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  1. #41
    Epic! Bristae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orlong View Post
    I really wish MMO Champ would ban the phrase F&F alpha. They havent had one in years. Theyve been going straight to beta yet people STILL keep talking about a F&F alpha
    I agree with you.. most people don't understand the difference between an internal alpha build and a "friends and family" Alpha (It's like a beta only it is much earlier in the development and invites are given to close friends and family of Blizzard employees, hence the name "Friends and Family" Alpha). People keep talking about Alphas like they publicly have to be talked about, THEY DON'T! A game doesn't HAVE to have a public beta either!

    Blizzard dropped the "F&F" Alphas after Cataclysm, most likely due to people breaking the NDAs and posting images and info. I was in every F&F Alpha since Vanilla and followed the NDA strictly and I am currently in some betas that have NDAs that I follow as well. With MoP, I had to wait to get into the beta like everyone else though I was lucky enough to get in the second wave.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Belimawr View Post
    if the expansion is coming out anytime soon internal testing would of started a long time ago. just because there is no leaks doesn't mean testing isn't happening, it just means they have people in it who actually take the NDA seriously.
    because they are Blizzard employees maybe? and they want to keep their jobs? I would :P
    Fanboy (Fanboi):
    1. A term used towards someone when a person disagrees with the said someone on a subject, person, place, thing, company, or product line and they are not smart enough to debate their counterpoints or facts, so they resort to childish name calling in hopes of shaming others into silence and thus them winning through dominance.* 2. A term used as a taunt/peer pressure technique to shape popular opinion through shame and humiliation.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Dasffion View Post
    While I agree there's no point in complaining about it there's still plenty reason to be disappointed in it. No we don't have to keep doing SoO and yes we can go do something else until the next expansion releases but you really can't understand that some people would rather be doing new stuff in WoW?
    Oh, I can understand it perfectly... but I also understand that it takes time for Blizzard to create new content. There are plenty of other games/activities that we can indulge in until that content is ready. I mean, we've had to deal with this since the very first expansion... you'd think people would learn by now that complaining about it just makes them angrier about it and doesn't help anyone or anything.
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