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  1. #41
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7seti View Post
    One thing we don't know is whether the bones will stick through the armor. If they don't, what's underneath does not matter much.

    (Unless you like dressing your undead in plate-kinis.)
    Curse you for putting that image in my head...

    At any rate, the bones poke out of the armor now. It's likely going to remain that way, though they may make an effort to make it look less... cartoony...
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by SirMeo View Post
    They shouldn't look glued on pieces of wood either, though. I'm not sure if the OPs idea is the one design team "should" use (though I would like it, I'm personally REALLY annoyed by weirdly visible bone) but it definitely does need to be tweaked. The current (well current and current.. the current future one??) one is just weird.

    edit: I do feel the shape of the head of the edit is a bit closer to what we have now than what Blizzard showed us. But the undead are a wip so who knows, maybe that would've been fixed anyway.
    Well hey, if the design team saw it and they liked it, even if they didn't change anything, I'd be super excited about that. If this discussion nudged them in the direction of scooting that bone in a bit, then even better! This was really made for my own enjoyment, to show some friends what I thought- then one suggested I post it so I did. I wanted it to start a discussion so I could see what others think, but I don't expect to see anything come of it at all. Of course off in fantasyland if someone was like UR HIRED I wouldn't say no lol.

  3. #43
    I like the shoulder bone and rib change, but the Blizzard face looks much better and more proportional.

  4. #44
    Stood in the Fire SirMeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7seti View Post
    One thing we don't know is whether the bones will stick through the armor. If they don't, what's underneath does not matter much.

    (Unless you like dressing your undead in plate-kinis.)
    The shoulder bones actually don't currently show through shoulder pads but if it's worth redoing I guess it should be worth redoing well...?

    Actually now I'm kind of curious if they manage to make the bone showing through armor any less awkward than it's now. And how well they pull off knees/elbows/fingers/toes for them dead people.

  5. #45
    you fixed something thats WiP? Not saying your fixes are bad, they're good but what they showed was WIP...and the over reaction is why they don't generally show wip stuff.

  6. #46
    I like your version better, mainly for the shoulder region.
    Just out of curiosity, do undeads need bones in place to move?

  7. #47
    The Insane Underverse's Avatar
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    meh I like the original better

  8. #48
    i'd rather just keep my current model tyvm.

  9. #49
    I really liked your edit OP. I hope they make it more like you did.

    PS: specially the lips, it made a huge difference to me

  10. #50
    the characters in wow are not real they are fantasy - fantasy can be anything the creators want it to be, unlike reality - so im not sure why anyone would think a fantasy needs to follow reality's ruleset instead of the fantasy creator's ruleset

  11. #51
    Immortal TEHPALLYTANK's Avatar
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    The dislocated arms are the only major problem I have with blizz's model. I can get over the rest of it as it still looks like it could be somewhat functional. How the hell are they supposed to use their arms if they are dislocated?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbamboozal View Post
    Intelligence is like four wheel drive, it's not going to make you unstoppable, it just sort of tends to get you stuck in more remote places.
    Quote Originally Posted by MerinPally View Post
    If you want to be disgusted, next time you kiss someone remember you've got your mouth on the end of a tube which has shit at the other end, held back by a couple of valves.

  12. #52
    I am Murloc! Azutael's Avatar
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    I prefer the original, the only part I somewhat agree with is the strange shoulder bones sticking out.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by TEHPALLYTANK View Post
    The dislocated arms are the only major problem I have with blizz's model. I can get over the rest of it as it still looks like it could be somewhat functional. How the hell are they supposed to use their arms if they are dislocated?
    the same way they are able to function even tho they are dead - magic

  14. #54
    Like the edits OP, be sure to post this on the official forums too. I like the original face though, I think that has more to do that it fits in line with the art for WoW's humans.

  15. #55
    Are you people serious? You've played WoW for years and you still not realize this game is cartoony as hell? Is "Fixed Gnome's eye proportion" the next thread we gonna see?

  16. #56
    Scarab Lord Lime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjj92 View Post
    Are you people serious? You've played WoW for years and you still not realize this game is cartoony as hell? Is "Fixed Gnome's eye proportion" the next thread we gonna see?
    Gnomes have an eye proportion problem?

  17. #57
    If he were dead he wouldn't be able to move his shoulders either.

  18. #58
    Pretty impressive, esp the spine. Also agree on the lips,

  19. #59
    its a human from a different planet, who says they have to be anatomically identical to us

  20. #60
    I really love the new undead model, except for those shoulders, so I definitely agree with OP there. It just looks obnoxious, like he's trying to sprout wings. I also like the OP's spine a bit more, but think it might be too many vertebrae to really translate well from a zoomed out camera. Maybe just two or three more vertebrae than the original, rather than a dozen.

    But that said, the BIG ribs are a stylistic thing, and the sunken gut with the extra-large ribs makes him look extremely gaunt. I dig it.

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