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  1. #21
    i didnt think they said there will be 20 min time limit. they said that the average time lenght of game is 20 min or am i wrong?

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    LoL's Howling Abyss generally lasts around that time either and it's quite popular.

    20 minutes limit doesn't seem to be a determinant factor to label the game as bad or a joke.

    Won't know until we actually play it.
    Let me clarify, this game will not have a competitive scene, nor will it seriously compete with LoL or Dota in the moba market.

  3. #23
    Scarab Lord Skorpionss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    LoL's Howling Abyss generally lasts around that time either and it's quite popular.

    20 minutes limit doesn't seem to be a determinant factor to label the game as bad or a joke.

    Won't know until we actually play it.
    I kind of feel the same way(not bad, but not taking itself seriously either)... 20 minutes time limit and no items ...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Agartha View Post
    Let me clarify, this game will not have a competitive scene, nor will it seriously compete with LoL or Dota in the moba market.
    it doesn't really need to, it's not a dota clone, it won't compete with dota directly. It looks pretty unique if you ask me.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by MrM3tod View Post
    i didnt think they said there will be 20 min time limit. they said that the average time lenght of game is 20 min or am i wrong?
    I understood the same thing ><

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by gwynnith View Post
    I'm not a huge MOBA fan but the setting and characters in this game could actually get me into the genre. Never thought I would be excited for a MOBA.
    MOBAs create some of the worst gaming communities. Be prepared to be yelled at a lot if you aren't at least some what decent at MOBA games.

  6. #26
    The mounts are too far. They always have to have this EXTRA crap that makes a "Blizzard DOTA" a world of warcraft touch. It's not MOBA World of Wacraft, it's HEROES of the STORM. WHy the fuck do they have to have mounts? The reasoning: To get grouped up faster? Kill yourself. Whoever that game Designer is.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Skorpionss View Post
    I kind of feel the same way(not bad, but not taking itself seriously either)... 20 minutes time limit and no items ...
    Yeah, I feel kinda weird about it. I've been very excited to hear more about Heart of the Storm but the whole thing about not relying even a bit on your personal skill leaves me kinda eh about the whole thing... I dunno, I'll def try it but I'm just having some nagging thoughts.
    “It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what.”

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by WarpAvP2 View Post
    The mounts are too far. They always have to have this EXTRA crap that makes a "Blizzard DOTA" a world of warcraft touch. It's not MOBA World of Wacraft, it's HEROES of the STORM. WHy the fuck do they have to have mounts? The reasoning: To get grouped up faster? Kill yourself. Whoever that game Designer is.
    I think the mounts are only up for the start of the game? like first 1 minute or so to allow you to get to your spot faster. I don't think you can simply just mount up whenever you want.

    And there is no time limit. What they meant is that this game usually lasts on average 20 minutes.
    Last edited by hplaner; 2013-11-09 at 04:59 AM.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Agartha View Post
    Everyone missing the 20 minute time limit. Not a serious moba. what a joke.
    Because those hour long matches were SOOOOOO fun.

  10. #30
    Scarab Lord Crackleslap's Avatar
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    Don't think this will overthrow Dota 2 for me. Will have to wait and see. But I seriously doubt it will.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammonoske View Post
    Because those hour long matches were SOOOOOO fun.
    Hour long matches are fun. 20 minutes matches seems like to me - a total pubstomp.

  11. #31
    I hope they decide to reverse a few changes to the game.

    20 minute matches are not enough. If a match is 20 minutes long, I consider that a pub-stomp in most case scenarios with dota 2 or LoL.

    I don't like the "team effort > individual play". The idea is good, but in all reality your not playing with friends, and you really don't care about your teammates.

    I hope they implement in-game items. But this game to me sounds more like a PvP game rather then a MOBA, and I hope that's not the case.

  12. #32
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crackleslap View Post
    Hour long matches are fun. 20 minutes matches seems like to me - a total pubstomp.
    It depends on whether it's a ton of action such as the 71 minute Dignitas vs. CLG game in LoL, or a farm/turtling fest such as the 98 minute DK vs. iG game in DOTA 2.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dioxy View Post
    I don't like the "team effort > individual play". The idea is good, but in all reality your not playing with friends, and you really don't care about your teammates.
    That's probably to limit the snowbally nature that is inherent to MOBAs, granted they only get to the point of 1v5ing in certain situations.
    Last edited by Thallidomaniac; 2013-11-09 at 05:43 AM.
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  13. #33
    Pit Lord Omians's Avatar
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    looks like a pretty fun game so far

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Agartha View Post
    Let me clarify, this game will not have a competitive scene, nor will it seriously compete with LoL or Dota in the moba market.
    don't be so sure. Since the game will be focusing more on team plays, it can be a serious threat to current trend of MOBA and maybe a fix to the toxic in-game community. A few feeds won't affect much to overall team's performance, open more to strategy game play rather than last hitting creeps, mindless farming for the first 20mins of the game.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Sammonoske View Post
    Because those hour long matches were SOOOOOO fun.
    Yes they are fun. Being behind for the entire game and finally winning a team fight then pushing for the win is awesome

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't understand the removal of last hitting. Being ahead in cs grants lane control and the obvious advantage of better items. Is there even items? This all sounds a bit meh tbh. I don't like the emphasis on team coordination either. Sure it's great with 4 friends on Skype but in a random groups it's horrible.

  16. #36
    Does anyone have todays Heroes of the Storm panel youtube link? I am pretty sure I saw one..but ..well..its gone just asking

  17. #37
    High Overlord Puppy's Avatar
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    Incredibly upset with the take on the game... I had high hopes but oh well, looks like DotA 2 will crush every MOBA in the future.

  18. #38
    Herald of the Titans Vorkreist's Avatar
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    Blizzard trying to reinvent the wheel.Again. Totally.....

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Sammonoske View Post
    Because those hour long matches were SOOOOOO fun.
    Its fun for hard carries, annoying for everyone else, unless i'm on the other team >, Rengar ftw.

  20. #40
    Was looking to switch from Dota 2 from this, but it just looks awful in every aspect, which annoys me greatly.

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