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  1. #1

    Best solo queue adc in your opinion?

    I just played a ranked game figured I'd give it a go, was pretty bored, felt pretty confident.

    Didn't win the game unfortunately, but my team didn't exactly see eye to eye with each other as well as our singed going afk the last 10 minutes resulting in 4v5's when we were pretty much even.

    I went as sivir, went alright. Unfortunately for our enemy laner they didn't have a support for some reason so he had to take the beating and push to the tower (my supp, nid, pushed even though I asked him not to). I felt though my escapes were pretty poor.

    I was pretty good with my spellshield. Everytime leona (jungle) used her ult I used it, prevented any damage/effect from it. On that note though, her e (the jump/leap) does get prevented from spellshield which I feel like is a bug as well as her stun.

    My ult was great for taking towers, I had decent poke, but they had a jax, irelia, and katarina. Even with barrier I die almost instantly in addition to my short range.

    I feel like I should've picked jinx because of her passive, her w, and her e, as well as her ultimate.

    In your opinion, whats the best solo queue ad carry?

  2. #2
    Caitlyn, Draven or Graves
    Caitlyn has a strong poke, then I mean a strong fucking poke, she has her traps and the 2nd escape ability.

    Draven is just a beast if you manage to feed yourself, seriously, It's like *Throws axe and chases it and throws again, Does this to enemy* Enemy dead you get Loads of gold, you get loads of damage <3

    Graves because of smokescreen attacks - Trio assult and Ultimate explosion ...

    Adding Vayne to this list because she is just a fucking demon

  3. #3
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    Easily Caitlyn. She is a lane bully, her AA range is enormous, she scales well into the late game, she has some mobility, and some cc (though the traps are unreliable for cc, but they can zone). She is also really easy to play and doesn't take much time to learn.

    I would also mention ezreal and vayne. Ezreal has arcane shift to get him out of nearly any situation and his Q poke is good. He also has a wide variety of build options that he can go for.

    Vayne is easily the hardest of the 3, but a well played vayne can absolutely destroy a game. Imo, no other AD has the same play making ability that vayne has.

    I'd still go with Caitlyn though, since she's so safe.

  4. #4
    Any opinions on jinx yet? I'm surprised no one mentioned it, perhaps I'm over speculating her potential.

  5. #5
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angarin View Post
    Any opinions on jinx yet? I'm surprised no one mentioned it, perhaps I'm over speculating her potential.
    She's a good carry, but the lack of any movement besides her passive makes her a risky pick. Her passive is very powerful, but you have to kill someone to make it go off, which isn't so great from running away from a gank. Her damage is very good, and the range on her rocket is rather large which lets her stay safe. I would still recommend Ez/cait/vayne over her though.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Isrozzis View Post
    She's a good carry, but the lack of any movement besides her passive makes her a risky pick. Her passive is very powerful, but you have to kill someone to make it go off, which isn't so great from running away from a gank. Her damage is very good, and the range on her rocket is rather large which lets her stay safe. I would still recommend Ez/cait/vayne over her though.
    Even with the snare & ultra slow?

  7. #7
    I disagree with Caitlyn. If you get no help whatsoever, you cannot carry. I was THIRTEEN AND ZERO as Caitlyn and we were 6 kills down. I ended 15/3 in a loss where we didn't even get an inhib turret.

    Frankly, Sivir can carry like no one's business.

  8. #8
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angarin View Post
    Even with the snare & ultra slow?
    The snare is a lot like cait traps, where they can be avoided if you throw them down and someone is chasing you. They also have a short delay before they are active. Though they do act as good zoning tools and can punish people who over commit or are out of position.

    Her slow is really good too. I personally prefer other ADs but she is in a good spot right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post
    I disagree with Caitlyn. If you get no help whatsoever, you cannot carry. I was THIRTEEN AND ZERO as Caitlyn and we were 6 kills down. I ended 15/3 in a loss where we didn't even get an inhib turret.

    Frankly, Sivir can carry like no one's business.
    If they have the dive squad on your ass the whole game and your team isn't peeling for you there aren't any ADs that are going to live. You are either going to get zoned forever or just die. Tristana could maybe hold them off for awhile, but even then she'd probably die too.

