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  1. #81
    Not Warlords of Draenor. That is all.

  2. #82
    I'd like to also go on the record as a WoD skeptic. If I'm wrong then so be it. I just can't get behind the idea of WoD at present.
    Normal is the name for the mental disorder present in the majority of humanity.

  3. #83
    Since Wrathion says he won't leave anything to chance "next time", maybe He is the one going back in time to mess with the past trying to change the future. And we have to go and make sure he doesn't mess stuff up.

    For me, I don't think you can go back in time and change the past, its already happened. Anything you go back and do, has already happened, so you will still end up with the same present. If we go back, we already did...

    I would really like to see Draenor or Argus before they were destroyed. There might be races we've never seen before that could be playable. Altho adding them might be odd for the 1-90 leveling but I guess not any stranger than Pandaren that were never around before.

    I think Warlords of Draenor is going to be Hearthstone to bring in the new expac to the decks. Warlord is a pvp title so I dunno why it would be used for an expac.

  4. #84
    Warlords of Draenor implies those who led the fight on Draenor before the tearing (via the portals opening by Ner'Zhul to escape Alliance invasion) will play a major role in the next expansion. Not to say there was an actual battle on Draenor, since they left before the battle started, but one can assume any of the escaped leaders would be pretty mad about the ordeal. As in, those in charge on Draenor before being forced to flee, not those who were in charge of a war effort as Alliance attacked (though could have been posted, then left by the wayside once escape was offered). There is no implication of what other worlds besides Azeroth were involved. As WoW is not likely to see space-travel, I'd rule out Argus or any type of faraway planet, unless portals are involved. Draenor itself was ripped apart and destroyed (or sent to the Nether), and Outland is what remains of Draenor. The idea of a time-travel expansion is rather unimaginative, because it doesn't progress the story forward unless they bring in the idea of reshaping the present through the past, thus throwing players into a persistent alternate timeline (which I doubt).

    If you want to further speculate, we can go back beyond Outland to the origins of Draenor. Draenor was settled on 250 years ago via the Draenei as they were seeking refuge from the Burning Legion. It was inhabited by not only Draenei, but Orcs and other intelligent races. It was peaceful until the whole Gul'dan ordeal, and then all went to hell. The main point to take away from this is that it was originally inhabited by Draenei. That being said, if there was a council in those times, I believe a Warlord would be of Draenei origin. As we also know, Draenei lifespans are rather long (1000s of years), and it is said some escaped.

    Now despite all this, it still doesn't give a direction on anything. Let's say I established that Draenei are the Warlords. What does that mean? The only thing I would definitively say is that we will be heavily revisiting the Draenei race's story, and not the story of Draenor, because Draenor is (for all intents and purposes) gone. Could I be wrong? Sure, easily. Maybe Draenor is habitable somewhere in the Nether, and somehow the portal destruction just sent it floating elsewhere. Unlikely, but possible. There have been no hints to it surviving, and all inhabitants were said to have been sent to other (already existing) worlds. That being said, the only ones who would logically be on this New Draenor would be those who could find it via space travel (Draenei), because I doubt a portal could be opened to a speculated world.

    Could we be going back in time to when Draenor was thriving and peaceful? Ok, sure, but why? Save someone, or stop Ner'zhul from opening the portals? That would mean a significant disparity in storylines for Alliance and Horde, as Alliance were the indirect cause of Outland's formation. How would the Horde convince the Alliance, or the Alliance convince the Alliance? Do Horde players route Alliance as new-Alliance convince old-Alliance to stop? Or is it just...hey, Draenor, get out now before this happens? Time-travel and retcon and all that just seems too complicated to work. Possible, but unlikely. The idea of time travel has been played out, and I think they'll keep it stationary within the Caverns of Time.

    I fully expect a heavy revisiting of Draenei storyline, which has been lost since TBC. What do the naaru want (floaty glowy guys)? What happened to Argus, really? Is it the HQ of the Burning Legion? Can you just give us your spaceships so we can make World of Starcraft? This is what I want to know. Lots of races are aliens, but none moreso than the Draenei, and none moreso that I want to know about. It's hard to justify since Draenei are essentially Alliance, but not as hard since we know Horde had dealing with eredar and Draenei in TBC, and they are less faction-based than any race. Not only that, Vol'jin is a badass and reasonable. I'm fully okay with Horde/Alliance gaps being breached to fight the Burning Legion again, because screw Sargeras. We're finally back to cohesion within the Horde, and there is somewhat mutual respect between Alliance and Horde. Time to go back to the only threat that actually matters; the Burning Legion. They are the main antagonists in my mind, and for good reason.

