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  1. #1

    Heroes of the Storm Overview

    Heroes of the Storm Overview

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

  2. #2
    I've never been a fan of MOBA, but I will play this.

  3. #3
    What an awesome group of people on stage... gotta love them.

  4. #4
    Either people are watching closely, or this isn't a very popular topic... o.O

  5. #5
    Looks good so far.

    Small article here with some info:

  6. #6
    lol at the Q&A. Obv they have never played a MOBA and only watch pro players. Talking about communication and team work. If there is a soloq, there wont be any of that cause all ppl in MOBAs want to do is have the most kills. Win or lose.

  7. #7
    And no one asked if this will be a free to play,like Hearthstone ?
    Only skins that costs money ?

    Like other MOBA I believe so :S

  8. #8
    The Red Shirt dude sure put alooooot of effort in his presentation today, good job dude!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    lol at the Q&A. Obv they have never played a MOBA and only watch pro players. Talking about communication and team work. If there is a soloq, there wont be any of that cause all ppl in MOBAs want to do is have the most kills. Win or lose.
    The game seems quite good and its differences to say dota 2 or LoL are actually really appealing from what I've seen. I'd say Blizzard did a good job for a first moba game.

    As for soloq. People go there to win, whether they have X or Y kills is irrelevant to the game since it's not how you win it, not necessarily.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mkgego View Post
    And no one asked if this will be a free to play,like Hearthstone ?
    Only skins that costs money ?

    Like other MOBA I believe so :S
    True lol.

  10. #10
    I am Murloc! DrMcNinja's Avatar
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    Apparently somewhere whipping Portuguese prisoners
    Apparently it is free to play

  11. #11
    This looks incredibly cheesy.

  12. #12
    Ok, it´s free to play, only question remains for me is skins, I read in blizzcon you can choose skins but no one asked//have been said if the skins will be able to pick for free // pay // achievable through achievements etc etc etc ...


  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Mkgego View Post
    Ok, it´s free to play, only question remains for me is skins, I read in blizzcon you can choose skins but no one asked//have been said if the skins will be able to pick for free // pay // achievable through achievements etc etc etc ...

    If Blizz plans on making money through this game, skins will be obtainable through money methods only for sure.

  14. #14
    Field Marshal gwynnith's Avatar
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    I'm not a huge MOBA fan but the setting and characters in this game could actually get me into the genre. Never thought I would be excited for a MOBA.

  15. #15
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    If Blizz plans on making money through this game, skins will be obtainable through money methods only for sure.
    That's pretty much how it works for other MOBA games.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  16. #16
    wow i just want to play this game... any clues about when they will giving out beta or something like that? i really looking forward to 20 min fast phased games full of heros you like that you will always hesitate what to pick because they are all awesome

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    That's pretty much how it works for other MOBA games.
    Yup. I don't why it would be different here.
    Quote Originally Posted by MrM3tod View Post
    wow i just want to play this game... any clues about when they will giving out beta or something like that? i really looking forward to 20 min fast phased games full of heros you like that you will always hesitate what to pick because they are all awesome
    The beta sign up is already up but no idea if you can get in now since it's still being talked about on BlizzCon.

  18. #18
    Titan Arbs's Avatar
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    So Chaud, Are we gunna get a Heroes of the Storm thread like Heathstone has ??

  19. #19
    Everyone missing the 20 minute time limit. Not a serious moba. what a joke.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Agartha View Post
    Everyone missing the 20 minute time limit. Not a serious moba. what a joke.
    LoL's Howling Abyss generally lasts around that time either and it's quite popular.

    20 minutes limit doesn't seem to be a determinant factor to label the game as bad or a joke.

    Won't know until we actually play it.

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