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  1. #461
    Quote Originally Posted by Goranus View Post
    FUCK YEAH She's a badass. I know that this is the real world and all. But what she did is something all girls and women should if they are in such a situation, instead of taking it like a bitch and coming a toy for men to use as they please.

    But I'm also aware that she's suffering like hell because of this and this should never even should be in the first place because such trauma is going to scar her for live and those bastard friends of hers are going try and get revenge for what she did. Well those fuckers have NO RIGHT to clam revenge on her since she's the victim fighting back and they are just animals that only thinks of breeding, killing and fighting.

    My heart goes out to her and her family and I hope she get's a happy ending although that's near impossible for her in such situation.
    I like what you said other than this.

    The reality is that most humans don't have the combination of *the right kind of intellect* and emotional strength to be enslaved, indoctrinated into thinking they're nothing more than property their whole lives, and still be able to do something about it.
    Last edited by Speaknoevil; 2014-04-11 at 09:47 AM.

  2. #462
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    What makes you think I'd be more understanding of their "morals" if I was brought up in Nigeria?
    i know right? that girl clearly was NOT more understanding about being forced to marry and have sex at 14 with that man, and she was raised there

    that poster must have a fantasy to be a 14 yr old girl forced to marry and have sex

  3. #463
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    What makes you think I'd be more understanding of their "morals" if I was brought up in Nigeria?
    Because I believe it's what shapes us? I don't think we are predestined to transform into the person we are today the moment we open our eyes regardless of the influence. Are you denying that upbringing is a very important part of what shapes a person? Like I said, even if your upbringing is bad, being brought up in a first world country tends to mean that you are overly exposed to all parts of what makes it good and not, and you can form your own conclusion from there based on your upbringing. All our time spent growing up is not strictly from home anyway.

    Are you female? I don't know the point of views of Nigerian women though I can imagine that they hate it. I'm talking from a strictly male point of view. I imagine most of them don't see it as anything wrong at all. I could be wrong of course since this is all just an assumption on my part.
    Last edited by Dawnrage; 2014-04-11 at 09:49 AM.

  4. #464
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    What makes you think I'd be more understanding of their "morals" if I was brought up in Nigeria?
    The fact that a large enough number of Nigerians abide by customs like those to the point that they're enshrined in law. It's the same reason I'd expect someone to be a devout Muslim if they were born in a part of the world where people were raised to be like that. It's impossible to factually determine whether or not you yourself would be of a particular alignment as compared to someone else until you've lived the precise same life that they had. Given humans and their susceptibility to cultural influences, and considering this very case-study of Nigeria (and every other place in the world where traditions we revile are freely practiced), it's fair to conclude you'd more than likely be like they are if you'd walked the same road they had.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by HomeHoney View Post
    i know right? that girl clearly was NOT more understanding about being forced to marry and have sex at 14 with that man, and she was raised there
    The point is that many others are, and having been brought up that way, they might not necessarily even think anything of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flutterguy View Post
    In fact, I quite like it and I would consider it an abuse to inflict my child with a foreskin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    You don't appear to understand how it works...they don't stick it on when the baby is born.

  5. #465
    Legendary! Vargur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spectral View Post
    Shame that she'll suffer for it, but I admire the shit out of her. I hope the pedo-rapist died very painfully.
    What if:
    - 14 would be the new 18
    - marriage doesn't involves sex
    - arranged marriages would be tradition, which is what the theists regard as part of religion
    Nothing to say?
    OK, you keep spouting "pedo-rapist" like all the other sheeps.
    Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.
    To resist the influence of others, knowledge of oneself is most important.

  6. #466
    Quote Originally Posted by Velaniz View Post
    The point is that many others are, and having been brought up that way, they might not necessarily even think anything of it.
    then they gonna get a wake up call if more girls start killing to get out of it, just like slave owners here in USA got a wake up call when those who did not want anyone forced to be a slave no more started killing slave owners...

    sucks that it takes the threat of death (and sometimes actual death) for some people to stop forcing horrible situations on others, but sometimes, thats all that can be done to make them stop....
    Last edited by Total Crica; 2014-04-11 at 09:59 AM.

