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  1. #741
    Quote Originally Posted by Tsubodia View Post
    Just to clarify this. Basic reproductive health care does not encompass Abortions.
    You can get problems in Sweden for refusing to perform abortions. So, yeah.
    Last edited by mmocfb6c003936; 2014-04-11 at 01:02 PM.

  2. #742
    Quote Originally Posted by Goranus View Post
    True that having women being the weak and helpless gender in stories just annoys me to no end. and even when there is an action girl in a story, she's made to still have some "female frailty" to make her more endearing to men and show she's has still a week for/to them.This no-sense and when she's too tough and being a real badass she's dislike and deemed too butch etc.

    Well relation the real world all I have to said is this. FUCK Double standard. Period
    I think its to make the character more believable. How many full on macho women do you see in "real life" I don't agree with there needing to be an element of frailty but a dose of perspective within a character is needed. As to the too butch part it falls again (for me) into the first comment. Is it believable? if so then no problem. But most of the time when it gets to that extent its over done to try and prove a point which makes it far too obvious and detracts from the character.

  3. #743
    Immortal Frozen Death Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zephid View Post
    It is actually illegal according to Nigerian federal law.
    All right, then. Still, why was she married away to some man she didn't want to be with if that's the case? Just because it's a law does not not always mean that it is used in practice. Why was this allowed to happen, then?

  4. #744
    Quote Originally Posted by Dawnrage View Post
    So by your analogy, a guy that goes to his school to shoot his bullies and in the process shoot up a bunch of kids who just happened to be there, but were also people that sat back and watch the bullying happen, is ok? I don't know what to say to that.

    If you are going to tell me that the two situations are different, because this is a child getting raped and that is infinitely worse than people dying in your world, well, I won't know what to say to that either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    Threat of violence. Blackmailing someone into having sex is sexual coercion, as an example. Such as this;

    Also, for more accurate numbers:
    Talking about Scandinavia. I Once heard a story(this was not in the news BTW) when a guy and his girlfriend at a club and there was it asshole who was hitting on his girlfriend and try to molest her and he got into an argument with him the boyfriend who verbally owned him. then the asshole attacked him but got beaten. But the Boyfriend was caught and fine by the cops for defending his girlfriend.

  5. #745
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    Empower women in developing countries and it will change the world.
    Would be much more difficult than it seems. You would have to convince a large amount of the population (enough to make meaningful and influential protests) that both their government and religion (yes I said it), have problems that need fixing.

    It's happening slowly (I think..hope), but I think it will be different than the movements the west had in the 20's and 60's.

  6. #746
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    You can get problems in Sweden for refusing to perform abortions. So, yeah.
    You can refuse to do any medical procedure you have legitimate reservations to in both the UK and the USA. Your point is?

  7. #747
    She poisoned 14 people because she was stuck in a loveless marriage? Imagine if people did this in the west, who'd be left alive? Kids!

  8. #748
    I am Murloc! zephid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    You can get problems in Sweden for refusing to perform abortions. So, yeah.
    Yes and no. Yes you can be fired because you decide to have kids, but the reason for getting fired is not because you didn't have an abortion it's because you won't be able to work the required hours.

  9. #749
    Quote Originally Posted by zephid View Post
    Yes and no. Yes you can be fired because you decide to have kids, but the reason for getting fired is not because you didn't have an abortion it's because you won't be able to work the required hours.
    Think she is more on about Doctors who refuse to perform the abortion

  10. #750
    Quote Originally Posted by Goranus View Post
    Talking about Scandinavia. I Once heard a story(this was not in the news BTW) when a guy and his girlfriend at a club and there was it asshole who was hitting on his girlfriend and try to molest her and he got into an argument with him the boyfriend who verbally owned him. then the asshole attacked him but got beaten. But the Boyfriend was caught and fine by the cops for defending his girlfriend.
    Yep, happens from time to time. Worst I've read about in that regard is some guy who broke into a couples apartment, the intruder tried to rape the wife and the husband defended her and beat him up. The husband was convicted of aggrevated assault and had to pay damages. The intruder was convicted of trespassing and harassment, they couldn't "prove that he had intended to rape the wife" so he got off on that.

    Quote Originally Posted by zephid View Post
    Yes and no. Yes you can be fired because you decide to have kids, but the reason for getting fired is not because you didn't have an abortion it's because you won't be able to work the required hours.

    When she told them that her faith prevented her from taking part in abortions, the hospital retracted its offer of summer employment, Ellinor Grimmark claimed in a complaint that has submitted to the Swedish discrimination watchdog Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO).
    It was found to be on valid grounds and not discrimination.

  11. #751
    Quote Originally Posted by Tsubodia View Post
    Just to clarify this. Basic reproductive health care does not encompass Abortions.

    Media being designed to entertain makes it representative as a whole. In the most entertaining way. But then i don't sit there getting pissed because a show doesn't have 2 women in it. or has all women in it.

    When we have shit like "loose women" which is a TV show full of women sat there bashing men yet to do the same the inverse would be seen as sexist there is worse issues.

