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  1. #21
    Legendary! snuzzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kencandraw View Post
    Oh trust me I know, but I can dream...
    If it helps, I think your face edit looks a lot more like the current models than Blizz's. I hadn't been able to put my finger on why, but you spelled it all out perfectly for me. The face looks "scrunched" almost in Blizz's version. Hopefully they listen to model feedback on these. It's too important for them to get this right; they really need to listen to the players NOW.

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  2. #22
    Banned Shadee's Avatar
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    Blizz model looks much better. You just took out a lot of the detail and made things bigger.

  3. #23
    Warchief TheDangerZone's Avatar
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    The only one I'm 100% on board is the humerus one; that is just wrong, how would he move his arms if it's out of the socket!? Magic?

    The ribs, although innacurate, don't really bother me.

    Humans in wow seems to have HUMONGOUS brow ridges. I'm even inclined to say that humans in wow are more neanderthal than sapien in appareance. Vrykul should be the point of comparison.

    Yeah, the rest is more about art style and just preference I'd say; but that humerus, HOW!!

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Yakuchin View Post
    I'd do it on General Discussion. Lots of people look at that forum and when it gets a few pages, it will get noticed. Go for it!
    Posted! I'm still not allowed to make real links but here you go:

    I'm so surprised I'm getting so much support on this- you guys are awesome

  5. #25
    Scarab Lord Lime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kencandraw View Post
    Posted! I'm still not allowed to make real links but here you go:

    I'm so surprised I'm getting so much support on this- you guys are awesome
    Good luck, but you'll probably just get a generic response such as, "Well, our human are different from real humans.".

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadee View Post
    Blizz model looks much better. You just took out a lot of the detail and made things bigger.
    Maybe I should clarify... I should have put in a dividing line but I changed the left side and kept the right side as the original. So their bones are the big chunky ones. :0 It's all a matter of taste, these are just my hopes for bones that might actually work. It's not perfect anatomy either by any means. Of course this isn't a realistic world this character would exist in but it's just a few thoughts

  7. #27
    Scarab Lord Lime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kencandraw View Post
    but I changed the left side and kept the right side as the original.
    I noticed that at first, but then realized that not many people would, I hope you didn't mind me putting in that second image.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Lime View Post
    I noticed that at first, but then realized that not many people would, I hope you didn't mind me putting in that second image.
    don't mind at all, thanks! that was a derp on my part.

  9. #29
    I like the other modifications, but I think the brow ridges were fine as-is. Warcraft humans have always had heavy facial features, and if the flesh is shrunken over the bone they would be quite visible.

  10. #30
    Field Marshal Ieatsouls's Avatar
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    Well since my play time was up couple months ago I can't post on Blizz forums . The bigger problem I have with the Undead is why the hell do we only have Undead Humans???? Sylvanas Windrunner is a High Elf ffs. I would love to see 3 factions. Horde, Ally an The Undead. Undead would be made up of ALL the dead versions of the races. I know some people will say well then they would need to remake all these models for dead versions. Well I will say if Guild Wars 2 (ANET) can do it for it's races an that game is buy to play (Buy the game no sub fee) then why can't Blizz do it with it's $15/month?? Just think about running around as a Undead Troll or Undead Panda. Please don't say well you all ready can with a Deathknight. Why this mist be semi true they pretty much are the same but with glowing eyes. I want a Zombie Orc or Zombie Gnome!

  11. #31
    This looks great OP, I hope to see it implemented in WoD.

  12. #32
    i do like your changes OP, but considering one of Blizzards core philosophy's with this whole model update is preserving the feel of the old characters, id imagine they feel its more important to hold onto qualities that may not be anatomically correct or even logically functional if it is how it was on the old model. things like the shoulders and spine are probably not going anywhere. chalk it up to fantasy and styling. other things like the lips could potentially vary with different facial options, though.
    Last edited by FiveOneTwo; 2013-11-11 at 02:46 AM.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Yowser View Post
    The arm bones protruding so far out of the shoulders were really bothering me with the original model.

    If they only make one fix I wish it is the arm/shoulder bones, your version of them is a big improvement.
    agree completly, those arm bones ruin the new model just looks ridiculous

  14. #34
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nailyou View Post
    This looks great OP, I hope to see it implemented in WoD.
    They're not going to change it now...

    I hope people realize that Photoshopping an image to tailor together something is a far cry from making a 3D model with facial bones capable of making a myriad of different expressions... and significantly easier than changing the actual model.

    Take, for example, the lowering of the jaw. Blizzard now has a complex facial animation rig set up around the mouth. You don't just simply "drop that down a few inches" without having to redo all of the animations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  15. #35
    I think it's cool and I think you did a good job... However I feel it sacrifices style for realism. Part of what I feel makes the art style work is the over exaggeration. Gives it more of a "pop" and gives more differentiation between the races.
    Last edited by Mojo03; 2013-11-11 at 02:50 AM.

  16. #36
    Legendary! snuzzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    They're not going to change it now...

    I hope people realize that Photoshopping an image to tailor together something is a far cry from making a 3D model with facial bones capable of making a myriad of different expressions... and significantly easier than changing the actual model.

    Take, for example, the lowering of the jaw. Blizzard now has a complex facial animation rig set up around the mouth. You don't just simply "drop that down a few inches" without having to redo all of the animations.
    No one was suggesting anything of the sort. Furthermore, they stated they hadn't begun animating the male undead yet. That was his "t-pose," or in layman's terms, that's just the basic model before any animation is done.

    This is actually the best time TO change it, frankly.

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  17. #37
    Forsaken are magic, some of them are just skeletons whose bones float magically connected in place without any connective tissues, essentially haunted corpses. They also mutate from the plague, their muscles and bones reshaping into armor and and spines and fangs and all kinds of things, just look at the ghouls people turn into from eating poison grain. The demonic plague seems to create different tiers of undead "species". The bones sticking out of the Forsaken aren't exactly supposed to be anatomically correct.
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  18. #38
    Stood in the Fire SirMeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yig View Post
    Forsaken are magic, some of them are just skeletons whose bones float magically connected in place without any connective tissues, essentially haunted corpses. They also mutate from the plague, their muscles and bones reshaping into armor and and spines and fangs and all kinds of things, just look at the ghouls people turn into from eating poison grain. The demonic plague seems to create different tiers of undead "species". The bones sticking out of the Forsaken aren't exactly supposed to be anatomically correct.
    They shouldn't look glued on pieces of wood either, though. I'm not sure if the OPs idea is the one design team "should" use (though I would like it, I'm personally REALLY annoyed by weirdly visible bone) but it definitely does need to be tweaked. The current (well current and current.. the current future one??) one is just weird.

    edit: I do feel the shape of the head of the edit is a bit closer to what we have now than what Blizzard showed us. But the undead are a wip so who knows, maybe that would've been fixed anyway.
    Last edited by SirMeo; 2013-11-11 at 03:00 AM.

  19. #39
    Besides the eyes, I like yours better. The shoulder bone on Blizz's model is pretty gross, haha.

  20. #40
    One thing we don't know is whether the bones will stick through the armor. If they don't, what's underneath does not matter much.

    (Unless you like dressing your undead in plate-kinis.)

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