New Creatures
This is a partial list of some of the new creatures you will may see!
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Gronn War Machine - [PH Model]
- Gargronntuan [PH] - [PH Model]
- Engronneer [PH] - [PH Model]
- Temporal Shard - [PH Visual]
- Iron Gronn - <
> - Twinbreath Skystalker -
- Staff of Souls -
- Goren Rockbiter - Abilities - Task 72199
- Flaming Goren - Abilities - Task 72199
- Goren Shardback - Abilities - Task 72199
- Iceforge Meltmaw - Abilities - Task 72199
- Talren Highbeacon - Argent Crusade
- Domuu - Assistant Talbuk Herder
- Rytama - Binder of the Moro'gai
- Lady Liadrin - Blood Knight Matriarch
- Gug'rokk - Bloodmaul Slave Traders
- Hurkan Skullsplinter - Bonechewer Chieftain
- Time Warden - Bronze Dragonflight
- Restalaan - Captain of the Guard
- Blackhand - Chieftain of the Blackrock
- Borgal Doomfist - Chieftain of the Bloodmaul
- Durotan - Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan
- Durotan - Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan
- Durotan - Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan
- Durotan - Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan
- Kor'gall - Chieftain of the Stonemaul Clan
- Grom Hellscream - Chieftain of the Warsong Clan
- Kindler - Child of Exurotus
- Firelish - Child of Exurotus
- Wastes Rockworm - Children of Shui Halad [TASK# 66451 - CENTIPEDE/ROCKWORM]
- Gul'dan - Darkness Incarnate [TASK #70100]
- Gul'dan - Darkness Incarnate [TASK# 70100]
- Gul'dan - Darkness Incarnate [TASK# 70100]
- Gul'dan - Darkness Incarnate [TASK# 70100]
- Snowclaw - Delas' Companion
- Whitefang - Draka's Companion
- Kasha - Draka's Companion
- Whitefang - Draka's Companion
- Whitefang - Draka's Companion
- Wise-ear - Drek'Thar's Companion
- Wise-ear - Drek'Thar's Companion
- Wise-ear - Drek'Thar's Companion
- Wise-ear - Drek'Thar's Companion
- Orgrock - Drek'Thar's Guardian
- Orgrock - Drek'Thar's Guardian
- Earth Elemental Totem - Drek'Thar's Totem
- Thisalee Crow - Druid of the Talon
- Thisalee Crow - Druid of the Talon
- Thisalee Crow - Druid of the Talon
- Thisalee Crow - Druid of the Talon
- Choluna - Druid of the Talon
- Skylord Omnuron - Druid of the Talon
- Nightstalker - Durotan's Companion
- Nightstalker - Durotan's Companion
- Vragor - Exile Shaman
- Vragor - Exile Shaman
- Vragor - Exile Shaman
- Vragor - Exile Shaman
- Vragor - Exile Shaman
- Vragor - Exile Shaman
- Great Chef Woo - Food & Drink
- Krunk - Food & Drink
- Exurotus - Fury of Frostfire
- Snowfury - Ga'nar's Companion
- Snowfury - Ga'nar's Companion
- Snowfury - Ga'nar's Companion
- Yuuri - Head Caretaker
- Shadow Hunter Rala - Herbalism Trainer
- Rooter - Hungry Stray
- Rooter the Ravenous - Hungry Stray
- Iron Horde Ragemonger - Iron Horde
- Warsong Ragemonger - Iron Horde
- Warsong Ragemonger - Iron Horde
- Warsong Ragemonger - Iron Horde
- Warsong Ragemonger - Iron Horde
- Commander Vorka - Iron Horde
- Warsong Ragemonger - Iron Horde
- Warsong Ragemonger - Iron Horde
- Warsong Ragemonger - Iron Horde
- Warsong Ragemonger - Iron Horde
- Captain Cyrii - Karabor Rangers
- Nerok - Karg's Companion
