Poll: Which is your favourite WoW expansion?

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  1. #21
    The Patient Medivhe's Avatar
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    It's not as extremely boring and dull as cataclysm was, so that's a big plus in my books. The raids have actually been pretty good too, and haven't lasted for long enough to become boring. So overall i'd say it's a lot better than at least Cata, and a huge improvement in many ways. (excluding the daily fest). The only complaint i have is with class balance, but that has always been more or less a problem.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Megamisama View Post
    I'd say 11% due to the extra gem slots, but still, what classes do 20% more dps single target with the cape? My proc did 7% damage on Garrosh and that's with some cleave.
    Usually I see hunters getting 10%+ from cloak and 8-10% from the gem, then the significant stat increase of the cloak on top. At work so don't have time to find a log. Just looked (very quickly) for one to get the point across on iron juggernaut:

    Edit: Realized bad example due to BM. You should be able to find the same results with survival though from my experience.
    Last edited by Raiju; 2013-10-08 at 09:59 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    which is kind of like saying "of COURSE you can't see the unicorns, unicorns are invisible, silly."

  3. #23
    The Unstoppable Force
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    Only thing I disliked about MoP was 5.3 which hardly seemed to be a patch, and the lack of dailies on the Timeless Isle.

    Amazing sig, done by mighty Lokann

  4. #24
    My ranking oddly reflects the current polls. Wrath - MoP - TBC - Cata, Wrath will always been a fond expansion for me, a lot of wonderful memories and beyond just "nostalgia" it was one of the more interesting expansions to date. I dont care how "Frequent" we saw the LK, it felt like he was watching us with some horrible plan, even if some people said it felt more like something out of Scooby-doo.
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    Have you seen my posts over the past few days? You should be asking yourself why I'm alive, not why I don't have friends.
    Change is inevitable, Growth is optional.

  5. #25
    TBC >> MoP >> Cata >> WotLK

    MoP has one of the best raid encounters and overall it's very good expansion. Very close to TBC WotLK can burn in hell.

  6. #26
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    I started playing very early in classic and I must say that I had the most fun of all times during WotLk. So my ranking would be
    WotLk 10/10
    TBC 8/10
    Vanilla 7/10
    MoP 7/10
    Cata 5/10

    MoP had very good PvE and catch-up mechanics. Also pandaran and especially Monks are amazing. But it was so hard to keep up all alts at a reasonable Ilvl and sometimes there was too much to do and sometimes almost nothing. The lore patches were amazing but I miss the 5 player instances. All in all it was a solid expansion but far from WotLk and TBC.

  7. #27
    Over 9000! Gimlix's Avatar
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    It is funny if someone makes a poll about expansions, you always see Cataclysm with the least votes.
    Except if it is about the worst expansion x)
    Quote Originally Posted by Shekora View Post
    Goddamn it, Gimlix, why do you keep making these threads?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam the Wiser View Post
    Goddamn it, Gimlix, why do you keep making these threads?

  8. #28
    WotLK > MoP > Cata.
    Didn't play in classic or TBC. MoP has been a great xpac for content, especially after Cata but it lacks the feel I got during WotLK

  9. #29
    Still Wrath of the Lich King!
    Without any doubt, still my favorite.

    I have leveled 8 chars though Northrend and still am exited to go on my next char. I don't know what it is, but the whole thing is just way better than any xpac untill now.
    The other xpacs have their good and bad things though but this wotlk is just a great xpac in it's whole.

    From the perspective of gameplay, rewards, going ahead through content, I rate MoP as the worst up untill now.
    I am not a raider, so this is not from a raid-perspective.

    MoP made everything consume too much time. Leveling was slow, killing mobs was slow, gaining rep was slow, getting recipes for profs was locked behind things which where slow... everything was slow, so we had to spend more time to get anywhere. Even death was made different, the amoujnt of graveyards..... tjeee long walks back to corpse. MoP is for me the worst xpac (i am not looking at it from a story telling perspective or raid-perspective).
    Last edited by Synstir; 2013-10-08 at 10:14 AM.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Raiju View Post
    Usually I see hunters getting 10%+ from cloak and 8-10% from the gem, then the significant stat increase of the cloak on top. At work so don't have time to find a log. Just looked (very quickly) for one to get the point across on iron juggernaut:
    He's a beastmaster hunter, click on the arrow next to his name, and you will notice he did 50% damage and his pets did 50% damage, so 11% of his personal damage equals pretty much 5,5% of his overall damage.

