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  1. #661
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Aeluron - do you ever do anything other than whine about what others say? No? Then maybe STFU or contribute something useful.
    Telling me to STFU is a great way to show your immaturity. I just think your arguments are crap and downplaying the models.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  2. #662
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Telling me to STFU is a great way to show your immaturity. I just think your arguments are crap and downplaying the models.
    I second this. There's a difference between logical and factual, and then trying to goad others and be so aggressive you pressure others into believing you.

    Passion makes people do stupid shit and be unable to properly reason. Oh well.

    Don't attack others for simply pointing out the truth.

  3. #663
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    Or, worse, the new models will be so computationally intensive that a significant number of people will leave due to low fps.
    Shouldn't affect me beyond having to turn down shadows during raids (which I really should be doing anyway since I'm not anywhere near 60 fps, hah), but this does concern me that the new models might be resource-intensive enough for some of my guildmates to have even worse video lag. Good thing they're looking into removing double load screens on raid wipes ... don't even want to think about adding up all the time we've lost to the load bar boss.
    I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.

  4. #664
    Quote Originally Posted by Vedrenne View Post
    something out that the vocal fanbase won't defecate on.
    Let's be real, that is never ever going to happen.

  5. #665
    Over 9000! ringpriest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkblade95 View Post
    Oh my god, of course the models are a positive! They're going to make the game look so much more appealing thus bringing in more players suckers. The people who looked at the artwork and wanted to look like that will look like that now.

    The models are such an important thing for this game.

    And no they would not show a model even if it's done. They probably do have more done that we haven't seen yet, they have to release them every now and then to generate hype. If they release them all at once 6 months before launch WOD would lose interest. This is how marketing works.
    I've seen very little evidence to demonstrate that Blizzard knows how good marketing works. Good at extracting revenue from their customers, yes. Good at marketing, no. Among other things, they still have devs handling PR.
    "For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
    - U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933

  6. #666
    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    I've seen very little evidence to demonstrate that Blizzard knows how good marketing works. Good at extracting revenue from their customers, yes. Good at marketing, no. Among other things, they still have devs handling PR.
    Tell me more about how some random guy knows marketing better than a billion dollar company
    I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.

  7. #667
    Quote Originally Posted by Count Zero View Post
    Shouldn't affect me beyond having to turn down shadows during raids (which I really should be doing anyway since I'm not anywhere near 60 fps, hah), but this does concern me that the new models might be resource-intensive enough for some of my guildmates to have even worse video lag. Good thing they're looking into removing double load screens on raid wipes ... don't even want to think about adding up all the time we've lost to the load bar boss.
    What I'll find absolutely hilarious is if they leave the old models in for people who prefer them...

    ... and then watch as every last progression guild mandates all their raiders use the old models, to get fractionally less video lag.
    "There is a pervasive myth that making content hard will induce players to rise to the occasion. We find the opposite. " -- Ghostcrawler
    "The bit about hardcore players not always caring about the long term interests of the game is spot on." -- Ghostcrawler
    "Do you want a game with no casuals so about 500 players?"

  8. #668
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    What I'll find absolutely hilarious is if they leave the old models in for people who prefer them...

    ... and then watch as every last progression guild mandates all their raiders use the old models, to get fractionally less video lag.
    I just hope if they leave the option for old models in that it's pure client side so I don't have to look at old models.

    Or so it's not a "He's using the old model, votekick !" thing ... hah
    I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.

  9. #669
    Quote Originally Posted by Count Zero View Post
    I just hope if they leave the option for old models in that it's pure client side so I don't have to look at old models.

    Or so it's not a "He's using the old model, votekick !" thing ... hah
    It'll be client side without a doubt, it wouldn't make sense otherwise

  10. #670
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    What I'll find absolutely hilarious is if they leave the old models in for people who prefer them...

    ... and then watch as every last progression guild mandates all their raiders use the old models, to get fractionally less video lag.
    This is exactly what happened in EVE when they upgraded the graphic engine, up until support for the old engine was removed fleet players would use the old one to reduce lag.

  11. #671
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    What I'll find absolutely hilarious is if they leave the old models in for people who prefer them...

    ... and then watch as every last progression guild mandates all their raiders use the old models, to get fractionally less video lag.
    They won't leave the old models in the game. I think I heard them say that.

    It's logical, it's too much work (you'd have to do gear looking at two sets of models, for one).

    PS: Fixed a typo above - "want" -> "won't". Damn, changes the whole meaning.
    Last edited by rda; 2014-02-03 at 01:46 PM.

  12. #672
    Banned Orlong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    And the game will have been better for it in the end. A lot of people download the starter edition look at the ps1 character models and exit the game. This should help with player retention.
    I really doubt people quit just because the models look old. Hell millions of people play Minecraft and it looks like a NES game.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    On their expansion info page they say something similar:

    What this says to me is that they will not ship without the classic race models done and I can't see them shipping with the old Draenei models just because we're going to Draenor. So, yeah, they've kind of gated release on at least the classic race models being live.
    I dont even see why its taking them so long to make the models. They have supposedly been working on them since Cata, Every new expansion that comes out has a LOT of new models for monsters and bosses, and yet they are saying they cant do like 16 more (characters)?

