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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by endersblade View Post
    Blizzard said at one point that they plan WoW expansions two ahead, do you REALLY think they haven't started work on Hearthstone's expansion? At the rate that WoW players eat up and spit out expansions, it would be stupid of them NOT to have that in the works right now.
    And why would they release it as a physical boxed expansion, complete with a trademark before the game is even in open beta? Most Blizzard trademarks are announced two or three months at most after their filing. Are you expecting them to announce a physical expansion to their closed beta, digital card game before Christmas?

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Raybourne View Post
    why do people think the name is so terrible?
    Because expansion names traditionally don't have a focus on a handful of characters. It wasn't "The Demons of Illidan" or "Armies of the Scourge" or "Elemental Lords Under His Wings" or "The Horde Rebels."

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by JakeCC View Post
    OP already did.
    I am the OP, lol. Some people may not read the OP so I just felt the need to specify the update

  4. #84
    THat sounds horrible

    That sounds like their card game thingy, not WoW.

    highly doubt thats WoW, they cant be that bad.
    Free-To-Play is the future.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Darrowshire View Post
    Put some emphasis in the opening post for this: Once again, the trademark is for a game that will be released both digitally AND physically. This does not apply to Hearthstone or the future Blizzard All-Stars.
    Well, to be honest, we don't really know for sure. League of Legends is only "distributed" online but in the early days you could buy the Collectors Edition in a store. Same could be for Hearthstone or All-Stars. What about the merchandise around it? Can the physically part be about the trademark be for payment cards for Hearthstone / All-Stars, do they need to trademark the name as physical copies when they want to sell in-game "currency"?

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by sergel02 View Post
    The Queen Bitch has returned.
    She is good at what she does.
    I'd submit to her in a second.

  7. #87
    Herald of the Titans Racthoh's Avatar
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    the dark below sounds so much better.


  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Raybourne View Post
    why do people think the name is so terrible?
    It's pretty bad...
    It's silly, and doesn't fit with any of the other titles because it's randomly referencing heroes.
    Expansion names tend to give a since of vastness/largeness befitting an MMO, while this brings to mind a small group of heroes.

    The Burning Crusade
    Wrath of the Lich King
    Mists of Pandaria

    Heroes of the Storm

    See how the other ones refrence the large task at hand or a place?
    Where HotS is draws focus on the heroes themselves?

    It sounds a lot more like a title for something singleplayer, or small group based where the entire story focuses on that small group/single person.

  9. #89
    The Insane Underverse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Racthoh View Post
    the dark below sounds so much better.

    Yeah, and I didn't even like the concept. This is lame.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Greened View Post
    Well, to be honest, we don't really know for sure. League of Legends is only "distributed" online but in the early days you could buy the Collectors Edition in a store. Same could be for Hearthstone or All-Stars. What about the merchandise around it? Can the physically part be about the trademark be for payment cards for Hearthstone / All-Stars, do they need to trademark the name as physical copies when they want to sell in-game "currency"?
    Why would they change the title of either game for a physical release? Hearthstone already has a subtitle and Bilzzard All-Stars: Heroes of the Storm makes no sense given the context of the roster of heroes and is absolutely fucking huge and convoluted for a title in that genre.

  11. #91
    Titan Arbs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flaks View Post
    I know it was called Blizzard All-Stars, but honestly this name sounds PERFECT for Blizzard's DotA and absolutely terrible for a WoW expansion.
    Flaks I 100% agree with you there

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Darrowshire View Post
    I am the OP, lol. Some people may not read the OP so I just felt the need to specify the update
    Ah, didn't see that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrowshire View Post
    Why would they change the title of either game for a physical release? Hearthstone already has a subtitle and Bilzzard All-Stars: Heroes of the Storm makes no sense given the context of the roster of heroes and is absolutely fucking huge and convoluted for a title in that genre.
    Not to mention, it's the type of name that indicates a story of some sort. MOBA's no story.

  13. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by nekai View Post
    It sounds hearthstone to me, but the game isn't even out of beta I don't know how realistic it is for an expansion for hearthstone
    TCG's like Magic the Gathering have a new set every 4 months or so. The names are also known over a year in advance a lot of the time. Not saying it is the 2nd set, but it certainly could be.

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by JakeCC View Post
    Ah, didn't see that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Not to mention, it's the type of name that indicates a story of some sort. MOBA's no story.
    And there's ESPECIALLY not going to be some concentrated story element when you have Diablo, Warcraft, and Starcraft characters under one roof.

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Darrowshire View Post
    Why would they change the title of either game for a physical release? Hearthstone already has a subtitle and Bilzzard All-Stars: Heroes of the Storm makes no sense given the context of the roster of heroes and is absolutely fucking huge and convoluted for a title in that genre.
    Blizzard All-Stars was quickly taken after the problems they had with Valve. You got to give the child a name, right? Now after a lot more thinking, they might have thought they should go with a name that has more fantasy around it. So simply Heroes of the Storm, not Blizzard All-Stars: Heroes of the Storm. Heroes sounds very much like the characters people play in MOBAs. The Storm, like I said, could be a reference to a place where characters of the Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo universe come together. Heroes of Warcraft would be a very good name for a MOBA in the Warcraft universe. But they already said that players will be able to play Thrall and Kerrigan for example.

  16. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by Darrowshire View Post
    And there's ESPECIALLY not going to be some concentrated story element when you have Diablo, Warcraft, and Starcraft characters under one roof.

    Unless we go the Robocop VS Terminator route.

  17. #97
    Heroes of the Storm huh? If it's real i'm going to play Final Fantasy 14 RR now... Stupidest name I have ever heard of! Has to be fake! If it's real maybe a Heathstone expansion lol?

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by Darrowshire View Post
    And there's ESPECIALLY not going to be some concentrated story element when you have Diablo, Warcraft, and Starcraft characters under one roof.
    Why not? League of Legends has a lot of lore and different (,rivalling) factions.

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Greened View Post
    Why not? League of Legends has a lot of lore and different (,rivalling) factions.
    Different when it's within the same universe though.

  20. #100
    does any one realy care what the expansion is called? at the end of the day we play the game for the players we play with / the content it provides.

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