    But btt, I think MoP definitly has the better gameplay, but I think I had the most fun during (out of competition) vanilla - as it simply was my first MMO and there was so much to do and explore, and as I went to university then I had almost endless time to play - and wotlk. Wotlk had extremly well designed (later) raids, and with the mixture of daily/weekly options (not quests, but dungeons and raids) and badge gear system it offered enough to play a main and a bunch of alts, without being overwhelmed by daily quests like in the beginning of mop, or being able to equip your chars on a weekend like in cata.

  11. #31
    Well, its BC = WoTLK > MoP > Cata for me still.

    MoP had lots of improvements in game aspects, but it still has:

    1. Dull pvp, based around cooldown pressing and cc chains. Lots of class balance issues, stripping some specs of their pure defences (SP, boomkin), while giving another overbuffed specs (warlock, huntard) even more defensive they've already had. Completely undestroyable healers. Absolutely unneeded tanks. And yet again dat horrible, horrible tons of CC. The process in general went from super fast, agility/reaction based combat, into some kind of vanilla prot pala vs prot pala duels. Boring.

    2. In fact, we returned back to hybrid taxing in class balance, which is plain ridiculous. Just because I can press a healing cooldown once per three minutes doesn't advocate my Shadowpriest's ST damage being lower than Affli warlock's, while in multidot meter padding we are also behind Affli. Reading dev's tweets for a while, looks like they just decided to fuck hybrids, which is yet again ridiculous, because even in Cata damage diversity was much, much fairer than we have now. Blah blah blah, he's a mage, that is a good reason to put him in top; blah blah blah, you're a priest, you're now forever doomed to the middles. Nice.

    3. Disliking lore overall. Characters development make almost every character involved act OOC.

    4. Horrible x-realm issues. Hate to be timesinked in every aspect of the rare hunting. And I'm sorry, no, sitting on your butt for 23 hours waiting with twenty other idiots like me for rare to spawn hoping to tag it first is NOT a challenge of any sort. It is a plain time sink, nothing more. Bad design.

    Despite all that, raids were nice in MoP. Too much of a slashers' mechanics involved, of course, and lots of bosses became too big in size; but overall raids were strong, interesting, challenging and good. Also, lots of challenging not raid-based content overall, which is also good. Brawlers guild, Gold challenges, Proving Grounds. Hell, even Celestial tournament! World pvp on TI is so much fun, too. Too bad devs are too lazy nowadays to fix class balance; if only they could, MoP would be equal to WotLK for me.

  12. #32
    MoP was good, I did not had high expectations of Cataclysm
    But that Timeless Isle 5.4 patch is crap, they are loosing points

  13. #33
    I'd rank it worse than BC and Wrath, but better than Cata. Final verdict would be: it was ok, it didn't suck.

    Hopefully next expansion Blizzard can strain their genius brains and come up with an actually interesting and relevant race or class, and obviously theme. Hopefully they stop the timesink plastering over everything too.

  14. #34
    Ok summary:

    Leveling: pretty ok, decently quick
    Theme: I like Asian stuff so this was fine - (hey atleast it wasn't an AQ-like expansion, I would probably not even have bothered)
    New stuff: pokemon fail (to me, I just do not like pet battles in favour vs new 5 man content or any other content tbh)
    New stuff: brawlers guild fail (to me, so you go inthere battle a few things on your OWN - gg for an mmo)
    New stuff: proving grounds fail - it does not teach you how to play. It just plays memory. "ok now we get this setup where I need to do this and this and that"
    New stuff: Isle of Thunder - pretty good, liked it a lot when it was current and a lot of people were still there
    New stuff: Isle of Time - pretty good, like it a lot when there are still people around, good hard beasties - actual chance to be killed
    Outdoorbosses: nothing nice tbh. It used to be like: ooooooh we're gonna kill Lord Kazzak!!! OMG this is going to be hard. Instead we get some weak LFR-type of boss
    Story: pretty decent. Bit kidlike. People say this story has "dept". No it hasn't it has as much dept as Cinderalla.
    Endboss: I liked having Garrosh being the last boss
    Alliance vs Horde: still horde has had the spotlight - and we were a sidekick to them in the final battle. Maybe next expansion (I keep telling myself this) we will notice stuff INGAME for the alliance. That would be fun. I don't mind sharing the spotlight. I just do not like seeing one side getting showered with ingame events and the other mostly in books.
    5mans: weak very weak. Too few and too easy.
    5 man challenge: why bother?
    (h)scenarios: do it once and you've done them enough. But noooo its effience for valor... so you do them more then you want.