  13. #673
    Quote Originally Posted by rda View Post
    They won't leave the old models in the game. I think I heard them say that.

    It's logical, it's too much work (you'd have to do gear looking at two sets of models, for one).

    PS: Fixed a typo above - "want" -> "won't". Damn, changes the whole meaning.
    Actually they said that leaving old models in is an fail safe option if needed (and it will be). And there is no extra work for armors if the new models are the exact same size as the old ones, you are for example gonna be able to use all the old transmogs with new models.

    Forcing people to upgrade their cpu, which opens them a chance to try out newer games, could backfire badly for Blizzard, thus the old models will be available.

    If it becomes a major lag issue in raids for example, they should enforce old models as default in raids, like they are gonna reduce the visibility of other player's spell effects. Or atleast give the raid leader/guild tools an option to see what gfx settings each player is using, so they can enforce it or give advice to specific players.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    And the game will have been better for it in the end. A lot of people download the starter edition look at the ps1 character models and exit the game. This should help with player retention.
    How did you come to this conclusion? What Blizzard is saying (and acting accordingly) is that there are almost no new players, and that they are gonna make a push to get some of the tens of millions players that player during vanilla/tbc to come back. And guess what, in that enviroment, new models could actually hurt them as it takes away from the nostalgia that players coming back might be yearning.

    I wouldn't be suprised if the old models are still the default. This way they don't have to finish them all for the launch, and can just watch how they play out before doing the rest.

  14. #674
    Quote Originally Posted by Geish View Post
    Actually they said that leaving old models in is an fail safe option if needed (and it will be). And there is no extra work for armors if the new models are the exact same size as the old ones, you are for example gonna be able to use all the old transmogs with new models.
    The new models can't be the exact same size as the old ones. They can be close enough not to test the new gear against both sets, *if* that's the target, but it has to be the target during design-time of the new models. There're still other things which make having two sets of models difficult - if they add new animations (and they are adding them from time to time), they'd have to do them for two sets of models, etc.

    If they said they could be leaving old models in, I must have missed it. I thought they said the reverse, but maybe I am misremembering. Either way, if they said it, that means that they are prepared to do with quite a bit of extra work, at least for the time being. Not sure this is a good investment of time, but their game, their rules.

  15. #675
    Quote Originally Posted by Orlong View Post
    I really doubt people quit just because the models look old. Hell millions of people play Minecraft and it looks like a NES game.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I dont even see why its taking them so long to make the models. They have supposedly been working on them since Cata, Every new expansion that comes out has a LOT of new models for monsters and bosses, and yet they are saying they cant do like 16 more (characters)?

    The issue isn't that it's hard for them to create new models. They need to create the models and try to appease the masses with them. People have grown attached to their current character and a lot of people won't be happy after the model updates. That's why it's taking them so long.

  16. #676
    Last year they said they were aiming to release WoD this Summer.
    Those liars. They knew there would be no chance of that happening.

  17. #677
    pplz gona be so bored that are playing now WoD wont come out till like November. Someone should dig up that timeline someone posted on here once on how long each content patch lasted and we can compare how long the SoO patch is going on as the last tier b4 next xpac. You are looking at fourth quarter anytime sooner than that you are going to get a really rushed beta / final delivery. Either way its looking bad on their part but I always expected xpacs to be released around Nov.
    "I'm Tru @ w/e I do" ~ TM

  18. #678
    Quote Originally Posted by kallekaka View Post
    Last year they said they were aiming to release WoD this Summer.
    Those liars. They knew there would be no chance of that happening.
    They never said they were aiming to release WoD in the summer. The exact conversation in the Blizzcon interview with Tom Chilton was - Kat Hunter said that the normal timeline based on the release announcement is that WoD would come out in the winter (i.e. December 2014-Feb 2015). She asked him if that was the planned time frame. His response was that certainly the goal was to release it sooner than that.

    I don't know where anyone got the "they promised WoD would be released in the summer" from that. Even if they release it in November, they are still releasing it "sooner than winter".

  19. #679
    Quote Originally Posted by rda View Post
    The new models can't be the exact same size as the old ones. They can be close enough not to test the new gear against both sets, *if* that's the target, but it has to be the target during design-time of the new models. There're still other things which make having two sets of models difficult - if they add new animations (and they are adding them from time to time), they'd have to do them for two sets of models, etc.

    If they said they could be leaving old models in, I must have missed it. I thought they said the reverse, but maybe I am misremembering. Either way, if they said it, that means that they are prepared to do with quite a bit of extra work, at least for the time being. Not sure this is a good investment of time, but their game, their rules.

    You missed my point, that all the old gear will be usable with new models (and of course with current models), so there is no reason that new gear wouldn't be usable with both models without any extra work.

  20. #680
    Quote Originally Posted by kallekaka View Post
    Last year they said they were aiming to release WoD this Summer.
    Those liars. They knew there would be no chance of that happening.
    They never said this. wat

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