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  1. #1

    Seriously, How bad will demo be compared to affliction now ???

    Hey guys,

    I keep seeing posts of people qq-ing about the changes but now we have to deal with it.
    What is the difference between demo ST and Afflic st now ?

    I prefer to play Demo> afflic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>destro.
    i dont like the play style of destro alot, it is seems really repetitive for me.

  2. #2
    The Unstoppable Force Resentful's Avatar
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    From all the top tier locks that I've talked too ''R.I.P Demo'' without UVLS and the imp nerf yeah that shit is fucked lol mainly the imp nerf people didn't really mind the trinket nerf.

  3. #3
    everything about doing dps is about repetition, and al the specs are repetitive in one way or another. the uvls nerf was justified, the wild imp nerf isnt and it will be a fairly huge nerf for demo.

  4. #4
    From what I've read people have been estimating Demo damage to drop ~ 10%.

  5. #5
    From taking our most recent Thok kill basic napkin math put it at a loss of around 11% in damage between 30% less damage from imps and more normal ticks from Doom. This didn't factor in the fury gen from the imps which is much more difficult to quantify so I am thinking closer in the realm of 15% dps loss tbh.

  6. #6
    Totally agree here, huge nerf to demo locks. The trinket being nerfed really should have steered people away from the UVLS playstyle but nerfing one of Demo's big CD's and Fury generators basically have people steering away from the spec. Imo, Blizz will need to address the Wild Imps nerf and bring it back up by 10-20% or else Demo is going to be meh.

  7. #7
    I feel releived tbh.. I used to love demo in ToT, but I also used to hate it at the same time. Let's be honest - the spec was only viable, because of the intense UVLS abuse. It never really felt right to me, but it was quite cool to play it for a while. I wouldn't mind seeing demo coming back in a revamped version.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by spookyy View Post
    I wouldn't mind seeing demo coming back in a revamped version.
    You will not see a revamped version come out until next expansion. I find it highly doubtful that Blizzard will revert the Imp nerf entirely, much less toss Demo a buff to compensate for the loss of UVLS.

  9. #9
    The trinket was cool, but because of it we´ve had several nerfs already.
    Now we sitting with nerfs and no trinket. FU blizzard

  10. #10
    Wow this is just a slap in the face, so instead of a horizontal move away, so like buff/nerf things, they just blatantly decided to make UVLS unviable to locks because top tier raiders were doing too much dmg; am still running lfr uvls for the record. and on top of that nerf demo despite the nerf to uvls.

    GG Blizz

  11. #11
    Lets not forget less imps = less MC procs = less 2 pc procs as well.

  12. #12
    blizz could easily have made uvls trivial without gutting demo entirely by changing the way demo generates wild imps by changing doom from "summon wild imp on crit tick" to give it a chance to summon a wild imp on tick like 25% on tick and then have it scale with mastery, would have made uvls just another decent trinket and would still give demo a fair amount of wild imps but fewer imps compared to the uvls playstyle.

  13. #13
    Stood in the Fire
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    The sad part is, if they wanted to nerf UVLS properly, this is all they had to change the proc to:

    Equip: Your damaging spells have a chance to double your critical strike chance for 4 seconds.

  14. #14
    I am Murloc! Asrialol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by varren View Post
    Lets not forget less imps = less MC procs = less 2 pc procs as well.
    How does making the imps do less damage, mean less MC procs?
    Edit, guess you'r referring to UVLS. Nevermind.

    I dont really mind this change as I like Affliction soo much. And Destruction. Demo has been a bit.. meh.

  15. #15
    its ok for ppl to say will have to play affl ,but what about the ppl that love demo spec like me , cant stand affl and yes i can play it . we could all see the trinket geting gimped but imp nerf is just a joke

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by almara2512 View Post
    everything about doing dps is about repetition, and al the specs are repetitive in one way or another. the uvls nerf was justified, the wild imp nerf isnt and it will be a fairly huge nerf for demo.
    The UVLS nerfs were unjustified in the case that they have nothing to compliment the spec with after the nerf. God forbid we're allowed to play 2 specs in competitive PvE.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by coupes View Post
    its ok for ppl to say will have to play affl ,but what about the ppl that love demo spec like me , cant stand affl and yes i can play it . we could all see the trinket geting gimped but imp nerf is just a joke
    Demo will still be viable. It won't be the absolute monster it has been in ToT, but if you prefer it, you should play it.

  18. #18
    I think demo die hards will have to change their setups and playstyle a bit. Crit was strong for demo due to imps from doom. With that stat scaling engine nerfed 30% demo's benefit from crit just went down by a similar amount. Thus in a post nerf world I think a higher haste setup is your option for non aff fights. In theory you could go right to 13737 haste aff setup with a demo build. You can't do that with destro.

    More haste is more imps...but think of it more as a DF generation engine than a damage source. Plus once you get your 4pcT16 you will want to use shadowbolt > fel flame when possible so haste's value increases above the 8100 point. Demo still has the mobility edge over aff/destro which is a progression phase/learning phase gain that is hard to quantify.

    Pretty much everyone is aff mainspec but you have to consider which other spec makes the best offspec. Calculations vary but 12% is a safe guess for how big a nerf demo took and its easy to math destro's increase to about 3%. For an optimized affliction setup, especially one w' some heroic bits, the best companion spec is probably demo. Just unglyph imps and hopefully you have another trinket besides UVLS. (btw KTT does not work w' pet/guardian dmg)

  19. #19
    The UVLS nerf was huge but it wasn't as huge as the imp nerf. When 5.4 was in the works, all warlocks assumed with the RPPM change, UVLS would barely even proc for us. We prepared for this with the typical Crit-Demo build which (if specced properly) you could be rolling 50%+ crit dooms at all times. However, with the 30% imp nerf (da fuq?), this is no longer a viable build. Sure you still get more imps than usual because of Dooms crit proccing, but imps used to be our top damage dealer on most fights (soul fire in the hands of a smart warlock would pull ahead in other fights). What I'm thinking is that demonology is either going to be as dead as a rock or it's going to have to be a mastery/crit build where you try to buff your metamorphosis and pet damage as much as you possibly can.

    To answer the topic question: Based on initial looks and calculations, demonology will be very bad as compared to affliction.

  20. #20
    As Demo I use to smoke a guidies Shadow Priest by 20k dps and even though I have him out geared by 20 ilevels he has has been eeking out the top dps spot by a few K in raids. I'm considering Destro but my muscle memory is all demo.

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