    Overal I'd say in terms of other expansions: I'd say: TBC > WOTLK > Vanilla > MoP > Cata

  15. #35
    Mechagnome Raysz's Avatar
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    That was a tough one as I really liked Wotlk because of the Nordic feel, the lore and the scenery. I voted Mop because of the quality though as it added so many nice improvements: better quests, the pet battles, improved visuals/graphics, panda's, the farm, rep tokens at revered etc.


  16. #36

    bad: New talent system is a step into more homogenization, the 5.0 affliction version was just horrible for me, pvp is worst then ever with the amount of cc and homogenization, too much cd stacking, the lack of asian theme is why I enjoyed wow western-aproach so its a bad thing for me

    good: Scenarios and challange modes were good, flex raid is looking to be a thing and proving grounds are definately a great addon. pet battles probably mark the lack of rpg ideas from the devs. the end of arena teams is a good thing

    so in the end the most important parts of the game failed for me. cant wait for the xpac to end. after 6 years of affliction I just feel its my time to let the game off, since taking a 180 on the spec design is something no player deserves if he enjoyed it for all this years.
    Last edited by mmoc4f448e7a9a; 2013-10-08 at 10:21 AM.

  17. #37
    BC > WotLK > MoP > Cata.

    I didn't like the storyline of MoP. Alementals, electrical mogus and childish faction conflicts sure are fun, but all in all, it felt like a bonus chapter to me, rather than an important part of the story of Warcraft.

    Difficulty wise, normal and heroic are both well-tuned, but LFR is worse than ever and now there's Flex, which is basically even more loots for next to no effort. I don't really care about these two since I don't run them and probably won't ever do unless I need the gear, but I'm not exactly sure they're needed. The thing I liked the most about BC and WotLK is that you actually had to join a guild if you wanted to see the content. It was somehow part of the reward. I mean, now you could literally see the entirety of the content without even talking to anyone, all by yourself. What kind of MMO is that ?

    Scenarios are a very nice addition though, I really like them.

    The new talent tree not so much. Some should be reworked to be as interesting as some others, and maybe... there should be more choices/tiers. Glyphs also became meaningless for the most part, which I find kinda sad.

    I'd say that, to me, MoP was better than Cata, but certainly not on par with BC and WotLK. It added lots of great content and ideas, but I wasn't that excited to take part in the story. Can't wait for it to end, and can't wait to see what expansion is next.
    Last edited by mmoc63d91da705; 2013-10-08 at 10:26 AM.

  18. #38
    The Unstoppable Force Granyala's Avatar
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    TBC > Wrath/MoP Vashj'ir/Firelands >>.................................................> Rest of Cata

    Gameplay, Lore delivery and Systems

    MoP >>>>>>> Rest.

    MoP is pretty damn awesome. If it had Draenei lore and Demons whose butt I could kick, it would easily be #1.

  19. #39

    I'm of the rare breed that hated tbc. Yes, I said it. It is massively overrated. I bet 99% of people that say 'TBC raids where the best' E.T.C did'nt even raid back then, or even play. For someone like me, that can spare a couple hours a day to do a raid, and not much else, it was AWEFULL. And no, i'm not "casual" I work full time. Cata for example, I had allot of HC progression, a relatively good record for firelands, Realm first HC on beth and baleroc, for E.G.

