So I know a lot of people wants a 4 spec, and some even gave suggestions. Here are my ideas that I thought of while in class:

Mage: Chronomancer: Healer: Control time to help allies

Priest: Purifier: DPS: Use light-based abilities to damage foes

(1) Warlock: Demonology: Tank: Transform into a demon to protect allies
Void Shifter: DPS: Summon creatures of the void to damage foes

(2) Druid: Ok

(3) Monk: Shadowprowler: DPS: Use long-ranged weaponry to strike foes from the darkness

Rogue: Illusion: Tank: Create illusions of yourself to foes' attacks and protect your allies

(4) Hunter: Tracker: Use traps and polearms to damage foes

Shaman: Warder: Tank: Harness the power of the earth to protect your allies

Death Knight: Forbidden: DPS: Summon Faceless Ones and use forbidden Old Gods' magic to damage foes

(5) Paladin: Scribe: Healer: Use his vast knowledge of evil forces to help his allies

Warrior: Tactician: DPS: Use a two-hand weapon and positioning to damage foes

(1) Divide an existing spec to allow the use of a new role for warlocks
(2) Already has 4 specs
(3) Solve the problem of bows, crossbows and guns only useful for hunters
(4) Allow hunters to have a melee spec
(5) Solve the problem of having only one spec that use plate/spirit

So, would you be interested in playing these? Or am I dreaming too much?