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  1. #581
    The Lightbringer Primernova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsubodia View Post
    As a male who has not been circumcised i can adequately call medical reasons bullshit. Unless there is a family history of issues it has no medical benefits at all. Well that is unless your a dirty bastard who doesn't clean yourself properly.

    Medical reasons has been sprouted as a "reason" for as long as it could. I doubt they did this practice 2000 years ago for "medical reasons" Its archaic and its abhorrent.
    Family history of pockets where bacteria can collect?

    Are you mad?

    A pocket is a pocket.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Tsubodia View Post
    Congratulations your now a murderer and going to be stoned to death under Sharia law. How have you helped the overall situation to make it better?
    Other side needs to poison more, obv.

  2. #582
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    As long as Nigerians or muslims themselves don't want a change to their law, there's not much to be done here. We shouldn't enforce our culture over theirs, that's all I'm saying.
    When young girls are being married against their will and used as slaves and at times raped then I believe it is justified for us to enforce our culture over theirs in order to stop the girls from suffering.

  3. #583
    Quote Originally Posted by Tsubodia View Post
    Congratulations your now a murderer and going to be stoned to death under Sharia law. How have you helped the overall situation to make it better?
    Sharia law as a whole is equally reprehensible. Killing people who tried to kill you unjustly under Sharia law would be equally... Understandable.

  4. #584
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    In arranged marriages they marry out of free will, they're just presented to eachother by the parents - you can probably view it as matchmaking by the parents. In forced marriages they do not. In many cases it's one part who does not want to.
    That may be true in a few scenarios. "Arranged married" is just another word for forced the only different is that it's either Manipulation or it's a lack of a other, better choice. Forced marriage is when is when there is no tricks just force and intimidation.

  5. #585
    Mechagnome Dryade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wikkr View Post
    Again your saying circumcision, a stupid cosmetic change to the genitals, is just as bad as paedophilia, rape and in some cases murder. Remember the case of Yemeni the 8 year old who died on her 'wedding night' when her 40 year old 'husband' raped her to death. Your saying that what happened to Yemeni is the same as a boy having the foreskin shaved off his penis before hes even cognizant of the fact he has a penis?

    In Yemeni's case the 'authorities' agreed with you and the 'husband' wasn't charged and probably went on to remarry

    Your saying the girl should have accepted her fate because its not so bad. Would you be willing to give your 8 year old daughter/sister/niece whatever to a 40 year old?
    The differences between an 8 year old and a 14 year old are leaps and bounds. 14 year old's, under normal circumstances have already hit puberty, and are most likely able to reproduce. I agree, 14 is young, but to try rationally compare an 8 year old to a 14 is a logical fallacy.

  6. #586
    Quote Originally Posted by Erin View Post
    Sharia law as a whole is equally reprehensible. Killing people who tried to kill you unjustly under Sharia law would be equally... Understandable.
    im not arguing its anything but. But thats whats going to happen

  7. #587
    Quote Originally Posted by Goranus View Post
    That may be true in a few scenarios. "Arranged married" is just another word for forced the only different is that it's either Manipulation or it's a lack of a other, better choice. Forced marriage is when is when there is no tricks just force and intimidation.
    Arranged marriage should not be confused with the practice of forced marriage such as vani. In an arranged marriage, while the meeting of the spouses is arranged by family members, relatives or friends, the spouses agree of their own free will to marry. By contrast, in a forced marriage, one or both spouses are coerced into the marriage - the union takes place without their freely given consent (under duress, threats, psychological pressure etc).

    If there is no own free will to marry then it is a forced marriage.

  8. #588
    Quote Originally Posted by Tsubodia View Post
    im not arguing its anything but. But thats whats going to happen
    That's true. This girl killed her husband and others for no other reason than her own selfishness, or that's how it'll be viewed by many where it occurred.

  9. #589
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    Stupid cosmetic change? You fucking serious? Let me get a scalpel and start doing stuff to your dick without your permission. "Before hes even cognizant of the fact he has a penis". Yeah and the 8 year old girl probably wasn't cognizant of the concept of sex, either. That doesn't make it right.

    I wouldn't give my daughter to a 40 year old man. But I'm not Nigerian or muslim. That's their culture. I can watch porn and have sex when I'm a teenager. That's our culture. Muslims and Nigerians can't. Different cultures, different traditions and morals.

    As long as Nigerians or muslims themselves don't want a change to their law, there's not much to be done here. We shouldn't enforce our culture over theirs, that's all I'm saying.
    Hey im not saying its not a stupid outdated practice. But you are saying that its the same as paedophilia, rape and potential murder of girls as young as 8 (there are stories of younger out there). YOU are saying that depriving a male child of his foreskin is the SAME as a paedophile raping and potentially killing a child

    Do me a favour and go search Circumcision Fatalities. Then search Child Bride Fatalities. then tell me that these two things are the same.
    Last edited by mmocb5ea813129; 2014-04-11 at 11:44 AM.

  10. #590
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    Only if you believe in moral relativism. Which is a bullshit position.
    Let me ask you this, what do you base your moral code upon?

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  11. #591
    The Lightbringer Primernova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsubodia View Post
    im not arguing its anything but. But thats whats going to happen
    It's called fighting for ideals.

