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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by steveyboy View Post
    We all know this is never going to happen.
    Never say never!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by James Bond View Post
    Bah even if they make all the faces look 90% the same between one another I'm sure there will be enough apologists to defend Blizzard even though this is one of the greatest and most important graphical updates done to the game in 10 years and should be completed flawlessly.

    This quote is encouraging though: "working hard to find solution for distinct facial variants with new anim system. Tricky but we have top people on it!"
    It's the one thing that gives me some hope that we will see some differences. Trust me, I'm super happy with the quality of the models, they're top notch, but I will be incredibly disappointed if the faces are all similar, because as you said they are insanely important updates to the game.

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkblade95 View Post
    Never say never!

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's the one thing that gives me some hope that we will see some differences. Trust me, I'm super happy with the quality of the models, they're top notch, but I will be incredibly disappointed if the faces are all similar, because as you said they are insanely important updates to the game.
    Yeah, a lot of people say faces don't matter because they'll be covered by helm, but for me it's the complete opposite, couldn't care less about the body, it's the faces I want to look the best, with the hair and everything. The only reason I like pandaren is because the female faces are FUCKING MASTERFUL WORK OF ARTS, everything else about that race cover with a paper bag please. Worgen too, in Cata beta they were supposed to look like stupid puppies, now you have these scary snarling faces, someone sees you rush up to them with that
    they get scared.

    If Worgen hadn't been updated to have the faces they have now I would have considered them as a massive failure, opposite of pandaren, cool bodies but terrible faces.

    I mean just look at that weak puppy nonsense on the left, it looks as bad as the new Druid forms with manicured claws and fangs:

    Last edited by James Bond; 2014-04-07 at 12:04 AM.

  3. #103
    High Overlord Jakins's Avatar
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    Well, the Night Elf female isn't too far off, what with this texture pack creeping around the net:

    And I really mean creeping because geezus I'm scared of these texture packs.

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Jakins View Post
    Well, the Night Elf female isn't too far off, what with this texture pack creeping around the net:

    And I really mean creeping because geezus I'm scared of these texture packs.
    Haha, It surprised me to see this when it was datamined. It's quite strange to see a new player model (even if it is just the textures) without any comment on it's development.

  5. #105
    Legendary! snuzzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkblade95 View Post
    Then why is Chris Robinson going to make an Artcraft discussing it? Do you really think he'll say, "sorry but we couldn't do different faces so enjoy the same face".

    He has said he has "top people on it" and that he will be addressing it in an artcraft. I doubt it'll be negative, it's just not good publicity to come out and say something like this can't be done.

    Of course I could be wrong. But is it a crime to be a little optimistic rather than just accept that they will have "same face"?
    He's probably going to go in and use a lot of positive sounding marketing speech to try to spin us on how these are distinct faces regardless of whether we think they are or not.

    Granted, the female gnome is moving in the right direction, but if I have to trade facial diversity for better animations, I am not sure it's an acceptable trade for me personally.

    Sig by Isilrien

  6. #106
    Those texture packs have always been creepy. Hate seeing them.
    Heck I love Night Elves... but that face...

  7. #107
    Legendary! snuzzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Bond View Post
    Yeah, a lot of people say faces don't matter because they'll be covered by helm, but for me it's the complete opposite, couldn't care less about the body, it's the faces I want to look the best, with the hair and everything. The only reason I like pandaren is because the female faces are FUCKING MASTERFUL WORK OF ARTS, everything else about that race cover with a paper bag please. Worgen too, in Cata beta they were supposed to look like stupid puppies, now you have these scary snarling faces, someone sees you rush up to them with that
    they get scared.

    If Worgen hadn't been updated to have the faces they have now I would have considered them as a massive failure, opposite of pandaren, cool bodies but terrible faces.

    I mean just look at that weak puppy nonsense on the left, it looks as bad as the new Druid forms with manicured claws and fangs:

    You do know that the face on the left is a fan edit of the Live face on the right, yes?

