1. #1

    Thumbs up Duo Partner Season 4

    Hi All,

    New to this site(:

    Guess it's just a quick post to find a duo partner for Season 4.
    I have my own Teamspeak server, I have skype as well. I peaked at Silver 3 last season and for premades almost made Gold as a support.
    Mainly trying to find an ADC to play with, I play for fun but I'm pretty serious when it comes to ranked.
    EUW IGN: jake lockart

    ggwp <3

  2. #2
    Since you are new to the forums you might want to make more posts to get your postcount to 20 since right now you can't send or receive PMs

    You say you are serious about ranked games but are looking for a partner with just a post like this? At least I play ranked duo exclusively with people I'm already well acquainted with either through knowing them IRL or playing the game with them a long time. Playing with a friend makes the game much more enjoyable.

    If you just want someone to duo with you could always just hop into a normal game, talk with people and if the game goes well ask if they want to play

  3. #3
    "You say you are serious about ranked games but are looking for a partner with just a post like this?"
    "If you just want someone to duo with you could always just hop into a normal game"

    I came here to be a friendly person and was hoping for a nice reply, sorry if it was brief but yes for your information I already have friends to play with. It was a short message put out there to play with if my friends are busy and/or already have a duo partner. I find normal games have more so called "toxic" players and after playing 800 or what not normal games it's nice to play ranked once in a while. I don't respect your acrimony one bit, but thanks for the reply anyway...

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