    I have the skill to raid heroics competitively, just not the time for attunement and endless dailys e.t.c. I didn't play MoP for 5.0 or 5.1, I came in half way through 5.2, so I missed half the dailys, fortunately. I'm absolutely loving 5.4 though. Hand gear out on a plate to get you into a raid, and let your skill level decide how far you go, not how much spare time you have to grind. That's how it should be. Any idiot can get awesome Ilvl from farming dailys and LFR, the occasional normal run.. e.t.c. Some good raiders can't raid HC modes anymore because of time limitations. If the elitest morons want to keep their un-necessary sense of achievement, then let them farm gear all they like, but a shortcut button for those that can't is a good thing.

    TBC was only enjoyable for those that already had a guild, already had the gear, friends and groups to play with, If you didn;t have that already it was almost unbearable.


    Within a week of 5.4, My Ilvl had gone from 430~ to 500+ Ive cleared SoO norm, and I'm about to start HC modes. This was only possible because I had half decent gear available quickly. If it Wasn't, I'd be farming 5.0 content - STILL!
    Last edited by thunterman; 2013-10-08 at 10:29 AM.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaelorian View Post
    Ok summary:

    Leveling: pretty ok, decently quick
    Theme: I like Asian stuff so this was fine - (hey atleast it wasn't an AQ-like expansion, I would probably not even have bothered)
    New stuff: pokemon fail (to me, I just do not like pet battles in favour vs new 5 man content or any other content tbh)
    New stuff: brawlers guild fail (to me, so you go inthere battle a few things on your OWN - gg for an mmo)
    New stuff: proving grounds fail - it does not teach you how to play. It just plays memory. "ok now we get this setup where I need to do this and this and that"
    New stuff: Isle of Thunder - pretty good, liked it a lot when it was current and a lot of people were still there
    New stuff: Isle of Time - pretty good, like it a lot when there are still people around, good hard beasties - actual chance to be killed
    Outdoorbosses: nothing nice tbh. It used to be like: ooooooh we're gonna kill Lord Kazzak!!! OMG this is going to be hard. Instead we get some weak LFR-type of boss
    Story: pretty decent. Bit kidlike. People say this story has "dept". No it hasn't it has as much dept as Cinderalla.
    Endboss: I liked having Garrosh being the last boss
    Alliance vs Horde: still horde has had the spotlight - and we were a sidekick to them in the final battle. Maybe next expansion (I keep telling myself this) we will notice stuff INGAME for the alliance. That would be fun. I don't mind sharing the spotlight. I just do not like seeing one side getting showered with ingame events and the other mostly in books.
    5mans: weak very weak. Too few and too easy.
    5 man challenge: why bother?
    (h)scenarios: do it once and you've done them enough. But noooo its effience for valor... so you do them more then you want.

    Overal I'd say in terms of other expansions: I'd say: TBC > WOTLK > Vanilla > MoP > Cata
    Interesting points old chap.

    Pokemon - I enjoyed it it did not come at the cost of other content (or so blizzard says) the UI team made it so I guess its OK to make that as nothing else gets troubled by it.

    Brawlers guild - I never really got into it in all honesty.

    Proving grounds - Done silver and did a couple of gold attempts (really need to finish it) its fairly challenging and I guess with some tweaks it could become a useful tool later in the game for LFR gating. (Must have X level of PG and Ilevel to use LFR)

    Out door bosses, yeh done 2 of them (Sha and old gally back in 5.0) and was under whelmed. Not done the others yet but I hear that the two harder ones were quite the challenge. I think the issue was the placement of some of the raid bosses. They were visible to everyone and not tucked away in a hidden area much like Kazzak.

    Timeless isle and isle of thunder, I also liked these additions. I hope they continue with additions like these as we go forward.

    Garry - not done him yet and quite frankly I can't wait to loot him. Just a shame we didn't put him to the sword.

    Story - I've enjoyed the overall story and the presentation of the story with cutscenes and voice acting has been top notch. The content of the story is up for opinion.

    5mans - you know my stance on this, needs more of them at launch and a couple of them only accessed via pugging and these ones being very long dungeons with better loot and more difficult bosses. Can split them into 3 wings each a few patches down the line re-tune them and add them to LFD.

    Scenarios and H scenarios, ive enjoyed. I run them when I fancy doing something for VP and cba to do a dungeon (dungeons bore the shit out of me now as theres no new ones that have been added and ive done them to death)

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