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  1. #21
    If you are comfortable with the support role and want to keep playing it, I'd say give support Zyra a shot. And do it like a man, the korean way.

    Spec 1 | 23 | 5 grabbing summoners wrath in offense, all the goodies in defense and mana regen, summoners insight and improved recall in utility (you can put your last point in good hands or something).

    Next up, runes. Armor marks and seals, mr glyphs and HP quints.

    As summoner spells, get ignite and flash/exhaust.

    The game starts, buy 5 pots, 4 wards and head to lane/help your jungler/defend the other buff. If the enemy does not invade lvl your Q first, E if they do.
    Minions have spawned, now is the time to show 'em! Go into your lanebrush and start the beating. Every time anyone gets close to you, make them eat the green stuff. Auto them all the time (preferably the enemy adc) and chuck potions as necessary. If your adc joins the fun, ignite and exhaust if you have to to get them as low as possible or kill them. It's alright if you dont kill them. They should be really low by now and you dont even dinged lvl 2. They have 2 options: 1) hang around with low hp to get the exp or 2) back, heal, buy some potions and come back.

    If they hang around, ward the river and tribrush and punish them under their turret (this works best with Varus or Cait as your adc)
    If they go back to base,ward and push to their turret. You can choose to keep the pressure up and get a lvl advantage or play it safe and back.
    If you got a kill (or 2) you should push as hard as possible and back asap. Depending on who got the first blood (it should be first blood at this point in the game), your adc should get another dorans blade. You should get ... a dorans shield. Yes a shield. Now you are nearly untouchable in lane and you can bully them around as you like.
    Your next items should be a sightstone, haunting guise (can build a Liandry's if the game is long enough), boots (ludicity is great on Zyra) and wards wards wards. If your team stomps them (all lanes are winning) you potentially can just go straight AP and tell those wards to go fuck themselfs. Stomp even harder!

    The Lane should be easy from now on. Starting lvl 2 you can zone them even better with your plants (just dont use them when near their tower. They are turretshot magnets)

    lvl up your skills in this order. Q,W,Q,E,Q,R R>Q>E>W

    Well, this got much longer than expected, but i hope i could help.
    Last edited by mmoc88c8813be7; 2013-09-29 at 01:04 AM.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Firebert View Post
    Punching above your weight.
    Actually that's wrong. If you were playing against people with a higher MMR you get less for a win. If the system thinks you are better than where you are or who you are against it will give you more therefore propelling you to a more deserved rank or vice versa.
    Last edited by mmoc7667bb152b; 2013-10-08 at 09:44 PM.

  3. #23
    I haven't really seen many bronze game, and did not played any of them.

    But well, you should probably start dropping some wrong mentality that keeps you locked in place.

    * if you "carry" harder, you will climb faster - not really, it's a team game, and if you don't make sure that others can win, you are doomed on losing when enemy overcomes your personal advantage with their team advantage
    * I need to be playing a playmaking role, or something OP - quite false, for example while Leona is to make some "plays" it's a champion that commits to the fight and has no option out. Teammates are bronze too, so you can't always expect correct follow up. Playing something false that gives overall advantage will help you more than a chance that you will turn the game. For example Sona/Janna will give your team overpowering advantage over Leona, and it will stay even as the game drags.
    * Trolls/AFKers ruin my games - and they do for everyone, raging about it will not magically stop it.

  4. #24
    Sorry to tell you this, i am old dota veteran and i started to play lol this year and already reached gold 3, the difference between bronze and gold is huge. Once you know what the difference is you will be in gold :P

  5. #25
    Well since i hadn't played for a long time i was demoted to Bronze 5. I usually main support and i went straight to S1 with not any major problems, playing mostly thresh/blitz/leona and vayne. Support is the role that wins botlane, not adc, if you are a good support you should make sure your adc becomes fed that way jungler can focus on mid and top and your adc can carry. Currently im stuck on S1 becausee im getting 2-5 Lp per win and losing 2-5 Lp per loss. Takes forever, but im going to get that Elise skin so yea.

  6. #26
    If you're going to play support in that elo you honestly depend too much on your team, should get to at least gold through other roles than switch over to support mainly. I know people tell you supports win games but its going to take a lot more games than maining some thing like mid or jungle would.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarntrak View Post
    If you're going to play support in that elo you honestly depend too much on your team, should get to at least gold through other roles than switch over to support mainly. I know people tell you supports win games but its going to take a lot more games than maining some thing like mid or jungle would.
    support can carry bronze games easily, just as well if not better than by playing mid only.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by gildra View Post
    support can carry bronze games easily, just as well if not better than by playing mid only.
    My perception is support can carry better the more you progress in ranks and the better your team is. Bad ADCs will rarely capitalize on a good support and it's not much use if you do a great play and force an unfavorable engage for the enemy team if yours isn't reacting properly. Often you'll destroy the lane but when team fights start breaking out your team will eat pokes and be scared of engaging until it's too late but this will only get better as you get better players that will know how to react to your plays. Hell, if you want to know early just pick Thresh, throw a lantern and see if your jungler/ADC know what it's for (or don't just mindlessly click it every time it's up, even if it brings them away from where they want to go or it does nothing at all).

  9. #29
    The Lightbringer Darkfriend's Avatar
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    If you're stuck it is because you aren't good enough to make up for the average difference between players on your team and the others. The less skilled compared to others you are (Rather, the less above their skill level you are) the slower the rise. If you can carry you'll advance quicker.

    Personally, I just keep adding good players every game, and duo Q with them.

  10. #30
    I was at bronze last season and now in platinum. What I found that helped was focusing on one role and really getting good it it. Of course you won't always get your role, but don't be those people that don't fill in your roles! I was an ad carry main and i learned how to just absolutely crush my lane. Everyone has their own preference and you need to find yours and study it well, so you will be able to carry
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