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  1. #681
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kallekaka View Post
    Last year they said they were aiming to release WoD this Summer.
    Those liars. They knew there would be no chance of that happening.

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
    Mountains rise in the distance stalwart as the stars, fading forever.
    Roads ever weaving, soul ever seeking the hunter's mark.

  2. #682
    Why is this thread even still running when Rygarius already clarified his statement? :I

  3. #683
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CosmicGuitars View Post
    Why is this thread even still running when Rygarius already clarified his statement? :I

    You're not a man until you criticize Blizzard
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  4. #684
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post

    You're not a man until you criticize Blizzard
    I think it's open cuz we can still discuss Beta..

    I just realized that they said Beta was coming "Soon" on January 16th.

    Tbh It's almost been 3-4 weeks.. that sounds like a realistic timeline for Closed Beta to begin.

    I'm honestly expecting it to start either next week or the week after.

  5. #685
    Quote Originally Posted by Destil View Post
    I think it's open cuz we can still discuss Beta..

    I just realized that they said Beta was coming "Soon" on January 16th.

    Tbh It's almost been 3-4 weeks.. that sounds like a realistic timeline for Closed Beta to begin.

    I'm honestly expecting it to start either next week or the week after.
    I personally think it should be closed 'cause it's title is misleading and it's perpetuating the spread of misinformation due to the fact nobody is going to read through the entire thread to find out the truth. They'll just see the first page, which is based on misinterpreted tweets.

    I'm still holding firm in my belief we'll hear some concrete information about beta either before, during or immediately following the Q4 earnings call later this week.

  6. #686
    Quote Originally Posted by CosmicGuitars View Post
    I personally think it should be closed 'cause it's title is misleading and it's perpetuating the spread of misinformation due to the fact nobody is going to read through the entire thread to find out the truth. They'll just see the first page, which is based on misinterpreted tweets.

    I'm still holding firm in my belief we'll hear some concrete information about beta either before, during or immediately following the Q4 earnings call later this week.
    I think it's unlikely. They have never released a beta or announced a major product release at or within a couple days of the earnings call (exception - the earnings call last quarter that was like 2 days before Blizzcon). That isn't what earnings calls are for.

    I think their more immediate priority is to get 5.4.7 out because
    (1) It puts into place the systems for the instant level 90 and for the collector's edition pet/mount. This puts them in a position where they can open up pre-sales immediately to boost (likely weak) Q1 cash flow.
    (2) It is needed before the new PvP season can launch

    I doubt they will start beta until 5.4.7 is live. Since the PvP season announcement hasn't come yet, February 11 is out, and February 18 is also out unless we hear something today. February 25 is the most likely release date, and we will probably see both beta and pre-orders start within a few days of that.

    They also need to do some level of major release of information (whether it's a full press event or not) because they can just drop the beta on the test servers to be datamined.

  7. #687
    Elemental Lord clevin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Telling me to STFU is a great way to show your immaturity. I just think your arguments are crap and downplaying the models.
    AS I said "OR contribute something useful" In none of your comments do you do anything more than accuse people of being arrogant or state your opinion as if it were fact without any supporting arguments. You're basically trolling, but you don't have the guts to make an argument yourself that could be contested.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Destil View Post
    I second this. There's a difference between logical and factual, and then trying to goad others and be so aggressive you pressure others into believing you.

    Passion makes people do stupid shit and be unable to properly reason. Oh well.

    Don't attack others for simply pointing out the truth.
    You have no idea what you're talking about.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Daetur View Post
    Oh, no, the "classic races" part isn't what I'm referring to about it being vague.

    The part that's vague is the "With Warlords of Draenor" part. I agree that it should imply with the expansion launch, but all it guarantees is that, within the expansion, the races will be updated quality. It doesn't specifically and blatantly promise "at launch," whereas the quote from Blizzcon that I'm referencing specifically includes "and subsequent content updates."
    Eh, I see your point, but given that it's the first featured noted in the expansion info section of their site I think it would be way too hairsplitting for them to make that argument ("oh, we say 'with' not 'at launch'). For better or worse, by featuring it so prominently, they've set expectations that new models will be available with the expansion and the vast majority of people will interpret that to mean on day one. If they want to do what you're saying then they really need to start laying the groundwork for that soon.