    You want a real revelation? Look up Army of the Light.

    I was once a Champion of the Naaru. Let me be it again.

    As a side note, can anyone tell me the current state of Outland? As in, after TBC and up to MoP, what is its condition? If I can assume the Burning Legion and Illidan's forces were cleaned up eventually, has it really just been left alone for the entirety of 3 expansions? If so, why can't we just go to present-day Outland, find a new zone, and have that be the expansion where we try to Annex it because we're jerks?

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by xskarma View Post
    I think Blizz will use it to give us an overview of greatest hits of the past for the 10 years anniversary of WoW. So expect many different cool places and events and people that happened in the past to come by.
    This sounds very solid.

    I'm also buying the 12th class because of the space suits picture (and Lore connection with Demon Hunter).

    I also had pretty wild, but interesting (imho) guess about the "Warlords" word choice. Considering Blizzard has always priorized market penetration into their gamedesign (and therefore Lore by extension), and considering the biggest competitor to WoW is a MOBA (LoL), I'm starting to believe "Warlords" has a connection with the implementation of a MOBA style mechanic in next Xpac. Which would also bring justice to Warcraft RTS's 20th anniversary. Something like Scenarios where you'd be able to play each of these Warlords, and maybe having command over troups / resources.
    Last edited by Kourvith; 2013-11-04 at 05:07 PM.

  6. #86
    Expansion NOT being called Warlords of Draenor.
    Level cap of 95
    Dungeon scaling (may not count as it's kind of...known)
    Scenario's more in the style of timeless isle

    Let's see how wrong I'll be.

  7. #87
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    My call is that WoD is either Hearthstone or All Stars related, and that the copywrite application for the actual wow expansion is on a piece of paper in a filing cabinet far from an Access database accessible from the web.

  8. #88
    Here's my secret Hope.....

    Wrathion knows that for the past couple of years we have been defeating the strongest forces of evil that have also been fighting the Legion so in order to truly find an equal counter for the endless intergalatic armies of the Legion he steals the Titan Artifact controlling the Timeways on the Timeless Isle to bring back....

    Arthas the Lich King
    Illidan the Betrayer
    Lady Vashj
    Zul'jin Lord of the Amani
    Admiral Proudmoore
    Archmage Antonidas

    and Finally Grommash Hellscream

    Timelost but not forgotten they have been given another chance to redeem themselves with one purpose in mind. Who will crush the Legion first...

  9. #89
    The expansion is titled "Warlords of Draenor", but is not focused around a time-travel main plot. The leak was accurate, but merely like a blind man describing an elephant(I.E, finding one part of it, and proclaiming it an example of the entire). The expansion will feature the caverns of time as a strong secondary plot, in which one of the instances will involve Grom as the antagonist.

    The main plot: Kil'Jaeden, after being shoved back down the Sunwell toilet, has had a difficult time maintaining his seat of power. His personal defeat at the hands of Azerothian heroes, along with the recent defeat of several other prominent demonic lords, has caused every two-bit Legion Warlord worth his Fel-stained soul to start jockeying for the title: Lord of the Legion. Kil'jaeden now only commands a small loyal fraction, at siege from all sides by those who think his head would secure the title. It does not take long for the Legion Warlords to realize, however, that it is Azeroth that would be the true prize. The Demon that can claim to have toppled the world that defeated Mannoroth Tichondrius, and Archimonde would surely have the right to command the Demonic Burning Legion.

    As a pre-expansion event, one such two-bit Warlord, being brave and stupid enough to go first, sends in his legions from a scattered bunch of small portals that can be managed by the Scattered Shadow Council (maybe they can pull in the Twilight Cultists for this). This early invasion is easily thwarted by the heroes of Azeroth, but reveals the state of the Legion. This, coupled with reports of a rise in Demonic Activity in the Outlands, causes Varian to form the Second Alliance Expedition, puting his son (now old enough to start commanding armies, to Varian's mind) in charge, and under the advisement of the Prophet Velen. Anduin's first move is to extend an invitation to any Horde forces that wish to join, which Vol'jin urges heroes to accept.