    But i will bite. List your favorite tv shows.. even 2 of them and explain how it would be "better" with more female representation? or more male representation?

    Trying to force a pre determined level of "equality" is in itself sexist. But hell people dont give a fuck about that as long as they win right
    Well, I don't watch TV all that much really, so I'm not really in a position to answer your question directly, but I can answer it generally:

    People want to watch shows with characters they can identify with. That much is really obvious, and you only have to look at how many lesbians in the US / UK who have watched "The L word". When you have a society where men in movies are shown as anything and everything that they desire to be, you have a huge array of role models to look up to, people to aspire to. Pick any treat that you find admirable (be it strength, intelligence, whatever) and you can find hundreds of male role models in the media to look up to. If you are a big tough guy who wants to watch big tough guys doing big tough guy things, you can find 100 shows about it. If you are a intelligent critical thinking kind of guy, you can find 100s of shows about men doing intelligent critical thinking kind of things. If you are a sensitive kind compassionate guy you can find 100's of examples of shows with these types of guys represented - And everything in between.

    If you are a woman, and you want to watch a show with someone you can relate to as a main character, and you don't see yourself as a love interest for a man, or a damsel in distress, or generally inferior to your male counterparts, there are very very few examples of this and you are really limited in what you can watch.

    The result of this is a society of people who grow up seeing men as capable of anything they want, and women as capable of little more than being a love interest and a damsel, and women growing up with very few people in the media that they can relate to and look up to.

  12. #752
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    No, you see, people kill other people all the time, without having mental issues.
    They mostly do so because it's their job ( army, policemen ).

    The cinema shootout criminals and terrorists do have mental issues.

    This girl has mental issues, as well. She killed 3 other men and left 3 ( or more ) kids without a father.

  13. #753
    The Unstoppable Force Puupi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post
    Threat of violence. Blackmailing someone into having sex is sexual coercion, as an example.
    Threat of violence and blackmailing is rape.

    Quote Originally Posted by Erin View Post
    "All the women your age are sleeping with their boyfriends. Everyone in your class does it... If you won't sleep with me then to be honest I think there is something wrong with you. If you loved me, you'd do it. You wouldn't understand untill after you do it, let me show you. You don't want people to think you're weird and different or a prude, do you?" would be an example of coercion without a threat, I assume.
    Being naive and stupid is not the society's or men's fault. You can say no. If you don't say no, you can blame yourself. Being easily agitated is not coercing.

    That is the problem with modern western feminism. There is no reason for it to exist in the first place. Human nature is just the way it is, men and women are different.

    Young women do stupid decisions regarding their sex life that they regret later on. Young men do stupid things in other kinds of things - like drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs, dangerous stuff such as climbing to dangerous places etc.

    None of the problems men do are being blamed on women. Even if men do stupid things to look cool in front of women. It's not the society's fault, nor the women's fault. It's their own stupidity.
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i've said i'd like to have one of those bad dragon dildos shaped like a horse, because the shape is nicer than human.
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i was talking about horse cock again, told him to look at your sig.

  14. #754
    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post
    She poisoned 14 people because she was stuck in a loveless marriage? Imagine if people did this in the west, who'd be left alive? Kids!
    She did it because she was forced to marry against her will and live with her 'husband'. If a girl in that situation did this in the west she'd be applauded for standing up to a abductor.

  15. #755
    I am Murloc! zephid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Death Knight View Post
    All right, then. Still, why was she married away to some man she didn't want to be with if that's the case? Just because it's a law does not not always mean that it is used in practice. Why was this allowed to happen, then?
    Because the population in the northern part of the country are Muslims and they follow Sharia.

  16. #756
    he result of this is a society of people who grow up seeing men as capable of anything they want, and women as capable of little more than being a love interest and a damsel, and women growing up with very few people in the media that they can relate to and look up to.
    Then don't watch those TV shows.

    There are plenty of TV shows where women are main characters, with traits worthy of being followed.

  17. #757
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    Threat of violence and blackmailing is rape.
    Not in Sweden, blackmailing someone into having sex is sexual coercion.

  18. #758
    Quote Originally Posted by Bervose View Post
    She did it because she was forced to marry against her will and live with her 'husband'. If a girl in that situation did this in the west she'd be applauded for standing up to a abductor.
    Then the west is more savage than the jungle of Kurast.

    She murdered innocent men and left kids fatherless.

    She could've just ran away, but because she is a psycho she had to kill them.

    I hope she gets the death penalty.

  19. #759
    I am Murloc! zephid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooneye View Post

    It was found to be on valid grounds and not discrimination.
    That's because she refused to do something that is required of her profession. Refusing to perform a medical procedure as a medical professional is like refusing to work on a Sunday as a priest.

  20. #760
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post

    Being naive and stupid is not the society's or men's fault. You can say no. If you don't say no, you can blame yourself. Being easily agitated is not coercing.
    Easy to say when you've not been socialised to believe that your lot in life is to obey and be subservient to men. As a man you are socialised to believe that if you don't want to do something you just don't do it. That's not always the case for women.

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