I actually like the name a lot. Sounds catchy.
I actually like the name a lot. Sounds catchy.
Sounds like an ogre themed expansion.
and considering the altars being rejiggered to resurrect people in WC3 things could get all kinds of crazy.
Heck, maybe it'll explain the hooded humanoid figures that come as part of permanent portals and dimensional energy.
This is my signature. It states my prediction of the next expansion. Not only is it correct in my eyes, but should also be in yours too.
Anyone who doesn't agree with me is an idiot, a bad, and a pleb.
- A Quote from every narcissistic, defiant, self-absorbed theorist on these forums. True story.
If its real, I already like it a lot better than "Mists of Pandaria".... not to sound like a total hater, Mop quests I enjoyed a lot but I'm more than ready to move on.
Also I would like to throw out there, though its been mentioned, that MoP was revealed as "the calm before the storm." And lets not forget Wrathion referring to Azeroth as "a candle in the tempest." A outland-esque expac would be something I could really enjoy. I'll never forget stepping through that Dark Portal for the first time...
I think one of "Heroes of the Storm" or "The Dark Below" is the real name of the expansion while the other is just a distraction to keep people on their toes.
Because previous expansion's names were known well advanced this way everyone would have an idea of what the next expansion could be in advance of the anouncement itself. When "Mists of Pandaria" name is leaked same way it was quite obvious this expansion would be about pandas.
So learning from past mitakes Blizzard has trademarked two names that suggests two different but quite popular themes. So as Blizzcon approaches everyone's getting more and more excited.
Well, of course these are all just my opinions.
"MoP: The calm before the storm". It all makes sense now..
Junglebeast @ Stormscale EU |