    Meanwhile, in Outlands: the rebuilding continues. When we left, the people of Outland, now free from the Illidari and the threat of the Legion turned their hands toward rebuilding. Now, the legion has returned in force, but it is obvious that where once there was an organized whole, now their is a factious mass of armies. Once again the Outlands are a battlefield, and again, it is only to get to Azeroth. Draenor's position in the Nether, and it's proximity to Azeroth merely make it the best possible staging point for invasion, and so the people of Draenor are almost ignored as Demonic Legions without number swell through the lands, each trying to hold the Dark Portal. And this is where our story begins.

    ~ Level Cap raised to 100
    ~ Redone Outlands as 90 - 95 content (major rework)
    ~ Portals on Outland lead to new Legion held worlds, single zones. Examples include Xerrath, Xorroth, and Argus (though others can be pulled out of the air, infinite worlds and possibilities and all that).
    ~ Rebalanced Northrend to be 58-80 leveling zone (small rewrite of quest materials to be current, but overall minor changes)

    ~ New race: High Elves for the Alliance
    - The Silver Covenant continues to gain members from the Many factions of High Elves that refute Lor'themar's authority and the decisions he has made over the years. With the support of Dalaran, and through the influence of the newly returned Alleria Windrunner, the High Elves are formally included into the alliance.
    - With the model upgrades, the High and Blood elves will have distinct but similar models. The blood elves will have a more withdrawn and lined look, with tatoo options at creation. The high elves will look fuller, brighter, and healthier.
    - Classes: DK, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warrior. The High elves forsake the symbiosis the blood elves use to fuel their light and demonic powers, but due to a large portion of their populous being rangers, many of them are well connected with the elemental and natural magics, and can therefor be Druids and Shaman.

    ~ New Race: Dragonkin for the Horde
    - Wrathion finds a faction of the Black dragonflight that has been hiding out in Outlands since the second war, located on the Isle that once housed Deathwing's Lair on Draenor. Using his influence and a bit of brute force, he takes dominion over them, and in an unexpected move, offers to join the Horde. What is he playing at? We don't know yet, but did you really expect him to sit on his hands during a Legion invasion?
    - Playable characters are mortals that have been granted power by Wrathion, turning them into Dragonkin. They may assume a mortal guise (much like Worgen) but are dragon form while in combat. Strongly hinted that all of Wrathion's agents are similarly empowered.
    - Classes: Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warlock, Warrior

    New Class: Sorcerer
    To many, Arcane power comes through years of intense study and training. To others, Arcane secrets must be bargained for, bitterly gathered and jealously guarded. But for a few, it is as natural as breathing. These few wield magic with their every move, turning their bodies into living conduits of power and mixing Martial and Arcane talent into dizzing display's of Arcane potential that even the eldest Mages would be hard pressed to duplicate.
    ~ Armor: Mail
    ~ Primary Stat: Intellect or Agility
    ~ Specializations: Demon Hunter (Fel-Magic, Melee DPS), Ranger (Elemental Magic, Ranged Weapon DPS), Spellbreaker (Arcane Magic, Tank)
    ~ Races: A: Humans, Night Elves, Draenei, Worgen, High Elves. H: Orcs, Forsaken, Blood Elves, Dragonkin

    That's my best guess. 4 days 'til Blizzcon. O.0;

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Orloth View Post
    That's my best guess. 4 days 'til Blizzcon. O.0;
    I'm okay with a reworking of Outland (seeing as how they can keep the Dark Portal there for 'time travel'), but...why? I can't see a few things. One, what has been going on in Outland since TBC ended? We killed Illidan, then moved to SWP, completely disregarding it. Have people been travelling there? Does the Dark Portal even work afterward? Who has been living there, or protecting it, or not protecting it?

    Most of all, why would the Burning Legion come back and re-invade Outland? They already had it as a hub that proved sub-par at best. Wouldn't it just be them retrying the same thing? You can argue they "try harder" or come back stronger, but still...Draenor is Outland, a wasteland of a world that I assume the Alliance/Horde would be keeping tabs on. If they have retaken it and reshaped it, it's going to be a really desolate and dreary place, and I'd be a little disappointed. Unless there's a much bigger focus on Draenei, I can't see why Draenor/Outland would be worth it again. If they can set up portals, I'm sure they can find a more suitable, UNKNOWN location to amass their army with no threats. To re-inhabit Outland is inviting stupidity, so...wait, that must mean it's what's going to happen, since it'd be perfect for WoW :P.