  9. #9
    It really depends on your playstyle. I see a lot of people recommending Caitlyn, which makes sense, as she's about as faceroll as it gets for botlane. Personally, however, I've had the most success with Tristana and Twitch.
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  10. #10
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Wouldn't recommend Caitlyn. Wouldn't recommend a whole lot of the ADs tbh.

    First off, there's a few reasons why Sivir was originally listed as the best Solo Queue AD carry: her spellshield makes her safe, she shoves lanes and towers like no one's business and, most importantly, she can be an initiator in a role that doesn't have generally doesn't have that option. Her Ult is as huge a "START KILLING STUFF NOW" signal as an Amumu ult, with the added benefit that you're not burying yourself in the enemy team while yours stands there and watches you get murdered.

    Secondly, whenever in doubt, Ezreal is a good pick. He has no bad match ups. He is extremely safe, so that even if your team is filled with morons that can't protect you, you will still get out alive. He does well with most supports.

    Any other AD carry is a toss up. Yes, Vayne or Twitch can snowball out of control. But they're risky picks. Yes, Caitlyn can dominate her lane, but is fairly useless past laning phase compared to other ADs. Yes, Tristana is my favourite and I'll pick her into anyone (other than Draven), but she's not a good choice for Solo Queue if you're not sure of your own abilities.

    As to Jinx, she is a solid pick, that does well in lane and thrives on chaining objectives. However, she also runs into trouble vs some of the more commons picks. Caitlyn or Sivir give her problems in lane. Vi in the jungle is horrible for a Jinx.

  11. #11
    I wouldn't recommend Caitlyn either. If you did poorly/okay, you'll have a hard time during mid and late game, especially if your team is shit. She just doesn't have the dmg nor the kite to carry unless she gets fed.

  12. #12
    I'd say Varus, Ezreal and Sivir. Strong, long range AD damage spells.

    Cait is just ok, she doesn't stand out to me as anything amazing.

    Varus having no escapes can be a risk for some people though.

  13. #13
    The Lightbringer Toxigen's Avatar
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    Caitlyn and Sivir are by FAR the two safest picks.

    But honestly, just play any 2 ADCs a shitload and it won't matter.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    Not finding-a-cock-on-your-girlfriend-is-normal level of odd, but nevertheless, still odd.

  14. #14
    Cait or Vayne.
    I have like 70% win rate in the past 2 months in yolo Q with them.

  15. #15
    Best solo queue ADC I would go with Varus.

  16. #16
    Its definitly Corki, the best adc in the game atm , then its Siver , Vayne, Jinx, Cait etc.

    (But in the end I think it depends on which ever you performs the best in solo que, I would've recommend Cait, she is the safest ADC you can get, but my Cait winrate is like 33% while my Ez had 68%, Corki 75%, Vayne 65%)
    Last edited by Vvhooya; 2013-11-16 at 01:54 AM.

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  17. #17
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Corki got nerfed to not be as stupidly overpowered anymore.

  18. #18
    Corki q range is getting buffed to my belief still next patch.

    I'm going ap corki when it comes...

    Q hits so hard...

  19. #19
    If you're still in silver or lower, I'd push for a hard team fighter like Ezreal (assuming you're good) Jinx or Corki. If you're past silver, going into gold I'd dabble in lane bullies like Caitlyn or Varus, Sivir and Draven are good too. All 4 can wave clear and keep range and cs like champs, and they're relatively safe in ganks (Varus/Draven can burst while both Sivir and Cait has range and protection). Past gold, I'd say Cait or Vayne or Sivir. For completely different reasons with similar results. Cait can siege and poke like no one's business. Vayne can split and teamfight hard, Sivir can sort of do both but you really need competent teams to make her work. Sivir is a not a solo heavy champion, and most of her kit revolves around anticipating other people's moves (skill shot/cluster oriented, ult is utility for team, and shield is dependent solely on enemy) All 3 are incredibly safe and can have the capability to outplay the enemy.

    For all phases of gameplay, I have to give it to Cait. She's so easy and safe, just an all around solid pick if you're going in solo.
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  20. #20
    I'd say Vayne because she can duel much better than most other adcs. She can also get things done independently, especially lategame.

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