Thread: Flexiable Raids

  1. #1

    Flexiable Raids


    Recently I joined a raiding guild for the first time on Wednesday I was asked if I wanted to join this Fridays part three flexiable so I said i'll give it a try however I know none of the tactics I was just wondering if there was any if so what are they?


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by framme View Post

    Recently I joined a raiding guild for the first time on Wednesday I was asked if I wanted to join this Fridays part three flexiable so I said i'll give it a try however I know none of the tactics I was just wondering if there was any if so what are they?

    Congrats on your first step into the raiding world, and props to for seeking knowledge of the fights beforehand.

    If you've done LFR, there's not a whole lot more you'll need to know except that the mechanics you can avoid in LFR will hurt a bit in Flex.

    Main things to keep in mind (apart from the obvious big things you learn in LFR):

    -Make sure to get Malk puddles
    -Don't drop bombs in group on Spoils
    -Don't let Thok step on you. It won't usually one shot you in LFR, but will on Flex

  3. #3
    Fatbosstv is a good way to learn the fights.

    If you're a hunter, you should familiarize yourself with Blackfuse's conveyer belt and how it'll probably also need to know the tower on Galakras. Basically, in flex, the goal is to just avoid everything.

    Also, on Norushen, to get teleported down, you need to click an orb, and they'll set an order for you to click orbs in. Off the top of my head, those are the major changes.

    Oh, and on Thok, you can never be in front of him during the kiting phase. Ever. He will one shot people, unlike LFR.

  4. #4
    The Tier 16 Hunter tricks and tips thread here is very, very good.

    Also if you wind up doing the conveyor belt on Siegecrafter, remember: Bunny hopping makes it MUCH easier to move around. Yes, it's blindingly obvious but I come from a time where bunny hoppers were annoying kids who were trying to dodge your rockets in Quake II as well as being yelled at for years in raids not to jump out of things because supposedly the game engine doesn't register where you are until you touch the ground again. So I was conditioned not to bunny hop. Felt pretty silly once someone pointed it out to me.

  5. #5
    As others have said, Fatboss is great, so is the thread here at MMOC for Hunter tips & tricks.

    But in a decent group, there isn't *that* much more to know apart from some obvious things, like, in LFR on some fights you could stand in the fire for minutes and it tickles, but in Flex, it will start to hurt, so stay out of shit, move with debuffs, move in with buffs, all that.

    Norushen will have orbs to cleanse your corruption that aren't in LFR, Thok will one shot you if your in front of him, Sha of Pride's pride mechanics (I don't think it changes in LFR? Similar to Norushen corruption not changing), belts for Siegecrafter, also Def Stance on Nazgrim as an obvious one, unless your in a really geared group that just ignores it.

    (Also, this is obvious to some, but not to others, don't disengage OFF the towers, jump off, then disengage closer to the ground to avoid falling damage - A good place to practice this is in Ironforge, fly above the entrance to the bank, jump off, fall a little, disengage, repeat)

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