    As for your races, well, I think another Elf race is just beyond odd at this point. Not that I wouldn't like to see another pretty race, I doubt they'd introduce two more. Dragonkin, well...that's always a longshot.
    Last edited by WorldofWorkcraft; 2013-11-04 at 06:39 PM.

  11. #91

    World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

    Level Cap:


    New Continent:

    Draenor (90-100)


    Outland revisit (possible revamp similar to Cataclysm). Illidan makes a comeback. New method of progression added into the game. Mannoroth and Kil'jaeden references.

    New Races (Speculation & Possibilities):

    Naga and Ogre as playable races.

  12. #92
    All I am going to call is that the xpac WILL NOT be sea/water based. No Azshara as the antagonist, no Dark Below.

    Things that I feel are likely but not 100% guaranteed:

    Warlords of Draenor is the title of the expansion
    We go back to space to a world or worlds connected to outland by the portals Ner'Zhul created during Draenor's destruction
    Focus on model revamps of 8 original races means no new playable races
    New ranged weapon class, NOT called Demon Hunter OR Tinker.

  13. #93
    Warchief TheDangerZone's Avatar
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    Oh, what if the Alternative Timeline actually starts with the prevention of Draenor blowing up after the 2nd War?

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    I'm okay with a reworking of Outland (seeing as how they can keep the Dark Portal there for 'time travel'), but...why? I can't see a few things. One, what has been going on in Outland since TBC ended? We killed Illidan, then moved to SWP, completely disregarding it. Have people been travelling there? Does the Dark Portal even work afterward? Who has been living there, or protecting it, or not protecting it?

    Most of all, why would the Burning Legion come back and re-invade Outland? They already had it as a hub that proved sub-par at best. Wouldn't it just be them retrying the same thing? You can argue they "try harder" or come back stronger, but still...Draenor is Outland, a wasteland of a world that I assume the Alliance/Horde would be keeping tabs on. If they have retaken it and reshaped it, it's going to be a really desolate and dreary place, and I'd be a little disappointed. Unless there's a much bigger focus on Draenei, I can't see why Draenor/Outland would be worth it again. If they can set up portals, I'm sure they can find a more suitable, UNKNOWN location to amass their army with no threats. To re-inhabit Outland is inviting stupidity, so...wait, that must mean it's what's going to happen, since it'd be perfect for WoW :P.

    As for your races, well, I think another Elf race is just beyond odd at this point. Not that I wouldn't like to see another pretty race, I doubt they'd introduce two more. Dragonkin, well...that's always a longshot.
    I was going for a longshot. I wanted to go against the grain, and the miasmic 'Time-Travel Expansion' theories.

    As far as the Dark Portal goes, we know it is still open and we know that people still live out there, based on various updates from Cata on to the more recent Warlock Green fire quest. A comprehensive update on stuff like: How Akama is fairing at cleansing the black temple? How the consortium terraforming efforts are going? has Rexxar gotten over his daddy issues yet? What are the Ogri'lla up to? Who now controls Tempest Keep? etc, etc.

    The Outlands have always been (since their creation by Ner'zhul's reckless game of Portal) a strategic point for anyone wanting to move armies through the nether. Travel between worlds is usually quite difficult (site: The Dark Portal, The War of the Ancients, and WC3), but due to Draenor's current location suspended in the Nether, it operates as a convenient midway station. In other words, it takes much less power and coordination to create a portal from Argus to Outland, and then from Outland to Azeroth, then it would to just jump straight from Argus to Azeroth, and one of those portals already exists and is active. In the lore, Portal magic is much more difficult and complicated then Mages make it look, especially when other dimensions are at play. That was one of the major plotlines and reasons for the Burning Crusade Expansion.

    Overall, if this is expansion is about Draenor, I'd rather pull out all the stops and make it a huge Legion expansion deal with Draenor (now Outlands) as the vehicle. Basically BC 2.0 with better... everything. Just my take.

  15. #95
    Over 9000! ringpriest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orloth View Post
    The expansion is titled "Warlords of Draenor", but is not focused around a time-travel main plot. The leak was accurate, but merely like a blind man describing an elephant(I.E, finding one part of it, and proclaiming it an example of the entire). The expansion will feature the caverns of time as a strong secondary plot, in which one of the instances will involve Grom as the antagonist.

