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    Warlords' MBTI\Keirsey Types

    For those interested in psychology, familiar with MBTI and\or Keirsey temperament sorter, I just present my opinion on the Warlords' types.
    Here I'll post the wiki information on the subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-B...Type_Indicator
    And below I'll give links to respective pages.
    Here you can compare types with known persons:
    Okay, here we go.

    1. Durotan - ISFJ aka Protector.
    Their primary interest is in the safety and security of those they care about, exactly as we see in his actions - Durotan's main priority is not warmongering or conquest, but safety of his own clan - and he fears not to stand against his former friends, a much greater power, if needed. ISFJs are fighters for justice, protectors of the weak. Here you can read more - http://www.keirsey.com/4temps/protector.asp

    2. Blackhand - ESTP aka Promotor.
    When a Promoter is present, things begin to happen: the lights come on, the music plays, the games begin. ESTPs are orcs of action - their main trait is willpower, leadership, they are firm business managers and generals as well. Their outstanding willpower (extraverted sensing) is empowered by smartness and logical creativily (auxiliary introverted thinking), and Blackhand shows both as a brilliant tactitian, organizer of a greatest factory, engineering skills. Here you can learn more - http://www.keirsey.com/4temps/promoter.asp

    3. Kilrogg - ENTJ ana Fieldmarshal.
    Fieldmarshals will usually rise to positions of responsibility and enjoy being executives. They are tireless in their devotion to their jobs and can easily block out other areas of life for the sake of their work....Fieldmarshals organize their units into smooth-functioning systems, planning in advance, keeping both short-term and long-range objectives well in mind. Kilrogg appears to be more of an intuitive person, as he used to pluck his own eye to see the future and embrace his ultimate fate - auxiliary introverted intuition. As though, he is very calm, reserverd, forward-thinking and prefers to think before acting, composing a considerable plan before executing in precisely. He is a very dangerous opponent and a useful advisor to hot-headed Grom.
    You can learn more about his type here - http://www.keirsey.com/4temps/fieldmarshal.asp

    4. Kargath - ISTP aka Crafter.
    The nature of Crafters is most clearly seen in their masterful operation of tools, equipment, machines, and instruments of all kinds....Crafters are people who love action, and who know instinctively that their activities are more enjoyable, and more effective, if done impulsively, spontaneously, subject to no schedules or standards but their own....Crafters are fearless in their play, exposing themselves to danger again and again, even despite frequent injury....
    they can be fiercely insubordinate to those in authority, seeing rules and regulations as unnecessarily confining...More than anything, Crafters want to be free to do their own thing.
    I guess, this just speaks for itself - geniunely gifted with tools of all kinds, Kargath is not much of a speaker, but an orc of action. His nature is against any bonds, struggling for freedom, and he was the one who rose his fellow slave clan against ogres and won. A deadly and unpredictable opponent, I can forsee tons of wipes at him. Here you can learn more - http://www.keirsey.com/4temps/crafter.asp

    5. Ner'Zhul - INTP aka Architect.
    For Architects, the world exists primarily to be analyzed, understood, explained - and re-designed....They tend to see distinctions and inconsistencies instantaneously, and can detect contradictions no matter when or where they were made....Ruthless pragmatists about ideas, and insatiably curious, Architects are driven to find the most efficient means to their ends, and they will learn in any manner and degree they can....Architects often seem difficult to know. They are inclined to be shy except with close friends, and their reserve is difficult to penetrate....Architects prize intelligence, and with their grand desire to grasp the structure of the universe, they can seem arrogant and may show impatience with others who have less ability, or who are less driven. As we see, Ner'Zhul is wastly intelligent and deeply inquisitive as a shaman, but a rational logical type, he sometimes finds problems with ethics, such as resorting to some darker magic to grasp the victory. He is rather not overcome with one thought, a bit lazy and not a very strong-willed person - he'd feel allright if he'd been left alone with his research, but his appetite for power becomes his undoing. As a Lich King, we see tactics typical for an Architect, with his introverted thinking and extraverted intuition - to devise a large plan, counting for 10 steps forward of his foes, so that they can do nothing but to play role in his great plan, blindly. Here you can learn more - http://www.keirsey.com/4temps/architect.asp

    6. Gul'Dan - INTJ aka Mastermind.
    Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Complex operations involve many steps or stages, one following another in a necessary progression, and Masterminds are naturally able to grasp how each one leads to the next, and to prepare alternatives for difficulties that are likely to arise any step of the way. Trying to anticipate every contingency, Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be....Although they are highly capable leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. I think, it all quite describes the type as it is - devisers of great evil plans are Masterminds, like the very known Emperor Palpatine, another bright character of the type. Much more determined and concentrated at a single purpose that Acrhitects, they are less theoretical and much more practical, as well. Gul'Dan is a wonderful example of this brillant type. Here you can learn more - http://www.keirsey.com/4temps/mastermind.asp

    7. Grom - ESFP aka Leader aka Performer.
    The name speaks for itself. ESFPs are as willful as Promoters are, as they share the strongest extraverted sensing function, but they difference is that Leaders are called so because of their charisma, wich is powered by feeling auxiliary function. They are experts in staff management, they can feel the potentials of people and inspire their allies with bright speech, entertainment, ethical tricks. They are true leaders in nature, able to lead, very emotional, quick to enrage and to cheer as well. It's no wonder that Grom has become the leader of the Iron Horde.
    Last edited by Explorer; 2014-04-15 at 08:48 AM.

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