alliance wishlist, a bad one even.
next !
While these are somewhat well made, I highly doubt that some races will have the exact same racials (Dwarf/Tauren, Worgen/BE). In addition, no source has been provided, and the OP is a first-time poster.
I call fake.
I really wonder what people want to gain or achieve when it comes to making fakes; though I can't see it being anything other than attention.
Yea sure WotF nerfed but EMfH not. Totally fake.
Most seem like they could be real, although a strong alliance bias but that could be a work in progress aswell. If all races get a similar treatment sounds pretty decent, but id prefer a few more race flavour racials like the nightelf one (Changing depending on another factor such as time of day).
None seem overly strong though except maybe stoneform, rest seem pretty in line with what is currently in game for only a few specific races.
I always kinda find it funny that people always dismiss "leaks" due to lack of sources.
If there's a verifiable source (and nobody lost their job over it) it's not a leak - it's an announcement.
I have no basis for which to say this is true or not. Could be "final" versions, a work product with some ideas being thrown around internally, or just some guy's random thoughts. However, those are the kinds of things I'd expect in the end. I'd be shocked if orcs walked away with multiple DPS racials again, alliance racials tend to need more work than horde ones (aside from the obvious ones like Tauren), so I wouldn't be surprised to see them end up with notably more changes when the smoke clears.
Lol at Nigh Elf one. Fake as fuck. Racial only working at night, lmao.![]()
GoTN is terrible for all bar maybe a rogue/warrior or hunter as a absolute last resort. Heals for 20% of casters health once per 2mins, ie 100-200k per 2 mins at the moment.
As for stoneform, it already does all of that only the magic and curse is new, IMO in some ways the old version was alot more powerful when it prevented poison and bleed and I think diseases for the full duration (now a poison can be reapplied straight away). Basically the new version is a mini paladin bubble without the invulnerability aferwards.
- - - Updated - - -
Read it again, they said it changes between crit and haste depending on time of day. Could be a pain for min maxxing though depending on stat weights and raid times.
Why would NIGHT elves get a day time based buff??
This leads me to believe they're fake.
This would make Gnomes, the best Warriors, DKs and Rogues.. It's bad and fake.
Yea possible. I just took an almost random thing, since he said it was the only 2 he found out of the line.
I disagree. That heal over 5 seconds can very quickly change the outcome in arena, and for tanks, that can see the entire raid is pressured.
It's an healthstone you just need to pop slightly early.
Everyone has so much to say
They talk talk talk their lives away