    The main plot: Kil'Jaeden, after being shoved back down the Sunwell toilet, has had a difficult time maintaining his seat of power. His personal defeat at the hands of Azerothian heroes, along with the recent defeat of several other prominent demonic lords, has caused every two-bit Legion Warlord worth his Fel-stained soul to start jockeying for the title: Lord of the Legion. Kil'jaeden now only commands a small loyal fraction, at siege from all sides by those who think his head would secure the title. It does not take long for the Legion Warlords to realize, however, that it is Azeroth that would be the true prize. The Demon that can claim to have toppled the world that defeated Mannoroth Tichondrius, and Archimonde would surely have the right to command the Demonic Burning Legion.

    As a pre-expansion event, one such two-bit Warlord, being brave and stupid enough to go first, sends in his legions from a scattered bunch of small portals that can be managed by the Scattered Shadow Council (maybe they can pull in the Twilight Cultists for this). This early invasion is easily thwarted by the heroes of Azeroth, but reveals the state of the Legion. This, coupled with reports of a rise in Demonic Activity in the Outlands, causes Varian to form the Second Alliance Expedition, puting his son (now old enough to start commanding armies, to Varian's mind) in charge, and under the advisement of the Prophet Velen. Anduin's first move is to extend an invitation to any Horde forces that wish to join, which Vol'jin urges heroes to accept.

    Meanwhile, in Outlands: the rebuilding continues. When we left, the people of Outland, now free from the Illidari and the threat of the Legion turned their hands toward rebuilding. Now, the legion has returned in force, but it is obvious that where once there was an organized whole, now their is a factious mass of armies. Once again the Outlands are a battlefield, and again, it is only to get to Azeroth. Draenor's position in the Nether, and it's proximity to Azeroth merely make it the best possible staging point for invasion, and so the people of Draenor are almost ignored as Demonic Legions without number swell through the lands, each trying to hold the Dark Portal. And this is where our story begins.

    ~ Level Cap raised to 100
    ~ Redone Outlands as 90 - 95 content (major rework)
    ~ Portals on Outland lead to new Legion held worlds, single zones. Examples include Xerrath, Xorroth, and Argus (though others can be pulled out of the air, infinite worlds and possibilities and all that).
    ~ Rebalanced Northrend to be 58-80 leveling zone (small rewrite of quest materials to be current, but overall minor changes)

    ~ New race: High Elves for the Alliance
    - The Silver Covenant continues to gain members from the Many factions of High Elves that refute Lor'themar's authority and the decisions he has made over the years. With the support of Dalaran, and through the influence of the newly returned Alleria Windrunner, the High Elves are formally included into the alliance.
    - With the model upgrades, the High and Blood elves will have distinct but similar models. The blood elves will have a more withdrawn and lined look, with tatoo options at creation. The high elves will look fuller, brighter, and healthier.
    - Classes: DK, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warrior. The High elves forsake the symbiosis the blood elves use to fuel their light and demonic powers, but due to a large portion of their populous being rangers, many of them are well connected with the elemental and natural magics, and can therefor be Druids and Shaman.

    ~ New Race: Dragonkin for the Horde
    - Wrathion finds a faction of the Black dragonflight that has been hiding out in Outlands since the second war, located on the Isle that once housed Deathwing's Lair on Draenor. Using his influence and a bit of brute force, he takes dominion over them, and in an unexpected move, offers to join the Horde. What is he playing at? We don't know yet, but did you really expect him to sit on his hands during a Legion invasion?
    - Playable characters are mortals that have been granted power by Wrathion, turning them into Dragonkin. They may assume a mortal guise (much like Worgen) but are dragon form while in combat. Strongly hinted that all of Wrathion's agents are similarly empowered.
    - Classes: Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warlock, Warrior

    New Class: Sorcerer
    To many, Arcane power comes through years of intense study and training. To others, Arcane secrets must be bargained for, bitterly gathered and jealously guarded. But for a few, it is as natural as breathing. These few wield magic with their every move, turning their bodies into living conduits of power and mixing Martial and Arcane talent into dizzing display's of Arcane potential that even the eldest Mages would be hard pressed to duplicate.
    ~ Armor: Mail
    ~ Primary Stat: Intellect or Agility
    ~ Specializations: Demon Hunter (Fel-Magic, Melee DPS), Ranger (Elemental Magic, Ranged Weapon DPS), Spellbreaker (Arcane Magic, Tank)
    ~ Races: A: Humans, Night Elves, Draenei, Worgen, High Elves. H: Orcs, Forsaken, Blood Elves, Dragonkin

