ITT an electronic pissing contest over who has the better racials.
Ally players say it is balanced. Even though there are a lot of holes in the design (WOTF nerfed but Human free trinket remained the same)
Horde players say it isn't true because of the blatant alliance favoritism.
IMHO it is a fake. I could see troll racials being nerfed. 1% haste shared between one ally race and one horde race is fine. Increased dodge is good for nelfs, although the haste and crit one is a bit odd and sounds more like hype than anything else for the most part.
It should be 1% if they do tend to go this route. But only 1%. The supposed human 2 secondaries increase racial is bullshit. You want people to play other races BESIDES Troll on horde (pve mainly) and Human on ally (pvp mainly).
It's fake just like a majority of leaks are. What happened to the 4 specs for all classes? What happened to Azjol Nerub in The Dark Below? What happened to the blatant alliance favored racials? All started by someone that didn't even end up poking their head into the thread.
Essentially what happened is that the OP took a dump and the rest of us are wondering whether this piece of shit is real or fake.....but it's still a piece of shit.
You do realize that Human racial means you can FREE trinket slot for damage/healing/whatever instead of wasting it for pvp trinket?
Thats the reason EMFH is the best and most scaling racial in the whole game (for pvp). Instead of using some weak "everyone has this" pvp trinket they can use heroic raiding trinket or some powerful pvp trinket that scales up every tier.
Imagine blood fury being scaled up every single tier. It doesnt happen.
Garbage leak, obviously perpetrated by an Alliance player.
The proposed dwarf racial may look OP (2% bonus to crit damage or healing), but when you crunch the numbers, it's actually not.
Assuming a 30% crit rating for a character with 1000 base attack power:
Proposed Dwarf racial: 1000*(1.30*1.02) = 1306 effective attack power.
Existing Worgen racial: 1000*(1.30+0.01) = 1310 effective attack power.
The Worgen racial (1% crit chance bonus) is still better than the proposed Dwarf racial. The Dwarf racial will only become better if the crit chance goes above 50%.
Last edited by Feronar; 2014-01-01 at 05:14 PM. Reason: Fixed mathematical error.
Horde players in this thread hate balanced passives... Better release sixth expansion with 20-man troll guilds.
Last edited by mmokri; 2014-01-01 at 05:37 PM.
I dunno if its legit.
but people GET REAL.
horde racials are OP and needed a nerf.
alliance racials except human racials are garbage and needed a big buff. (human racials are actualy usefull, that is why every1 goes human, you can get something, or nothing .. so everyone takes something)
and what do we see here?
people think its fake because: oh .. im not going to be OP anymore .. FAKE FAKE FAKE!!!
oh god .. .. why do I even read the formus? ..
Undead PvP racial is the best on the horde, followed pretty far behind by Blood Elf Silence, and Goblin Rocket Jump.
Night elf shadowmeld is annoying as hell, if they hear CC coming or something, they can just meld regardless of class...
Human racial abolishes the need for a PvP trinket so you can have 2 throughput trinkets AND a cc-break
I'd assume gnome racial works the same as undead, just in different situations
Other than those races I listed, I don't think there are any incredibly strong races in PvP. Panda's get hurt worst IMO because they can't benefit from epicurean in arenas.
Alliance still has better races for pvp
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Since you, and others to be fair, seem somewhat illiterate, your last question seems like a good one. I'll try to help you out though.
Go through the thread again and you'll see plenty of people saying why they personally believe the notes are fake: the way they're presented, the idea that WotF would be nerfed but not EMfH, nerfing Hardiness and not BF, the idea that alliance would then have both the best pvp and pve racials (and conversely some saying that these aren't pve focused enough and would still leave alliance behind), and so on. Few people, if anyone at all in this thread, that have been calling this fake have said that the current horde pve racials are not OP and totally balanced with the alliance ones. I don't know why so many of you are trying to desperately create this narrative that says otherwise, someone saying they believe the proposed changes would favor alliance too much does not automatically think the current design is balanced or not in need of change.
Are arbitrary faction differences in a fantasy video game so life defining to you that it alters your basic comprehension or just your intellectual honesty?
I bet the new racials are going to be cosmetic, and nothing more.