry or jungle. That way you have at least one person you know you can coordinate with. Use this to secure dragon every time its up, get turrets down, and get the ad's farm going well, etc. You'll be looking good for a lot of your games if you can just keep your team objective focused.

    Another option would be to try jungle yourself. A good jungle will be able to find many opportunities to turn the game in their favor especially since there will be fewer wards used in bronze games. Or you can pick a good top with teleport that can 1 v 1 (or 2 v 1 if fed) and split push. Maybe something like a Shen, Riven, Yorick, Nasus, or etc, there are lots of good champs for that. Top lane will pretty much be on you to control, and if you can get towers, distract the enemy and cause em to split, surprise them by teleporting into team fights or ganks at bot, etc you can really make a difference.

    So ultimately you can do it, and there are multiple routes for you to get there. If you ever feel that what you are doing to try to get up in elo isn't working, try another strategy out and see if it works better or worse than what you were doing before. And the best rule I've ever heard, if you lose 3 games in a row stop playing for a little bit. I've seen some people make progress, then lose a few games because of factors out of their control, then they keep losing because they let frustration get to them, so make sure to take a breather if you are hitting a string of bad luck.

    Hope that helps some.

  10. #10
    It's perfectly possible. I went from bronze 2 -> gold 5 playing majority support with a couple of other lanes thrown in when someone actually called support. I assume I could continue going, I've only played 2 games in gold and won them both, but I don't intend to play any more ranked this season because I'd rather just have fun in normals with a group of people. I also feel like my mechanical skills and champ pool would need to increase to continue up any higher.

    Most of those ranked games were Sona. I am not a mechanically skilled player, I don't have a large champ pool and I play with high ping which sometimes makes me struggle with skillshots. My playstyle is to ward, ward, ward, ward some more, then buy more wards - counter ward, lots of pinks + oracles, objectives - warding both mine and the enemy jungle, pinging when blue/red is up if people are being dopey and ignoring them, always keeping dragon covered, always keeping a dragon timer, remind people when it's coming up and take it as soon as there's a good opportunity. Always positive, never negative, even if someone is having a go at me for absolutely no reason, never fight in champion select and try to lead with pings and helpful comments in regards to pushing towers, doing drag/baron etc. That's just what I do and I have a decent win rate as support.

    Bronze was definitely the most difficult for me as support as I often had an ADC who was all over the place, and a team that didn't want to work together for objectives, but was more self and KDA orientated rather than pushing/finishing. Silver 5 was also pretty difficult but once I got to Silver 4+ people started working together. If you have something you can split push with or carry hard with in bronze then that would work better than support.
    Last edited by mmoc99cfbcce04; 2013-09-23 at 07:21 PM.

  11. #11
    Easiest way to get out of low elo? Play a champion that snowballs really hard, so you can carry better. Little bit harder to carry as a support, but it's possible.

  12. #12
    If you really want to get to gold stop playing support. While it's not impossible, it's very hard and I don't know how much time you got left before the season ends.

  13. #13
    Main OP champions, get better mechanics, command ur team to victory

    Yeah that's it

    Will be missed ~

  14. #14
    If you want to reach gold by season's end, play other lanes.

    From my experience master yi can and will get you out of bronze quick, even in silver he's alright, I found the biggest problem people in silver have is decision making, they don't know when to back off and when to go aggressive.

  15. #15
    I made the mistake of playing my placement matches during a period of shite internet, and ended up DCing or lagging hard in a lot of my placements. By means of punishment, I got placed in Bronze 1. I'm not playing anything like as much as I used to but I'm now Silver 2; it took me as just as long to get from Bronze 1 to Silver 5 as it took to get from Silver 5 to Silver 2.

    By its nature, Bronze is full of trolls and bads and wildcards. I know this as well as you do. As such, it's difficult to force your way out quickly -- even if you play a perfect game, if your top lane feeds 0/10 in 5 minutes, you're gunna have a hard time coming back into it. If you really want to play support, I'd duo queue with someone else to make sure you stomp bot lane enough to carry whatever hell the rest of your team happens to have left you in. If you're confident that you are better than everyone playing at your level, pick some crazy snowballer like Kassadin, Akali or Zed, and stomp games until you're free.

    The most important thing is to keep playing. I cannot stress this enough. I remember reading somewhere (and this is completely unverified, but I can imagine that it's true) that the average win-rate of someone that is steadily getting better is about 55%. Don't get annoyed when you lose one game from someone else's mistakes -- nothing you can do will change that and getting mad will only make you play worse in your next game. Chill out, focus on your own game, and with enough time you will even out at the rating that you belong.

    Hope that helps!

  16. #16
    I honestly think you can't reach without outside help, it's a really steep skill curve between bronze and gold.

  17. #17
    After 7 placement matches I kinda gave up on ranked.

    Out of the 7 matches I played, I won 1 as support Soraka.

    I lost one game as Soraka support in a fair game, we simply got outplayed.

    One game I played as Rumble and won my top lane fairly easily and finished going 12/5/4 but our bot lane and mid lane both lost their towers 12min into the game and we hadn't secured a dragon yet either.

    Three of the last 4 I played had someone AFK from the beggining of the game. And for the last game our top laner got ganked at level 3 and threw the rest of the game out of rage.

  18. #18
    I placed Bronze 3 and am getting so much LP from wins, I should be Bronze 1 soon. Whether I get squeezed there remains to be seen.

  19. #19
    The Patient CptMitta's Avatar
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    I got into silver 1 from my placements and I'm currently gold V

    Im getting so much lp per win and I dont know why

  20. #20
    Legendary! Firebert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptMitta View Post
    Im getting so much lp per win and I dont know why
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