  12. #592
    Quote Originally Posted by Erin View Post
    This. Think too many people here are talking without any understanding of what an awful thing rape and sexual assault (and in turn, forced marriages) are.
    What this? HomeHoney is the girl in question? Are we supposed to let logic slide by the wayside because HomeHoney was the victim of a rape? Her story is not the same as the girl's in the main story, so no, she doesn't know what she is talking about either; or you, me and anyone else but the girl herself knows what happened and why.

    What is more you are both applying your culture's goggles to the situation. The girl in question is not of your culture. Neither was her husband. Or her family. His family. His friends. Her friends. Do you realize how different their reality is? Her husband was 35 years old. That is, almost certainly, 35 years raised in a culture were he was bred to act the way he did, encouraged to do so, and even punished in the event of not complying with the norms of their society. And you label him a rapist? Without giving any thought to his life? That is illogical. And sadly typical of our western culture, with its flood of couch-critics that think just enough to convince themselves they did their right deed for the day by unleashing their keyboarding holy anger and wrath upon some perpetrator of evil or other; not giving a moment more to think why these things happen.

    How do you know the husband wasn't a victim of his culture as well? How do you go on thinking you represent the side of justice and morality when you don't take a single moment to care about all involved? What about your condition of rampant judging? Do you think this is a healthy state to be in? Talking big about subjects that are extremely complicated, and condemning people you know next-to-nothing about? How about improving yourself and battling this ethical disease of our culture before trying to help others?

    And actually help them, not help yourself feel better for a bit by writing on a gaming forum about something you won't probably bring a second time to mind after a few days if that. And help in a way that will help everyone, realizing that they are all a society, because if the vast majority doesn't change, willingly, then there will be no important change to speak of. The rebelling girl will probably die you know. That will almost certainly be the extent of her rebellion. And will most probably be forgotten by everyone other than her family and friends. Nothing will change for the better. If anything will remain it will probably be her story as a cautionary tale for young brides; that and the pain in the hearts of the people that care for her. Also a few tombs of people that just behaved the way they were taught to. All there is to this story is sadness; for the girl, her husband, the friends, the family.

    The most disappointing part of it all is that these people seem to be in need of help to evolve spiritually; but the only people seeming able to help are too busy indulging in some ethical self-pleasuring by playing judge for the day.
    Last edited by Drithien; 2014-04-11 at 12:21 PM.

  13. #593
    Quote Originally Posted by Tsubodia View Post
    im not arguing its anything but. But thats whats going to happen
    I'm sure it might. But then, I think Sharia Law is one of those things where military intervention by other countries is justified - for dismantling things like this.

  14. #594
    Mechagnome Dryade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Primernova View Post
    I like the girl's idea...

    Kill the fuckers.

    Problem solved.
    Yes, we should start conducting drone strikes on them and wipe out their entire society. Since of course, their entire way of life revolves around this concept.

  15. #595
    Quote Originally Posted by ShimmerSwirl View Post
    Let me ask you this, what do you base your moral code upon?
    Benevolence and principle of harm.

  16. #596
    Quote Originally Posted by KayossZero View Post
    Good god, you're one of the most ignorant posters I've ever had the displeasure of reading.

    People like you are disgusting beyond words for conveniently answering away disgusting acts like FGM done against innocent girls with spiels of "oh oh but it's their culture!".

    Let me give you some cold hard facts of reality. Modern medical science > You, and groups/nations or even entire cultures sharing completely ignorant views.
    There's a reason the modern world is progressing at the rate it is and it isn't by allowing these BS views such as yours any place at the table.
    Sure, we're not going to go invade them but that doesn't mean we should sit around playing ignorant when these people deserve to be ridiculed and criticized at every turn for embracing, in most cases, willful ignorance.
    I would fully support that girl if the man was basically a rapist and not a husband, but I don't know that, neither do you. People jump into conclusions so fast without thinking. You don't know who that man was, what his morals were. I'm not defending him, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that it all depends on what he was like and what he did (and his friends) in order to justify this mass murder or condemn the girl.
    Man often meets his destiny, on the path he takes to avoid it.

  17. #597
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    Benevolence and principle of harm.
    Fair enough. What makes your moral code base the correct one that the rest of the world should follow?

    *~To change one's life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly.~*

  18. #598
    Quote Originally Posted by Dryade View Post
    The differences between an 8 year old and a 14 year old are leaps and bounds. 14 year old's, under normal circumstances have already hit puberty, and are most likely able to reproduce. I agree, 14 is young, but to try rationally compare an 8 year old to a 14 is a logical fallacy.
    Yet comparing paedophilia, rape and forced marriage to the loss of the foreskin is completely logical?

  19. #599
    Quote Originally Posted by Primernova View Post
    It's called fighting for ideals.
    Your ideals just died with you ad you made no difference at all. I don't see how this works out at all.

  20. #600
    I am Murloc! zephid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tastyfish View Post
    Thoughts/Feelings on the situation? Was it justified? I think she had a pretty legitimate reason and it was an act of desperation. I suspect they will kill her for doing it tho.
    I don't think it was justified. Sure she shouldn't have been in that situation to begin with, but that doesn't give her the right to kill several people.

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