    That's my best guess. 4 days 'til Blizzcon. O.0;
    I can only hope that you're right - if Blizz doesn't already employ you, they should. I'd be back for this in a heartbeat.
    "In today’s America, conservatives who actually want to conserve are as rare as liberals who actually want to liberate. The once-significant language of an earlier era has had the meaning sucked right out of it, the better to serve as camouflage for a kleptocratic feeding frenzy in which both establishment parties participate with equal abandon" (Taking a break from the criminal, incompetent liars at the NSA, to bring you the above political observation, from The Archdruid Report.)

  16. #96
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Yay, our final boss is a guy we killed 4 years ago in a 5-man.

    Yeah, I'd unsub on Friday afternoon.
    We're going to be fighting Kil'Jaeden in the future soon. You won't qq about that though I bet. Honestly you like to say unsub a lot.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by Orloth View Post
    I was going for a longshot. I wanted to go against the grain, and the miasmic 'Time-Travel Expansion' theories.

    As far as the Dark Portal goes, we know it is still open and we know that people still live out there, based on various updates from Cata on to the more recent Warlock Green fire quest. A comprehensive update on stuff like: How Akama is fairing at cleansing the black temple? How the consortium terraforming efforts are going? has Rexxar gotten over his daddy issues yet? What are the Ogri'lla up to? Who now controls Tempest Keep? etc, etc.

    The Outlands have always been (since their creation by Ner'zhul's reckless game of Portal) a strategic point for anyone wanting to move armies through the nether. Travel between worlds is usually quite difficult (site: The Dark Portal, The War of the Ancients, and WC3), but due to Draenor's current location suspended in the Nether, it operates as a convenient midway station. In other words, it takes much less power and coordination to create a portal from Argus to Outland, and then from Outland to Azeroth, then it would to just jump straight from Argus to Azeroth, and one of those portals already exists and is active. In the lore, Portal magic is much more difficult and complicated then Mages make it look, especially when other dimensions are at play. That was one of the major plotlines and reasons for the Burning Crusade Expansion.

    Overall, if this is expansion is about Draenor, I'd rather pull out all the stops and make it a huge Legion expansion deal with Draenor (now Outlands) as the vehicle. Basically BC 2.0 with better... everything. Just my take.
    If Rexxar comes back, I'm game. That dude is such a badass, and could lead Ogres. So Rexxar takes over Ogrila? The Black Temple becomes a new central hub, whereas Shattrath was sieged by the Burning Legion and the survivors took refuge in The Black Temple? Tempest Keep always seemed like a...oh, it's there. Cool. If someone says Kael'thas comes back I'll lose it, haha. Because everything was MERELY A SETBACK. Heroic Magister's Terrace was like, one of those dungeons people just failed over and over again at. I'd love to see another string of hard stuff like that.

    If you think Outland is that worth taking over, than I'll agree it's plausible despite it being very predictable. I'd analogize it to any strategic point in our world, whereas controlling key points anywhere is always worth controlling because of the advantage given. Like Hawaii for USA, or something.

    You bring up a point, though, about terraforming, which is kind of cool. The idea behind it being any zone can be anything, and even to go as far as reforming Draenor. If Ethereal technology became more advanced, reshaping and new land could occur, though still within the Nether.

    While I think it's a good idea (definitely better than Time Travel), I just hope the Draenei are incorporated. They're like Blizzard's forgotten middle child. I want to see prior leaders of pre-destroyed-by-portals Draenor (Draenei "Warlords"/elders?) come back and lead an expedition through the newly formed Draenor that was enhanced, fixed, repopulated, then attacked again. Velen will play a big role, as will new eredar (good and evil) and naaru.

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    If Rexxar comes back, I'm game. That dude is such a badass, and could lead Ogres. So Rexxar takes over Ogrila? The Black Temple becomes a new central hub, whereas Shattrath was sieged by the Burning Legion and the survivors took refuge in The Black Temple? Tempest Keep always seemed like a...oh, it's there. Cool. If someone says Kael'thas comes back I'll lose it, haha. Because everything was MERELY A SETBACK. Heroic Magister's Terrace was like, one of those dungeons people just failed over and over again at. I'd love to see another string of hard stuff like that.