  8. #688
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    AS I said "OR contribute something useful" In none of your comments do you do anything more than accuse people of being arrogant or state your opinion as if it were fact without any supporting arguments. You're basically trolling, but you don't have the guts to make an argument yourself that could be contested.
    Troll=/ Disagreeing with you. Trolling would be trying to get a negative response out you. That isn't my goal or intention so please you can keep your accusations.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  9. #689
    Elemental Lord clevin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiberria View Post
    I doubt they will start beta until 5.4.7 is live...
    In fact, I don't think they CAN. 5.4.7 is on the PTR and as far as I know, the beta uses the PTR infrastructure. Of course, they could bring up separate beta servers, but they've never run a PTR for the current release and a beta in parallel. Again, they COULD... but past indicators are that they won't.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Troll=/ Disagreeing with you. Trolling would be trying to get a negative response out you. That isn't my goal or intention so please you can keep your accusations.
    Oh look everyone, I have a new pet! It follows me around and whines about what I say without saying anything constructive itself! It's kind of like a puppy with poor bladder control except it spews nonsense on the screen. How CUUUTE!!!

    Try this - make your own arguments. Back your assertions with some logic rather than just stating them as if they were obvious. Open YOUR arguments to others' criticism. But you won't do that because you don't have anything to say. You just follow people around, bitching at them about what they say or how they say it.

  10. #690
    Putting on the moderator pants. Stop attacking each other. Consider this a warning.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    In fact, I don't think they CAN. 5.4.7 is on the PTR and as far as I know, the beta uses the PTR infrastructure. Of course, they could bring up separate beta servers, but they've never run a PTR for the current release and a beta in parallel. Again, they COULD... but past indicators are that they won't.
    I believe that they're running the Diablo3 RoS closed beta and the Diablo3 2.0.1 PTR at the same time, right now?

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Please note that the 2.0.1 PTR and Reaper of Souls Closed Beta are running on the same client and, as a result, participants will be able to interact and even play with one another.

    If you do not have a Reaper of Souls Closed Beta license attached to your account, you will only be able to access and test content available in patch 2.0.1.
    If you have a Reaper of Souls Closed Beta license attached, you will have access to all patch 2.0.1 content as well as expansion-only content including Act V, the Crusader, and Adventure Mode.

    I'll have to do a little digging to see if Warcraft has run concurrent Betas and PTR tests in the past, but I assume that they handle it similarly to how they're handling the D3 beta?

    Assuming the argument is that they can't run them concurrently because they use the same client, the state of Diablo3 proves that Blizzard is willing to run them at the same time.

    So it's not a guarantee that they won't start it until after 5.4.7 is done testing.

  11. #691
    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    In fact, I don't think they CAN. 5.4.7 is on the PTR and as far as I know, the beta uses the PTR infrastructure. Of course, they could bring up separate beta servers, but they've never run a PTR for the current release and a beta in parallel. Again, they COULD... but past indicators are that they won't.

    And, if they have to/want to wait for 5.4.7 to go live, that essentially pushes beta back to March. Considering that the press tours in the past were done with 3 weeks notice, that doesn't sound that unreasonable.

    Of course, a March beta launch with 5 months being the likely minimum beta duration flat out rules out everything earlier than August, but then so does even a 17 week PvP season starting February 25. I don't understand how anyone can reasonably expect a June or even arguably a July release any more.

  12. #692
    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    In fact, I don't think they CAN. 5.4.7 is on the PTR and as far as I know, the beta uses the PTR infrastructure. Of course, they could bring up separate beta servers, but they've never run a PTR for the current release and a beta in parallel. Again, they COULD... but past indicators are that they won't.
    5.0 was on the PTR while Beta was going. They have run PTR and Beta concurrently before. I believe you're right that they've never done a PTR for a "current release" with a beta before but I don't see any valid argument for why they couldn't do so now. They're likely going to have to bring up "separate beta servers" anyway because we'll likely see 6.0 on the PTR servers before launch.

  13. #693
    Quote Originally Posted by Daetur View Post
    Putting on the moderator pants. Stop attacking each other. Consider this a warning.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I believe that they're running the Diablo3 RoS closed beta and the Diablo3 2.0.1 PTR at the same time, right now?