  7. #467
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    Im more worried about the girl going to school shooting everyone she hates than the guys getting poisoned.

  8. #468
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargur View Post
    What if:
    - 14 would be the new 18
    - marriage doesn't involves sex
    - arranged marriages would be tradition, which is what the theists regard as part of religion
    Nothing to say?
    OK, you keep spouting "pedo-rapist" like all the other sheeps.
    You know someone has an extremely well researched and well thought out contribution to the conversation when they use the phrase 'sheep'

    First instinct: Good for her. I'd rather be a murderer x4 than raped every day/most days for the rest of my life.

    Psuedo-intellectual nihilism of 'its their traditions' is bullshit. Real progressivism is about making the human condition better through knowledge and technology. We know that a 14 year old isn't ready to enter into a sexual relation with a 30+, we know that their minds aren't developed to a point where they can fully comprehend what they are doing, especially compared to a 30 year olds.

    Acting like 'its their traditions, so its ok' is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard and I think a lot of you should feel damn happy you don't live in countries where this happens, since apparently you would be a party to it since it would be 'your traditions'. Traditions and the past are important, but raping pubescent girls needs to go away. Selling anyone into slavery needs to go away.

    Although I generally don't believe murder is the best solution to anything, I can understand this girl thinking there is no other way out. I'm honestly surprised she didn't eat a ton of the poison herself.
    Quote Originally Posted by xanzul View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by obdigore View Post
    So if the states get together and work with the Legislative Branch to write an amendment to the federal constitution, you think the Judiciary (SCOTUS) could strike it down for being 'unconstitutional'?
    Uh...yes. Absolutely.

  9. #469
    Quote Originally Posted by HomeHoney View Post
    then they gonna get a wake up call if more girls start killing to get out of it, just like slave owners here in USA got a wake up call when those who did not want it to happen no more started killing them...
    I would say she is an exception, and not likely something to become the norm, as sad as it sounds. If you search hard enough, you can actually find children who do like the "forced marriages" they are set up with. Children being children however, can't really come to such a decision at such a young age (it's why pedophilia is what it is whether the child wants it or not). We obviously don't have numbers to see what the ratio is, but if it's a practice that has been going on forever, chances are that all this is just made-believe in our heads and it's supported because it's met with no resistance for the most part.

  10. #470
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargur View Post
    What if:
    - 14 would be the new 18
    - marriage doesn't involves sex
    - arranged marriages would be tradition, which is what the theists regard as part of religion
    Nothing to say?
    OK, you keep spouting "pedo-rapist" like all the other sheeps.
    It's still enslavement, it's still rape. Of course there's rape in the "marriage."

    Sheep, not "sheeps." I don't care about their culture or religious "rights" to violate human rights.

  11. #471
    Quote Originally Posted by HomeHoney View Post
    then they gonna get a wake up call if more girls start killing to get out of it, just like slave owners here in USA got a wake up call when those who did not want it to happen no more started killing slave owners...

    sucks that it takes the threat of death (and sometimes actual death) for some people to stop forcing horrible situations on others, but sometimes, thats all that can be done to make them stop....
    Yes, it's a very shitty situation. But sitting here pretending they're inherently awful people, and that we wouldn't have been like that if it'd been us instead, all the while cheering on the massacre she left in her wake doesn't say a lot about us either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flutterguy View Post
    In fact, I quite like it and I would consider it an abuse to inflict my child with a foreskin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    You don't appear to understand how it works...they don't stick it on when the baby is born.

  12. #472
    Its strange that there was no mention of this story in the Nigerian newspapers.

  13. #473
    Quote Originally Posted by obdigore View Post
    Psuedo-intellectual nihilism of 'its their traditions' is bullshit. Real progressivism is about making the human condition better through knowledge and technology. We know that a 14 year old isn't ready to enter into a sexual relation with a 30+, we know that their minds aren't developed to a point where they can fully comprehend what they are doing, especially compared to a 30 year olds.
    Pretty sure the sex teenagers have is the same basic procedure as what adults do.