- Fire Totem - Kaz's Totem
- Redemption - Liadrin's Steed
- Asha - Lokra's Companion
- Asha - Lokra's Companion
- Asha - Lokra's Companion
- Gorr'thog - Lord of Bladespire Fortress
- Gorr'thog - Lord of Bladespire Fortress
- Gorr'thog Kill Credit - Lord of Bladespire Fortress
- Deebs - Lord of Terror
- Joanna Blueheart - Marshtide Watch Commander
- Romuul - Master Artificer
- Romuul - Master Artificer
- Romuul - Master Artificer
- Joren Ironstock - Mountaineer Captain
- Helga Nesingwary - Pale Hunter
- Helga Nesingwary - Pale Hunter
- Helga Nesingwary - Pale Hunter
- Helga Nesingwary - Pale Hunter
- Stoneripper Magnaron - PH Model - Task 70320
- Rog - PH Model - Task 70320
- Defiled Spirit - PH Model/Dressing
- Defiled Spirit - PH Model/Dressing
- Iron Melee Tank - PH Name
- Iron Ranged - PH Name
- Iron Thunderlord Ranged - PH Name
- Iron Ranged - PH Name
- Iron Thunderlord Melee - PH Name
- Iron Thunderlord Ranged - PH Name
- Iron Ranged - PH Name
- Iron Melee Tank - PH Name
- Delas Moonfang - Priestess of the Moon
- Image of Teron'gor - Shadow Council
- Teron'gor - Shadow Council
- Teron'gor - Shadow Council
- Razuun - Shadow Council [TASK# 71544]
- Image of Cho'gall - Shadow Council [TASK# 71695 - model]
- Cho'gall - Shadow Council [TASK# 71695 - model]
- Giselda the Beautiful - Shadow Council [TASK# 72058]
- Shadow Hunter Mala - Skinning Trainer
- Grulloc - Son of Gruul
- Goc - Son of Gruul
- Goc - Son of Gruul
- Maggoc - Son of Gruul
- Skal the Trapper - Son of the Iron Wolf
- Skal the Trapper - Son of the Iron Wolf
- Khadgar - Sons of Lothar
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar [TASK# 68024]
- Image of Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar [TASK# 68024]
- Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar [TASK# 68024]
- Image of Archmage Khadgar - Sons of Lothar [TASK# 68024]
- Draenei Ship - Task 70469
- Rangari Navra - TEMP DRESSING
- Windswept Rylak - TEMP MODEL
- Dead Windswept Rylak - TEMP MODEL
- Jagahari - TEMP MODEL
- Mutomu - TEMP MODEL
- Grubnor Wargut - TEMP MODEL: Switch to Ogron TASK 68535
- Kron - The Flame Breaker
- Commander Krog - The Hammer
- Patchfur Yapper - The Loaner
- Snowpaw - Urukag's Companion
- Squirt - Wandering Trainer
- Garrosh Hellscream - Warchief
- Grommash Hellscream - Warchief of the Iron Horde
- Grommash Hellscream - Warchief of the Iron Horde
- Cordana Felsong - Warden
- Cordana Felsong - Warden
- Cordana Felsong - Warden
- Cordana Felsong - Warden
- Cordana Felsong - Warden
- Cordana Felsong - Warden
- Initiate Na'Shra - Weaponsmith
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
- Black Ram
- Arctic Riding Wolf
- Frost Wolf Howler
- Gruul the Dragonkiller
- Trigul
- White Riding Talbuk
- Fast Black War Ram
- Spore
- Genn Greymane
- Goblin Turbo-Trike
- Thrall
- Frostwolf Greyfur
- Roona
- Ga'nar
- Frostfire Gronn
- Captive Gronn
- Frost Wolf Pup
- Kur'ak the Binder
- Sharpeye
- Cleft Scrounger
- Bloodbeak Scavenger
- Vragor's Earth Totem
- Gorgrond Wasp
- Gorgrond Roach
- Frost Wolf Mount
- Frostwolf Exile
- Meat Spike
- Mastiff
- Trogg
- Drifter
- Draka
