WC3 xpack to my ears
storm can mean anything, dont be so judgemental. probably is not the xpac. and if it is its about burning legion or old gods
I am the first one to say that the first thing that came into my mind was the MOBA they have been talking about for a couple years.
The name says "Heroes", sounds like a MOBA to me. "Storm" could mean a place where heroes of the starcraft/diablo/warcraft universe got warped in.
Heroes of the Storm sounds a lot better than Blizzard All-Stars imo. Plus what else could it be that they haven't announced anything about yet? Hearthstone has its name. The next xpac won't be only for download. Diablo has its name. Starcraft is too soon I guess and won't be digitally only. The MOBA on the other hand...
"It is planned to be a free-to-play digitally distributed online game, supported by micro-transactions."
And it seems Beta testing is going to be "soon". "As of August 2013, the game was in internal testing at Blizzard."
Was wrong for the most part.
Last edited by mmoc07b172f625; 2013-09-25 at 05:28 AM.
I know it was called Blizzard All-Stars, but honestly this name sounds PERFECT for Blizzard's DotA and absolutely terrible for a WoW expansion.
Originally Posted by High Overlord Saurfang
i7-6700 @2.8GHz | Nvidia GTX 960M | 16GB DDR4-2400MHz | 1 TB Toshiba SSD| Dell XPS 15
It also a) makes no sense considering the basis behind the game, b) will bedigital only so it cannot be this trademark, c) is too outlandish for it's genre [League of Legends, DOTA 2, Heroes of Newerth... Blizzard All-Stars: Heroes of the Storm]
- - - Updated - - -
Completely possible if "Storm" refers to the Storm Peaks, or a similar Titanic structure
Oh gawd please don't be the next WoW xpac. Very lame title.
I was really pullin' for The Dark Below until it got removed from the database : /
I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.
"The storm that burns the sky comes for the Mantid as well. We need an army to crush a Legion."
Not conclusive or anything, just more fodder for discussion.
Heroes of the Storm..
Heart of the Swarm..
Currently Procrastinating
why do people think the name is so terrible?
as someone said before, people would complain about anything... this isnt an exception
Put some emphasis in the opening post for this: Once again, the trademark is for a game that will be released both digitally AND physically. This does not apply to Hearthstone or the future Blizzard All-Stars.
Blizzard said at one point that they plan WoW expansions two ahead, do you REALLY think they haven't started work on Hearthstone's expansion? At the rate that WoW players eat up and spit out expansions, it would be stupid of them NOT to have that in the works right now.
I think it's the Xpac since Heartstone is digital, but HoTs's trademark says that there's physical copies.
OP already did.
This is a bad post. For one thing, Hearthstone is the type of game that literally does NOT need an expansion, since they can just pump out content in the form of cards, which people will hurl money at, plus F2P games generally don't have expansions, most especially ones that aren't even out yet. TRADEMARKING an expansion this early is beyond stupid, sure they could be working on it if it exists, (it doesn't) but that doesn't justify a trademark.
Second point, the Hearthstone audience is not the WoW audience, different crowds, different churns through content.
Last edited by JakeCC; 2013-09-25 at 05:40 AM.