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  1. #1

    Leaked WoD Racials

    Can't post images yet but, heres the link:


  2. #2

    With that out the way, some seem ok some seem ridiculously OP (stoneform lol)

    The night elf suggestion is sort of cool but I can't see a day time based stat effect ever being ingame.

    "nelf warrior looking for daytime raiding guild"
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    which is kind of like saying "of COURSE you can't see the unicorns, unicorns are invisible, silly."

  3. #3
    Just reposting the link.


  4. #4
    Wait what, Orc Axe gets removed and nothing is going to replace it? + the nerf to hardiness? This either fake or stupid.

  5. #5
    looks like an alliance wishlist, make every alliance racial OP and nerf every hord one.
    yeah this sure looks like it´s true!

  6. #6
    Oh my god, I kind of love those. As soon as I got to Expansive Mind and Touch of Elune I was like "YES YES YES"

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Endre View Post
    Wait what, Orc Axe gets removed and nothing is going to replace it? + the nerf to hardiness? This either fake or stupid.
    You go orc for blood fury anyway. I don't see hardiness why would be nerfed but orcs don't particularly need compensating for expertise racial being removed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    which is kind of like saying "of COURSE you can't see the unicorns, unicorns are invisible, silly."

  8. #8
    Immortal Zka's Avatar
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    Very bad fake

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Zka View Post
    Very bad fake
    Most are not fake.

  10. #10
    Pretty sure this is a fake, and not even a good one.
    It seems like, that the Alliance gets all the good ones, and Horde gets what ever is left, and that isn't much.

    I'm sure the real one will look a lot better than this one.

  11. #11
    Immortal Zka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladya View Post
    Most are not fake.
    I like the proof you have provided

  12. #12
    The Lightbringer
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    Assumed it was fake just looking at the colour of the text and background but hey, lets see how bad of a fake they made it.

    Blood Elf racial seemed fine, theirs is pretty useless in PVE.

    Draenei getting stats instead of the Hit was plausible. They will obviously do something like that, even if not that.

    Dwarf racial massive buff. HA, you blew it there. Absolutely no way ever possible. Obvious fake now if not already.

    Then all the other racials being blatantly too good or too bad. Definitely like the massive nerfs to Horde ones but huge buffs to Alliance. Definitely gave me a good laugh. Night Elf different bonus during different times of the day is the icing on the cake. That's gonna have to go down as one of my favourite fakes.
    Paladin Bash has spoken.

  13. #13
    Stood in the Fire Hattai's Avatar
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    Wish they'd just scrap racials.

  14. #14
    So..... not a single source?

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  15. #15
    Elemental Lord Spl4sh3r's Avatar
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    If they are real I would want to know how they calculate night/day for the Night Elf racial

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Spl4sh3r View Post
    If they are real I would want to know how they calculate night/day for the Night Elf racial
    Same way they have day/night pet spawns. At some arbitrary time on the clock it will count as night, say 8 > 8 or something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    which is kind of like saying "of COURSE you can't see the unicorns, unicorns are invisible, silly."

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Aladya View Post
    Most are not fake.
    So, what you're saying is that some of them are fake and some real? How does that work? And which ones are the real ones and which ones are fake?

    And how do you know?

  18. #18
    I find the thing that they would make "pre-squish" adjustments rather irritating. With the squish already in place in the BlizzCon version there's virtually no reason to put something like that in. This is probably the strongest hint that it's actually a fake, aside from a clear lack of creativity on the side of the whoever assembled this "leak".
    Your rights as a consumer begin and end at the point where you choose not to consume, and not where you yourself influence the consumed goods.

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  19. #19
    The only two racials setting off alarm bells for me are Escape Artist getting buffed to 1min CD and WotF getting nerfed to 3mins, especially without any news on EMfH getting nerfed with it.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Aladya View Post
    Most are not fake.
    Most what isn't fake? Most "leaks"? Yes they are, and that one is pure garbage too.
    As one pointed out, it's an alliance wishlist, not a leak. What would the point be of changing the racials just to make it imbalanced to the other side?
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