Hello forums

I noticed I really enjoy playing both my druid and my shaman, but I'm having a hard time deciding. I'm running into two issues mainly.
Note: this is not ment to be a what-class-should-I-play-thread, I am only interested in facts and experiences from other people, I don't anyone to say what I should play because enjoyment is subjective

I really enjoy tanking on my druid. I wish to play a tanking spec for dungeons, but I want a healing spec for rated pvp and a moonkin spec for raiding and a feral spec for soloing old content.... Yeah, I guess you get my problem. Any advice you could give me? My bags are getting full of gear which is hard to organise and I hate respeccing all the time. It takes a lot of time and I hate having to resetup my bars.
This is practically the only thing holding me back from playing a druid.

I also really enjoy playing my shaman, but I find missing a tank spec a pain. Although it's not that bad. What does keep me back is shaman viability in pvp. I have played my shaman as a main throughout most of cataclysm, where pvping as a dps shaman was a no-go. How is this now? Will you be expected to go resto, or is dps fine?
Also, I have the same problem as with druid on shaman, but to a lesser extent: I want to maintain all 3 specs. How do I organise this better?

Thank you for helping!