    If you think Outland is that worth taking over, than I'll agree it's plausible despite it being very predictable. I'd analogize it to any strategic point in our world, whereas controlling key points anywhere is always worth controlling because of the advantage given. Like Hawaii for USA, or something.

    You bring up a point, though, about terraforming, which is kind of cool. The idea behind it being any zone can be anything, and even to go as far as reforming Draenor. If Ethereal technology became more advanced, reshaping and new land could occur, though still within the Nether.

    While I think it's a good idea (definitely better than Time Travel), I just hope the Draenei are incorporated. They're like Blizzard's forgotten middle child. I want to see prior leaders of pre-destroyed-by-portals Draenor (Draenei "Warlords"/elders?) come back and lead an expedition through the newly formed Draenor that was enhanced, fixed, repopulated, then attacked again. Velen will play a big role, as will new eredar (good and evil) and naaru.
    Sure, any and all of the above is possible. I wanted to avoid getting too specific, and focused instead on the broad strokes. However, the use of the Word 'Warlords' in the title, is especially evocative of a revolving door of villians and heroes who all gain power through martial or military prowess. This suggests (to my mind) a lot of various lore characters showing up to stake their claim. I also wouldn't be surprised if a major Azerothian figure decides that they might make a good 'Lord of the Legion'. The possibilities are pretty open.

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Orloth View Post
    Sure, any and all of the above is possible. I wanted to avoid getting too specific, and focused instead on the broad strokes. However, the use of the Word 'Warlords' in the title, is especially evocative of a revolving door of villians and heroes who all gain power through martial or military prowess. This suggests (to my mind) a lot of various lore characters showing up to stake their claim. I also wouldn't be surprised if a major Azerothian figure decides that they might make a good 'Lord of the Legion'. The possibilities are pretty open.
    If we put aside the "Warlords of Draenor" idea since it is speculation via trademark, what can we say has been neglected in WoW? MoP (which I didn't play, but would have under certain circumstances (i.e. wasn't playing GW2->FFXIV now xD)) brought out the Pandaren, a seemingly lost race that few even gave a second thought to. I feel like after their experimental expansion (MoP) trying out new grounds and refocusing on the war between Alliance and Horde, they now are at a point where it's make or break. At this point, they need that it-factor to not only reinvigorate current players, but bring back those who have long since lost their passion since TBC or WotLK.

    That being said, I can really only point it to the Burning Legion, which are connected via the Draenei whom the Burning Legion chased. Do we bring back the Lich King so soon (doubtful, but possible)? What is the hook this time around, that will really pull players (ME, specifically, as well, being someone who loved TBC and the lore and everything) back into the world?

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by WorldofWorkcraft View Post
    If we put aside the "Warlords of Draenor" idea since it is speculation via trademark, what can we say has been neglected in WoW? MoP (which I didn't play, but would have under certain circumstances (i.e. wasn't playing GW2->FFXIV now xD)) brought out the Pandaren, a seemingly lost race that few even gave a second thought to. I feel like after their experimental expansion (MoP) trying out new grounds and refocusing on the war between Alliance and Horde, they now are at a point where it's make or break. At this point, they need that it-factor to not only reinvigorate current players, but bring back those who have long since lost their passion since TBC or WotLK.

    That being said, I can really only point it to the Burning Legion, which are connected via the Draenei whom the Burning Legion chased. Do we bring back the Lich King so soon (doubtful, but possible)? What is the hook this time around, that will really pull players (ME, specifically, as well, being someone who loved TBC and the lore and everything) back into the world?
    The Burning Crusade had a very rich back-story that was very poorly told. Mists of Pandaria was the first expansion that was built (with one small exception) from WoW created lore, rather then leaning on back-story from previous games, and it managed to tell a very engaging story, and push PvE content to the limit without a major lore threat. To you, I would say that this expansion would combine the rich lore of the Continuing fight against the Burning Legion as a major lore threat, with everything that Blizzard has learned from Wrath, Cata, and Mists. It would be an Alliance focused expansion (the Horde would almost certainly be playing second fiddle with Anduin, Velen, and Turalyon leading the expedition) with plenty of lore for the Draenei (you would be going to ARGUS! The Eredar and Draenei homeworld!). You get to battle Legions of Demons to prevent them from invading Azeroth (Draenor may be a staging ground, but that won't prevent story from happening on the Mainland like the 5.1 and 5.3 content for Mists), and probably flush ol' KJ down another toilet. Does that not sound fun to you?

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