  14. #474
    Quote Originally Posted by Dawnrage View Post
    I would say she is an exception, and not likely something to become the norm, as sad as it sounds. If you search hard enough, you can actually find children who do like the "forced marriages" they are set up with. Children being children however, can't really come to such a decision at such a young age (it's why pedophilia is what it is whether the child wants it or not). We obviously don't have numbers to see what the ratio is, but if it's a practice that has been going on forever, chances are that all this is just made-believe in our heads and it's supported because it's met with no resistance for the most part.
    slavery had been going on forever in USA before the civil war abolished it - if ppl want change bad enough, change will happen

  15. #475
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargur View Post
    What if:
    - 14 would be the new 18
    - marriage doesn't involves sex
    - arranged marriages would be tradition, which is what the theists regard as part of religion
    Nothing to say?
    OK, you keep spouting "pedo-rapist" like all the other sheeps.
    Most retarded post of the day. Thanks for that, chief.

  16. #476
    Quote Originally Posted by Dawnrage View Post
    Because I believe it's what shapes us? I don't think we are predestined to transform into the person we are today the moment we open our eyes regardless of the influence. Are you denying that upbringing is a very important part of what shapes a person? Like I said, even if your upbringing is bad, being brought up in a first world country tends to mean that you are overly exposed to all parts of what makes it good and not, and you can form your own conclusion from there based on your upbringing. All our time spent growing up is not strictly from home anyway.
    I wasn't even raised properly by any parents, all they did was provide food and somewhere to live, beyond that there wasn't much they done for me except neglect me or downright abuse me. Neither did other people do much for me in terms of raising me with "good values". I grew up pretty much on my own and I learned just how fucking awful people are once they spot someone who is vulnerable and without support.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dawnrage View Post
    Are you female? I don't know the point of views of Nigerian women though I can imagine that they hate it. I'm talking from a strictly male point of view. I imagine most of them don't see it as anything wrong at all. I could be wrong of course since this is all just an assumption on my part.

  17. #477
    Quote Originally Posted by HomeHoney View Post
    slavery had been going on forever in USA before the civil war abolished it - if ppl want change bad enough, change will happen
    Short of a revolution, there's not much they can do.

    Edited to be less confusing so people with a stick up their ass can't nitpick it.
    Last edited by Dawnrage; 2014-04-11 at 10:23 AM.

  18. #478
    Quote Originally Posted by Dawnrage View Post
    Well, it's hard for children to start a revolution, so that's something going against in comparison to slavery.
    ...Do you think that slavery was abolished in the US because of a revolution? Is that your utter lack of a grasp on history? In other places in the world, yes, slaves/second class people were able to stand up and at times throw off their shackles from the oppressive government (generally a European power).
    Quote Originally Posted by xanzul View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by obdigore View Post
    So if the states get together and work with the Legislative Branch to write an amendment to the federal constitution, you think the Judiciary (SCOTUS) could strike it down for being 'unconstitutional'?
    Uh...yes. Absolutely.

  19. #479
    Quote Originally Posted by Velaniz View Post
    Yes, it's a very shitty situation. But sitting here pretending they're inherently awful people, and that we wouldn't have been like that if it'd been us instead, all the while cheering on the massacre she left in her wake doesn't say a lot about us either.
    i fought to get out of anything that was forced on me since i was a child - i believe our "nature" dictates our personality and our "environment" can either "break it" or "nurture it" or "egg it on" - mine "egged it on", i had two controlling and overbearing parents and their families were nearly the same - so my environment just served as a catalyst for me to fight harder, as is my nature, to get out of being controlled

    yes, anecdotal, but i see this also in the people i get to know really well
    Last edited by Total Crica; 2014-04-11 at 10:13 AM.

  20. #480
    Quote Originally Posted by obdigore View Post
    ...Do you think that slavery was abolished in the US because of a revolution? Is that your utter lack of a grasp on history? In other places in the world, yes, slaves/second class people were able to stand up and at times throw off their shackles from the oppressive government (generally a European power).
    No, but considering the people who have any power over this are the ones practicing this in the first place, I find it hard to see anything but a revolution for things to change, besides some outside power. I don't think Nigeria has the capability to start a civil war.

    P.S. Calm down buddy, first post I see from you is a direct insult to me because you saw the chance to do it by taking what I said out of context? How pathetic. Grow up.

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