- Thunderlord Crag-Leaper
- Starving Scrapsniffer
- Icewing Rylak
- Monsterous Larva
- Ancient of Frostfire
- General Purpose Bunny ZTO
- Karabor Defender
- Iron Horde Bruiser
- Vindicator Akama
- Anchorite Ahura
- Vindicator Hogo
- Cleric Maluuf
- Frostwolf Warrior
- Grapple Point
- Iron Horde Tank
- Karabor Citizen
- Stele
- Earthrender Magnaron
- Aklana SwiftHoof
- Fury Prison
- Farseer Urquan
- Kazdar Darkscythe
- All-Seeing Eye
- Outrider Urukag
- Firefly
- Throm'var Hunter
- Sylene
- Teluuna Guardian
- Throm'var Villager
- Clefthoof
- Frost Wolf
- Starfall Sentinel
- Bladespire Mauler
- Frostwolf Grunt
- Yrel
- Bladespire Brute
- Karabor Elekk
- Fernus
- General Purpose Stalker
- Crested Owl
- Bladespire Imperion
- Ner'zhul
- Ockbar the Wanderer
- Shadowmoon Shaman
- Generic Bunny
- Frostwolf Shaman
- Shadowmoon Magmatic
- Shadowmoon Swiftclaw
- Shadowmoon Stormcaller
- Shadowmoon Darkcaster
- Shadowmoon Voidreaver
- Shadowmoon Voidclaw
- Shadowmoon Voidaxe
- Kuruna
- Gar Steelcrush
- Rukah the Machinist
- Mokrik Blackfingers
- Commander Vorka
- Sadana Bloodfury
- Blackrock Warrior
- Prophet Velen
- Ga'nar's Wolf
- Iron Horde Grunt
- Durotan
- Thunderlord Captive
- Kal'gor the Honorable
- Ligra the Unyielding
- Karabor Hippogryph
- Farseer Drek'Thar
- Iron Horde Obliterator
- Scout Tenemus
- Durotan's Wolf
- Frostwolf Rider
- Frostwolf Farseer
- ELM General Purpose Bunny [Client Side]
- Essence of Darkness
- Saveel
- Rokk
- Kaz the Shrieker
- Limbflayer
- Chronalis
- Iron Horde Chimaera
- Thaelin Darkanvil
- Harbinger Taalo
- Rangari Arepheon
- Frostwolf Prowler
- Frostwolf Stalker
- Thunderlord Warrior
- Raven
- Karabor Vindicator
- Karabor Anchorite
- Karabor Artificer
- Karabor Ranger
- Bloodmaul Enforcer
- Grommar Wallbreaker
- Iron Horde Shieldbearer
- Frostwolf Warrior - Male Only
- Frostwolf Handler
- The Tank
- Y'kish
- Jagahari
- Warmouth
- Dorogg the Ruthless
- Samaara
- Rangari Lookout
- Commander Coruu
- Unbroken Goresnout
- Auchenai Defender
- Chain Bunny
- Chain Scene Vehicle
- Exarch Maladaar
- Vindicator Maraad
- Aklana
- Borisari
- Lekunaar
- Hansel Heavyhands
- Rangari D'kaan
- Bladespire Goresnout [CLIENT SIDE]
- Climbing Orc
- Igrim the Resolute
- Bloodmaul Overseer
- Bloodmaul Geomancer
- Bloodmaul Warder
- Possible Survivor
- Iron War Machine
- Bladespire Boarbuster
- Bladespire Goresnout
- Generic Bunny - JP3
- Fallen Battlehoof
- Defiant Battlehoof
- Iron Front Commander
- Iron Shocktrooper
- Battlefield Grunt
- Barricade
- Gol'kosh the Axe
- Dead Drop
- Clefthoof Gore
- Frostwolf Peon
- Bladespire Ridiculor TEST TEMP
- Heavy Overturned Table
- Weeping Spirit
- Tuurem Refugee
- Iron Defender
- Floating Dagger
- Prototype Engineer
- Gorgrond Clefthoof
- Black Powder Keg
- Iron Scarhide
- Amberfur Volen
- Slavemaster Ok'mok
- Chief Engineer Graktar
- Iron Gronn
- Warsong Wolf
- Iron Crag-Leaper
- Lost Soul
- Restless Wanderer
- Iron Raider
- Iron Darkcaster
- Iron Blade
- Stonemaul Slaver
- Swift Elekk
- Rulkan
- Mutomu
- Helga Nesingwary
- Slain Iron Grunt
- Invisible Man
- Rabbit AINeed Test NAgle WalkAround Bunny
- Goreslob
- Porkchop Jr.