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Please note that the 2.0.1 PTR and Reaper of Souls Closed Beta are running on the same client and, as a result, participants will be able to interact and even play with one another.

    If you do not have a Reaper of Souls Closed Beta license attached to your account, you will only be able to access and test content available in patch 2.0.1.
    If you have a Reaper of Souls Closed Beta license attached, you will have access to all patch 2.0.1 content as well as expansion-only content including Act V, the Crusader, and Adventure Mode.

    I'll have to do a little digging to see if Warcraft has run concurrent Betas and PTR tests in the past, but I assume that they handle it similarly to how they're handling the D3 beta?

    Assuming the argument is that they can't run them concurrently because they use the same client, the state of Diablo3 proves that Blizzard is willing to run them at the same time.

    So it's not a guarantee that they won't start it until after 5.4.7 is done testing.
    I think that they did have patch 5.0 on the PTR for a couple of weeks while MoP beta was also still up. However, they put in a restriction that only accounts that didn't have beta could access the PTR. I'm not sure if that was done to "be nice" to the people who didn't buy AP and weren't in beta or if it was due to a technical limitation. They were both up at once though during the final weeks before the 5.0 pre-patch went live.

    Also, when you get into beta, you get a whole new WoW account added to your profile that is seperate from the PTR account. Therefore, I do think that it's possible. However, I still think it's unlikely, largely because a lot of the same technical resources that are needed to keep the PTR servers up and running would be used for the beta servers. They will almost certainly want to wait until 5.4.7 is live, which is likely rules out everything before the first week of March.

  14. #694
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiberria View Post
    And, if they have to/want to wait for 5.4.7 to go live, that essentially pushes beta back to March. Considering that the press tours in the past were done with 3 weeks notice, that doesn't sound that unreasonable.

    Of course, a March beta launch with 5 months being the likely minimum beta duration flat out rules out everything earlier than August, but then so does even a 17 week PvP season starting February 25. I don't understand how anyone can reasonably expect a June or even arguably a July release any more.
    It is still possible because saying it is not is relying on assumptions based on previous events that do not have to remain true (minimum length of PvP season), or on "facts" that are actually false (5-6 month minimum beta duration when the first 2 expansion betas were shorter).
    I found I enjoyed the game significantly more when I stopped paying attention to all the people on the forums telling me how much I am supposed to hate it
    All this complaining is simply further proof that Blizzard could send each and every player a real-life wish-granting flying unicorn carrying a solid gold plate of chocolate chip cookies wrapped in hundred dollar bills, and someone would whine that Blizzard sucks for not letting them choose oatmeal raisin.

  15. #695
    Yeah, went to taske a quick look at PTR and Beta timelines, come to see that the World of Warcraft PTR Patch 5.0.4 went live on 7/20/2012, smack in the middle of the Mists of Pandaria beta test (3/2012-9/2012). So they can absolutely run a PTR and a Beta concurrently.

  16. #696
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiberria View Post
    They will almost certainly want to wait until 5.4.7 is live, which is likely rules out everything before the first week of March.
    Even if they did have to wait for 5.4.7, what makes you think it will remain on the PTR for 4 more weeks? I could see maybe a minimum of 2 because of the end of the PvP season. But given that there is basically no content in this patch and only a handful of balance tweaks, 6+ weeks of testing seems excessive. I actually do not think that the "boost to 90" feature is coming out with this patch, or that it even needs a patch to be deployed. They are likely just testing the infrastructure needed to make that feature work. But seeing as it is not mentioned at all in the official patch notes, I personally doubt it is directly tied to the patch.
    Last edited by Gurbz; 2014-02-03 at 08:44 PM.
    I found I enjoyed the game significantly more when I stopped paying attention to all the people on the forums telling me how much I am supposed to hate it
    All this complaining is simply further proof that Blizzard could send each and every player a real-life wish-granting flying unicorn carrying a solid gold plate of chocolate chip cookies wrapped in hundred dollar bills, and someone would whine that Blizzard sucks for not letting them choose oatmeal raisin.

  17. #697
    I'm thinking we get the "two-week warning" blog post tomorrow, with 5.4.7 going live on 2/18.

