Dear world, if you react hyperbolically to even modest (3-5%) nerfs, then it makes it hard for us to tell when you are really concerned. (
one way to deal with button bloat would be more abilities that "replaces X" (fist of justice for example).
Considered that, but if the ability only gets better, it feels weird to rename it. (
On the other hand, if the abilities pick up extra effects with every replacement, the tooltips get really complex. (
this statement leaves me wondering what the point of the PTR is? This could have, and should have, been easily answered in PTR
PTR catches a lot but it doesn't catch everything. There are millions more players raiding now than participated on PTR. (
maybe if you didn't ignore class forums, you'd have picked this up as far back as 4.2 PTR when players picked it up
I just now looked at class forums. My conclusion: every class is benched and need buffs. How to know which claims to believe? (
What about your much touted internal tracking systems that you've claimed are better than ranks/census/etc?
What I have always tried to say is that our internal tools are quite sophisticated, but no substitute for actual data. (
Hardcore raiders forget that most players want to feel competitive, but their competitive =/= hardcore definition
I think you can be competitive and not hardcore. I guess it depends on your definitions. (
why do you need data from millions of players? Just check what the top 1-10 guilds do on ptr ?
That is a data point of course, but not the only data point. (
Consider that not everyone can deliver on the DPS that a top 10 guild can provide. (
Also consider that those guilds are more focused on learning fights (without tipping their hand) than testing DPS for us. (
RE:Hit/xpt caps being tedious and fiddly. Consider hit over cap -> cirt rating, xpt over cap -> haste rating? Too left field?
Not too left field. Games have done similar things successfully IMO. (
I haven't seen one comment addressing this nerf, but a ton of responses to nonsense...
We do nerfs and buffs when damage doesn't match our targets, which was the case for Brewmaster. (
We don't really want to get in the mode of justifying or asking permission to make changes we think are necessary. (
Mage (
Forums /
Skills /
Talent Calculator)
Across 9 kills of Thok25H, 225 players, there have been only 2 mages. Bad encounter design or bad class design?
Remember when seeing first week heroics that players are vastly undergeared. (
Given that, they often have to resort to creative or even degenerate strategies to have a chance at victory. (
If there are few mages on Thok H in 3-4 weeks, then it's a problem we need to address on the class or enc side. (
Paladin (
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Skills /
Talent Calculator)
Greg please, can i get a fair answer for why Evil eye of galakras is not reducing holy avenger cooldown? I need to understand.
IIRC only warrior talented CDs are affected. HA in particular might make the other talents less desirable. (
Priest (
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Talent Calculator)
"We didn't buff you because you campaigned" "we err'd in your favor because you were concerned"
Players delight in gotchas, which ultimately risks designers having to communicate less like people & more like robots. (
SP's are great in multi-target fights, however single target fights we fall far behind, even more when movement is involved.
It is not a goal for all specs to tie in all situations. We fear that would erode class diversity quite a bit. (
Historically, multidotting has been really effective. But if single target dotting is also effective, why play a non dot? (
Warlock (
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Talent Calculator)
what buffs you giving Demo to compensate the drastic nerfs? Affliction is way higher, but left unchanged?
There were Affliction nerfs too: UVLS and Haunt. (
I don't understand the UVLS nerf, sure it was a decent trinket, but 40% is like using a cannon to kill an ant.
The alternative was just nerfing warlock DPS by more, which didn't feel fair to those not using the trinket. (
Can you please figure out how to balance warlock pve dmg.Once again they are are too far ahead. Or should we just accept it?
We are concerned it's too high, but we are trying to figure out how much of it is just the UVLS trinket. (
Warrior (
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Skills /
Talent Calculator)
Where was this tension when you decided to gut rage from damage and replace it with static rage generation?
The rage from dmg model just wasn't working. Warriors were too weak and slow with bad gear and ignored rage with good gear. (
Wait, since when was that a problem? Classes should get their time in the sun. Rage isn't supposed to be energy.
I don't think "I suck in 5.0 and 5.2 but rule in 5.4" is a very fun model for anyone, including the warrior. (