- Ranger Arepheon
- Iron Grunt
- Grommash Hellscream
- Iron Horde War Machine 02b Creature
- Egg Cluster
- Snowsong
- Lokra
- Iceforge Meltmaw
- Ghostly Gronn
- Frostwolf Field Medic
- Freed Frostwolf Slave
- Darren's Test NPC 3
- Iron Horde Scout
- Iron Weapon Wagon
- Iron Warder
- Malgrim Stormhand
- Cure for Insanity
- Client Bunny - GJC
- Lowland Saberon
- Auchenai Soulpriest
- Auchenai Caretaker
- Bonechewer Scavenger
- Bonechewer Cannibal
- Blademaster Na'shra
- Matron Suma
- Makar Stonebinder
- Karg Bloodfury
- Eredar
- Velen
- Kil'jaeden
- Naaru
- Demonic Gateway
- Deceptia
- Spiderling
- Shock Commander Markar
- Rylak Watcher
- Orgrim Doomhammer
- Mysterious Orc
- Bastion Defender
- Blademaster Samkoro
- Capsule Bunny
- Albino Chimaeraling
- Doomhammer's Dethroller
- Telmor Citizen
- Iron Invoker
- Telmor Defender
- Commander Alyun
- Elekk Fly
- Overlord Blackhammer
- Jr. Surveyor Dorn
- Iron Starlette
- Karabor Child
- Blackhand
- Whitefang
- Nightstalker
- Wise-ear
- Velen's Staff [TEMP]
- Velen Event Bunny (JSB)
- Anchorite Varuu
- Siegemaker
- Rubble Pile
- Krosnis
- Riasa Songbrook
- Blackrock Foundry
- Ceiling Stalker
- Ritual Circle
- Y'kish the Wingless
- Gateway Charge
- Garona Halforcen
- Shadowmoon Talbuk
- Shattrath Elekk
- Draenei Soul
- Draenei Explorer
- Image of Archmage Vargoth
- Gazlowe
- Draenei Male
- Orc Male
- Goblin Female
- Hippo
- Human Male
- Doomguard
- Terrorguard
- Abyssal
- Infernal
- Iron Berserker
- Iron Gladiator
- Dryback Acidroller
- Dryback Devourer
- Sacraficial Slave
- Frostfire Ridge - Bloodmaul - Soulgrinder Visual - Bunny (Sessile)(Med) - LWB
- Marked for Death
- Frostwolf Rylak
- Demon Portal
- Injured Miner
- Larry's Invis Effect Bunny - Bloodmaul - Client Scene - (Sessile)(Med) - LWB
- Rocket Chicken XL
- Weebomination
- Khadgar's Flying Carpet
- Warlord Dar'toon
- Watch Commander Relthorn Netherwane
- Alliance Portal-Sentry
- Horde Portal-Sentry
- Horde Peon
- Shadow Hunter Kajassa
- Shadow Hunter Par'kar
- Shadow Hunter Ukambe
- Darkspear Headhunter
- Calder Gray
- Bloody Hatchet
- Soulbinder Nyami
- Soulbinder Tuulani
- Owynn Graddock
- Mehlar Dawnblade
- Great Purple Elekk
- Thalassian Charger
- Small Spider
- ELM General Purpose Bunny Gigantic [Client Side]
- ELM General Purpose Bunny Gigantic [Client Side] (scale x3)
- Shattered Bonechopper
- Mysterious Figure
- Great Exarch's Elekk
- Diaani
- Arekk
- Zuulo
- Lil' Leftovers
- Battered Frostwolf Prisoner
- Battered Karabor Prisoner
- Draenor Gronn
- Farmer Esteela
- Goblin Merchant
- Larry's Invis Effect Bunny - Bloodmaul - Client Scene 2 - (Sessile)(Med) - LWB
- Carrotus Maximus
- Hobart Grapplehammer
- Deathguard Darnell
- Shokia
- Doc Cogspin
- Frosty Pup
- Kargath Bladefist
- Foreman Eksos
- Arcanist Rinnila
- Sergeant Rollins
- Ironmarch War Banner
- Foreman Grobash
- Tyri
- Puzzle
- Orphan Spell Visual - Beam Actor Holder
- Iron Stalker
- Iron Sharpshooter
- Larva
- Rangari Sharpshooter
- Wor'var Demolisher
- Telaari Tank
- Cart
- The Ogre
- Pandaren Male
- Gnome Female
- Troll Male
- Blood Elf Female
- Rylak
- Murloc
- Abjurist Belmara
- Conjurer Luminrath
- Mechanical Toucan
- Mechanical Scorpid
- Acidtooth Corroder
- Yellowfeather Axebeak
- Laughing Skull Orc
- Draenei Spirit
- Blog