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  1. #1

    Rygarius: "Way too soon" for Warlords of Draenor Beta

    Rygarius, the Blizzard poster responsible for hotfixes and patch notes, has posted this on Twitter, which is rather disheartening news:

    Quote Originally Posted by Twitter
    Off Blast ‏@CosmicGuitars 16h
    @Rygarius Boo! Boo this man! No beta info!

    @CosmicGuitars Way too early for that bro.
    And here's the official link:

    So when should we be expecting the beta to start?
    Last edited by chaud; 2014-01-27 at 04:44 AM. Reason: testing something

  2. #2
    It's called managing expectations. He's saying that to stop people going 'OMFG BETA NOOOOWWWWWW'. Then, when the beta does drop, people will be happily surprised that it was earlier than expected.

  3. #3
    Well, looks like I gotta change my sig, again. And find a different hobby.
    Last edited by brentcopeland; 2014-01-27 at 07:10 PM. Reason: testing something
    Soothing Mist:"Healing them for a minor amount every 0.5 sec, until you take any other action."
    Jade Serpent Statue: "The statue will also begin casting Soothing Mist on your target. healing for 50% as much as yours. "
    [What's half of minor?]
    "Statue casts Soothing Mist at a nearby ally for toddler healing."

  4. #4
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Insane Guy of DOOM View Post
    Rygarius, the Blizzard poster responsible for hotfixes and patch notes, has posted this on Twitter, which is rather disheartening news:

    And here's the official link:

    So when should we be expecting the beta to start?
    I certainly hope no one was expecting info this early. I mean there's wishful thinking and then there's just being silly.

    However, they've always been pretty careful with their wording. There's no exact meaning here. They could pop the beta out this time next month (which would still be pretty early) for all we know based on that tweet.
    Mountains rise in the distance stalwart as the stars, fading forever.
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Insane Guy of DOOM View Post
    Rygarius, the Blizzard poster responsible for hotfixes and patch notes, has posted this on Twitter, which is rather disheartening news:

    And here's the official link:

    So when should we be expecting the beta to start?
    Because Blizzard are known for not engaging in disinformation. After the pissing and moaning after the Human Female reveal, wouldn't surprise me if they are now keeping everything cloaked until they're 100% sure they can get something out that the vocal fanbase won't defecate on.

  6. #6
    Elemental Lord TJ's Avatar
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    It's only themselves they'll be shooting in the foot if they take too long. Doubt this is concrete since he is probably trying to not hint that it will be out very soon and keep expectations lowish, but also they wouldn't say it was coming soon even if it was.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryngo Blackratchet View Post
    I certainly hope no one was expecting info this early. I mean there's wishful thinking and then there's just being silly.

    However, they've always been pretty careful with their wording. There's no exact meaning here. They could pop the beta out this time next month (which would still be pretty early) for all we know based on that tweet.
    This. Blizzard early is the same as Blizzard soon. Can be anywhere from 1 day-eternity

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    It's called managing expectations. He's saying that to stop people going 'OMFG BETA NOOOOWWWWWW'. Then, when the beta does drop, people will be happily surprised that it was earlier than expected.
    Earlier than expected? It was supposed to start in January at the latest. At this rate we'll end up with a raid that lasts over a year. That's what happened with ICC and WoW lost millions of subs by the time Cata rolled out.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Vedrenne View Post
    Because Blizzard are known for not engaging in disinformation. After the pissing and moaning after the Human Female reveal, wouldn't surprise me if they are now keeping everything cloaked until they're 100% sure they can get something out that the vocal fanbase won't defecate on.
    Bizz public representatives are not spitefull little children and loud-mouthed one-man indie devs.

  10. #10
    The Lightbringer Littleraven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vedrenne View Post
    Because Blizzard are known for not engaging in disinformation. After the pissing and moaning after the Human Female reveal, wouldn't surprise me if they are now keeping everything cloaked until they're 100% sure they can get something out that the vocal fanbase won't defecate on.
    ^this. they cant win. they release something too soon people bitch about it. they wait too long people still bitch about it. if you have noticed they have become MUCH more tight lipped than in the past. they know not to say a damn thing about anything until they know its like a week out.

  11. #11
    Stood in the Fire Anguished's Avatar
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    Maybe it's just me being hopeful, but he could just be saying that to shut people up, I mean, we've had a post on the beta already saying that it's on it's way, so, I doubt it could be too far off. I'm sure we'll see it soon™ .

    Fantastic Signature made by Maybenotquiteasheavy

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Bionix View Post
    Earlier than expected? It was supposed to start in January at the latest. At this rate we'll end up with a raid that lasts over a year. That's what happened with ICC and WoW lost millions of subs by the time Cata rolled out.
    Actually when Cata first came out WoW was at its highest subscriber number ever. Surprising I know, but its the facts.

  13. #13
    Pit Lord Ferg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionix View Post
    Earlier than expected? It was supposed to start in January at the latest.
    Who told you that? Blizzard?
    ill probably be infracted for this post

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    It's called managing expectations.
    I like this reply.

    Who doesn't love hype? But sometimes it can get overwhelming I am sure for the people on their end.
    Last edited by brentcopeland; 2014-01-27 at 07:11 PM. Reason: testing something
    Quote Originally Posted by diddle View Post
    I am a liberal, I vote democrat. That doesn't mean I agree with the ludicrously naive belief that a full-time job entitles one to the concept they should be able to entirely support themself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nostop it View Post
    Cooking is a skill? In wow maybe.

  15. #15

    Announced: August 3, 2007
    Beta: July 17, 2008
    Release: November 13, 2008

    Announced: August 21, 2009
    Beta: June 30, 2010 ( May 3, 2010 F&F Alpha)
    Release: December 7, 2010


    Announced: October 21, 2011
    Beta: March 21, 2012 (February 19, 2012 F&F Alpha)
    Release: September 25, 2012

    Announced: November 8, 2013

    Before you all go count the time between announcement and beta etc....

    the competition in 2014 is quite strong in the mmo market, If we get another DS scenario, people will get bored faster - thus blizzard would do good taking other releases in account....

    And Expansion was announced +/- 2 months ago


    Expansion will be released earlier than we think
    Last edited by mmoc058e0f1fe5; 2014-01-25 at 08:12 PM.

  16. #16

  17. #17
    so i guess its a year of SoO and a shit ton more sub loss.
    come on blizzard. you need to do better.
    Anemo: traveler, Sucrose
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    Geo: Noelle, Ningguang, Yun Jin, Gorou
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    Cyro: Shenhe, Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona, Ayaka, Rosaria
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  18. #18
    Bloodsail Admiral Iseeyou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    It's called managing expectations. He's saying that to stop people going 'OMFG BETA NOOOOWWWWWW'. Then, when the beta does drop, people will be happily surprised that it was earlier than expected.
    Omg the deny is so stronk in this one.

    Beta in April.

  19. #19
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iseeyou View Post
    Omg the deny is so stronk in this one.

    Beta in April.
    We'll find out soon enough.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  20. #20
    What? Are they serious? an expansion with basically nothing new besides a continent and still way too early. They are freaking insane, I hope they lose so much subs so they would start working better.

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