It wouldn't make Gnomes the best anything. 5 extra RP is a function of total RP, if they generated 5 additional RP for a DK anyway they would be amazing. I played a Rogue in Vanilla and while the old set bonuses and nightslayer, along with vigor gave additional energy they barely did anything for PvE damage. All it allows you to do, in some instances anyway is do a combination of 'x' moves' in a shorter amount of time. Some of them might be strong for say Rogue openers, but I wouldn't math.
Some of these make sense, they aren't that outlandish. Seeing complete universal buffs to Alliance races in both PvE/PvP while relatively minor in completely non-existent changes to the commonly perceived 'weak' Horde races seems silly, but I'd just chop that up to it being incomplete.
Removing orc weapon specialization bonus and nerfing hardiness is completely puzzling.
This is an Orc expansion, and we clearly need the best racials!
Last edited by Tojara; 2013-12-30 at 12:29 PM.
5% higher rage and RP cap is only situationally useful. Gnome Rogues might be able to micromanage their pooling for better burst, but I still don't see how that's going to compete with Orcs and Trolls in PvE, or with any number of races in PvP. Actually if anything it's the Dwarf Rogue in PvP if those Stoneform changes are accurate.
OMG 13:37 - Then Jesus said to His disciples, "Cleave unto me, and I shall grant to thee the blessing of eternal salvation."
And His disciples said unto Him, "Can we get Kings instead?"
Sorry yeah I was only meaning the current 15 sec version. Over 5 sec it might become more useable than it is currently, as I dont even think either of my 2 dreaneis have used it in months (My mage I use my other abilities to selfheal like Evocate, and my hunter if needs healing is in BM with a spirit beast which heals vastly more on a much shorter CD). By time I think I need to use it, its likely too late to be of use and will be overhealed (3 sec ticks for a 1mil HP tank is still only like 35-40k per, in a raid thats about 10% of a bosses melee swing etc, now 1 sec ticks that would be useable as a quick selfheal).
As to the person saying gnomes would be the best for warriors/DK... how? Haste is the worst stat for those 2, Dwarf would be the best most likely of the alliance races with bonus crit damage or Human/Dreanei depending on how valuable primary stats are. Unless haste becomes the best stat again in WoD.
A lot of top guild would pay to faction transfer at the drop of a dime if Alliance racials were more powerful next expansion. Seems like an easy way to make some dough by making the Alliance racials more powerful.
I like that Touch of Elune idea. Very cool as an idea but unfortunately it'd get so ignored it'd hurt the souls of those who invented it.
Orcs and Humans have expertise removed and nothing in return, it seems.
and that dwarf and tauren 2% crit dmg, wow.
If these racials make it in game as-is, i'ma race change my hunter to dwarf -_-
PM me weird stuff :3
its interesting no1 has touched on worgens or goblins. or pandas for that matter. the 1% haste/crit isnt that much of a big deal btw.. but its nice if they did give nelfs this so people had a reason to go nelf. same with dwarves.
so if this was even remotely true, minmaxing top 10 guilds will have to reroll their healers to tauren or dwarves for the 2% healing increase?...
Fake as I've ever seen one and not even a funny one.
Blizzard will make the racials "more fun" (as that's their motto nowadays), meaning that they sure as hell won't be sticking +2% crit on everyone and their mother.
"We don't care what people say, we know the truth. Enough is enough with this horse s***. I am not a freak, I was born with my free gun. Don't tell me I'm less than my freedom."
Last edited by mordale; 2013-12-30 at 01:34 PM.
pff, Night elf one, so fake it hurts
what fake racial do goblins get?
I see a bunch of alliance buffs and horde nerfs. Not that I care, because I play alliance. But really, wotf 3 min cd and human racial buffs? ok