  18. #698
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurbz View Post
    Even if they did have to wait for 5.4.7, what makes you think it will remain on the PTR for 4 more weeks? I could see maybe a minimum of 2 because of the end of the PvP season. But given that there is basically no content in this patch and only a handful of balance tweaks, 6+ weeks of testing seems excessive.
    They need to give 2 full weeks notice of the end of the PvP season. That rules out February 11, and rules out February 18 unless they give that notice today. If they don't give the notice today, February 25 becomes the earliest possible release date.

    The patch also has the instant 90 mechanics/process built into it. They need to test and get that right before they release it so they can do the pre-orders. That's the biggest thing. 5.4.2 took 3 weeks, when all it had was cross faction mail and the raid browser going BG wide.

  19. #699
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiberria View Post
    They need to give 2 full weeks notice of the end of the PvP season. That rules out February 11, and rules out February 18 unless they give that notice today. If they don't give the notice today, February 25 becomes the earliest possible release date.

    The patch also has the instant 90 mechanics/process built into it. They need to test and get that right before they release it so they can do the pre-orders. That's the biggest thing. 5.4.2 took 3 weeks, when all it had was cross faction mail and the raid browser going BG wide.
    They have until end of day tomorrow to make that announcement and still have it out on the 18th with a full two weeks notice. Not sure why you think it would have to be tonight. And as I said earlier, I do not believe the instant 90 mechanics are tied to the patch. I just think that Blizzard is using this PTR to test the tech needed to make it work. But there is nothing required client side (except maybe button artwork/placement info) so it could be deployed at any time without a patch. So that should not be considered when estimating the patch release.
    I found I enjoyed the game significantly more when I stopped paying attention to all the people on the forums telling me how much I am supposed to hate it
    All this complaining is simply further proof that Blizzard could send each and every player a real-life wish-granting flying unicorn carrying a solid gold plate of chocolate chip cookies wrapped in hundred dollar bills, and someone would whine that Blizzard sucks for not letting them choose oatmeal raisin.

  20. #700
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurbz View Post
    It is still possible because saying it is not is relying on assumptions based on previous events that do not have to remain true (minimum length of PvP season), or on "facts" that are actually false (5-6 month minimum beta duration when the first 2 expansion betas were shorter).
    I dismiss the beta duration of the first 2 expansions as largely irrelevant, because the game was completely different and less complex back then. TBC only had one raid size/difficulty for each boss, and they released raids in a perpetually broken state and fixed them later. That type of quality control would never be acceptable today. Wrath only shipped with 2 new raid bosses; everything else was a rehash of Vanilla Naxx. Neither of those beta cycles are comparable to a new 14+ boss raid tier with 4 different difficulty levels. That is what we saw in Cata and MoP, and the resulting betas lasted 5 and 6 months. It's much closer to what we will see in WoD than TBC/Wrath.

    On top of that, the main reason every beta cycle is longer than the previous one is because of feature creep. Every time you add a new class, a new race, a new profession or a major new feature, you make the cycle of updating the game for the next expansion get longer and longer - it just adds more work. When you look at MoP alone, we have pet battles, flex raiding, scenarios, heroic scenarios, the Monk class, challenge modes, proving grounds, the Pandaren race, flex raiding, etc. All of those things need to be continued and updated for WoD, and those are all things that didn't exist in TBC or Wrath. That's why beta cycles keep getting longer and longer, and why the trend continuing and WoD beta taking 7 months or so wouldn't at all shock me.

    Go back to threads during the MoP beta. People said the same thing that MoP isn't adding as much new content, doesn't have the Vanilla revamp and can not possibly take the 5 months that the Cata beta took. It ended up actually lasting longer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gurbz View Post
    They have until end of day tomorrow to make that announcement and still have it out on the 18th with a full two weeks notice. Not sure why you think it would have to be tonight. And as I said earlier, I do not believe the instant 90 mechanics are tied to the patch. I just think that Blizzard is using this PTR to test the tech needed to make it work. But there is nothing required client side (except maybe button artwork/placement info) so it could be deployed at any time without a patch. So that should not be considered when estimating the patch release.
    No, they don't have until end of day tomorrow to make the announcement if the goal is to give 2 full lockouts notice. Weekly quests/valor and conquest caps all reset tomorrow morning at 6 am EST as always. If they don't announce it before then (which realistically means it has to be tonight), it isn't 2 full lockouts.

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