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  1. #241
    Well, I think it was MEtzen who said we will need help of Turalyon and Aleria Windrunner for what is coming next. Heroes of the Storm rather fits them. Still is in contrast with The Dark Below.

  2. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by D4NNYB0Y View Post
    Also, assuming this is real, this is a calculated move by Blizzard. They know we're going to find any trademark applications almost immediately. They did this on purpose, but why?

    Why New Zealand? Why reveal their expansion name with a month and a half still to go until Blizzcon? They've used the Madrid Protocol before, why not now? The same questions were asked with The Dark Below.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's essentially what a Combat Rogue is supposed to be.
    True, but its not like classes don't already overlap, and combat rogue is just 1 spec...not ranged at all, and cant tank...

    and I was just saying if they were to introduce a class for a South Seas expansion...that would be most likely. Heck, I'm not sure if blizzard is up for releasing a new class or races anyway.

  3. #243
    it's real due to NZ office beeing more immune to fakes then US (lets just assum thats true),
    not a book, as books are not trademarked in NZ,
    Hearthston expansion sounds unlikely due to Hearthstone beeing exclusively digital and still in beta,
    not WoW expansion due to use on phones, tablets, etc. (for me name is ok tho, better then MoP)

    What remains? something i didnt see any of you proposing....

    Pet Battles Remote Acces!

    name dont fit for me tho, but still idea that i didnt notice in this thread
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  4. #244
    HOTS sounds better than TDB

  5. #245
    Elemental Lord Sierra85's Avatar
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    we just had an entire tier of thunder and storms, why would the next expansion be similarly themed?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thelxi View Post
    HOTS sounds better than TDB
    nahhhh, HoTS sounds really corny

  6. #246
    Heroes of Storm.......... "Nobody has seen Alleria or Turalyon in years"

  7. #247
    Elemental Lord Flutterguy's Avatar
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    Heroes of the (Nether)Storm?

  8. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by aSynchro View Post
    Every expansion names so far described the threat or the place we were dealing with.
    While "Heroes of..." obviously is about the players.
    So yeah, Imho it's for something else, probably Hearthstone or another Blizzard games
    It has nothing to do with players. More like NPCs akin to malfurion. In this case I bet on Turalyon and Alleria and other lost on outland who got to other worlds.

  9. #249
    Hrm. "The Dark Below" links to existing stuff. This doesn't seem to.

    The OP makes some good points. I'll think on it before coming to a conclusion. My gut feel is no, though.

  10. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by amtrabi87 View Post
    True, but its not like classes don't already overlap, and combat rogue is just 1 spec...not ranged at all, and cant tank...

    and I was just saying if they were to introduce a class for a South Seas expansion...that would be most likely. Heck, I'm not sure if blizzard is up for releasing a new class or races anyway.
    IMO we wont see new class/race in upcoming xpack. Instead they will give us 10 more lvl of questing and new race models.

  11. #251
    Pandaren Monk Melsiren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verain View Post
    Hrm. "The Dark Below" links to existing stuff. This doesn't seem to.

    The OP makes some good points. I'll think on it before coming to a conclusion. My gut feel is no, though.
    Now I'm just as skeptical as you are on this being an expansion.

    However the "Heroes of the Storm" Could be Turalyon and Alleria.

  12. #252
    Warchief godofslack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amtrabi87 View Post
    pure speculation, but what if it is a South Seas expansion and they introduce a pirate style class like swashbuckler, privateer, or buccaneer? Or these could be the names of the specs?

    This would introduce the much needed ranged physical dps to compliment hunters and provide competition for ranged weapons, yet another melee dps class, and another tank.

    And before you say it is stupid and they would never introduce a pirate class...many players are in the midst of playing an expansion themed around pandas that were initially introduced as a joke.

    Not an active player anymore anyway so I really don't care...but I was just surprised no one even mentioned south seas with a name like "Heroes of the Storm"

    edit: oh and South Seas would involve Azshara as well...and to me she is the most logical next step for blizzard....ijs
    The issue with a pirate class is the overlap with rogues, I mean both are leather wearing, dual wielding, thieves who fight with both great martial skill and dirty tricks.

  13. #253
    I kinda like the Heroes of the Storm name.
    At least it has a better acronym than Rise of the Frickin' Legion

    That said, unconfirmed is unconfirmed.
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  14. #254
    Sc2 expansion is heart of the swarm = HOTS

    Heroes of the storm = hots

    I doubt blizzard wants same abbreviates for two different game

  15. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by chaud
    A "Heroes of the Storm" trademark appeared in the New Zealand database tonight, and you can find a fun speculation thread on the forum.

    Keep in mind that this trademark is not confirmed. Even if it were to be real, it likely wouldn't be for a WoW expansion, as the purported trademark mentions the software being used on "mobile and cellular phones, laptops, handheld computers, and tablet PCs".
    Chaud/Bibi don't seem to think it's WoW related. Then again after The Dark Below fiasco I don't know if I can still trust their word.

  16. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by godofslack View Post
    The issue with a pirate class is the overlap with rogues, I mean both are leather wearing, dual wielding, thieves who fight with both great martial skill and dirty tricks.
    You described monk pretty much

  17. #257
    It's just a name :/

    I wouldn't care if they called the next expan "World of Warcraft unicorn flower patrol" People still going to throw money at them between here and blizcon, question should be what type of expan will it be.

  18. #258
    Quote Originally Posted by godofslack View Post
    The issue with a pirate class is the overlap with rogues, I mean both are leather wearing, dual wielding, thieves who fight with both great martial skill and dirty tricks.
    Yes but the difference is in the style...rogues are more quiet/hidden in the shadows...pirates have more...flare?

    and with guns/cannons/bombs there are loads of things they could do to make them different

  19. #259
    Warchief godofslack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cle View Post
    You described monk pretty much
    The difference is monks don't use weapons (other than jab[unless you have that glyph]), aren't thieves and don't use dirty tricks.

  20. #260
    i don't believe this is a WoW expansion title. If it really came from Blizz, it would be more likely to be related to the "Sons of the Storm" -> a group of Blizzard artists.
    Or maybe to something more metal... like the "riders of the storm" (a song from Hammerfall, the favourite band of Sam Didier)

    And as you all said, the name doesn't mean anything. And I guess after the whole "focal NPC" fiasco that Thrall was, we won't get another "heroes other than the PCs" focused expansion for a looong time

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