    Sig by Isilrien

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Devechka View Post
    Those texture packs have always been creepy. Hate seeing them.
    Heck I love Night Elves... but that face...
    Moisturise me.

  9. #109
    The angry old woman face with the red eyes is the one I use for my priest and I'm REALLY confused and disappointed by her looking so... sad and forlorn in the remodel. Why a sad neutral resting face for the only fierce face they had? I love my angry old lady and am really bewildered by this choice. I'd switch to the other older face with the green eyes if there was a Dark Iron skin available, but since they said they aren't doing that this go around... agh. Not pleased... I don't have an option that suits her now...

    "There is a thin, semantic line separating weird and beautiful. And that line is covered in jellyfish." - Welcome to Night Vale.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewor View Post
    Moisturise me.
    Your avatar fits very well.

    On-topic, as anyone else who has said this (And me in another thread) -- the texture differences are wonderful. It's the fact that the faces are all the same structure is what starts to ruin it.

  11. #111
    dat new tauren... @_@ so excited to see the females

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by snuzzle View Post
    You do know that the face on the left is a fan edit of the Live face on the right, yes?
    No, it isnt.

  13. #113
    I mean just look at that weak puppy nonsense on the left, it looks as bad as the new Druid forms with manicured claws and fangs:
    It's the same face, just animated differently. And on that point, the earlier version was animated so that it could snarl in combat and have a neutral expression while idling. Having a rawr I'm so angry expression glued on your face during every animation has never made sense.

    On the topic at hand, those dwarf faces could use more work. You can juuust work out which of the old faces they match up with, but for most of them I would not think "hey, that's my character" upon seeing them.

    Also, the female gnome? Nightmare fuel. I am so, so glad I don't play one. They got hit with the ugly stick, big time.
    Last edited by 7seti; 2014-04-07 at 08:48 AM.

  14. #114
    Glad to see any fears of same face put to rest, these are clearly different faces if you ask me. Other races still look the same, but the female Dwarves can be taken as confirmation that that will be worked on. They're not going to give one race different faces and none of the others after all. Good job Blizzard.

  15. #115
    Aside from different eye and lipstick colors and some faint wrinkles they pretty much look all excactly the same.

    I expected much more than just one new character skin per faction with a few quick paintovers.

    This would be acceptable if it was 2006.
    Last edited by mmoc36f28662f1; 2014-04-07 at 11:10 AM.

  16. #116
    Wow, eh... They look the same with the teeniest of differences. But difference is difference, so I suspect these are meant to be the face styles. I know they said a lot of the old faces were just expressions, but there were obvious differences. Female dwarves have an old face, a gaunt face, a plump face, an Asian face, a pretty face, ect. Their version of older face here is just a few laugh lines.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Grinresh View Post
    Gnome face comparisons, in case these help anyone:

    That's a tragedy same-face galore. Looks like I'll have to continue using the old models.

    edit: it also looks as if they didn't even try to stick to the old models when designing the new textures. The eye colors don't match up, the eyebrows are completely different, I see no freckles or different lip shapes or colors ...

    I can't believe anyone would look at that comparison and say that even *one* new female gnome face looks anything like any of the old faces. Zero.
    Last edited by Awbee; 2014-04-07 at 11:33 AM.

  18. #118
    Oh wait, I forgot. People are entitled. *sigh*

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by Alixie View Post
    Wow, eh... They look the same with the teeniest of differences. But difference is difference, so I suspect these are meant to be the face styles. I know they said a lot of the old faces were just expressions, but there were obvious differences. Female dwarves have an old face, a gaunt face, a plump face, an Asian face, a pretty face, ect. Their version of older face here is just a few laugh lines.
    Well, this is Alpha, things are going to change, they are still being worked on. Chris Robinson said he'll address the "same face" issue in a future artcraft.

  20. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by snuzzle View Post
    You do know that the face on the left is a fan edit of the Live face on the right, yes?
    No its not, it was an option in Cata Alpha build

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