I was fortunate enough to receive my copy of Warcrimes in the mail today. For those of you who choose not to read it and would like the latest updates, I will post all details that may relate to the coming Warlords of Draenor expansion. For all of those who have also received their copies, I hope you enjoy your read!
UPDATE - April 25th: I have gathered all relevant posts for new comers and added them here. Enjoy!
UPDATE - April 28th: I have condensed all relevant posts, here. I will write my final conclusion about the book!
I think this is a good part to update everyone. Thus far the August Celestials and Taran Zhu have decided that they alone will not decide Garrosh's fate. They have invited the leaders of the Alliance and Horde to meet at the Temple of the White Tiger. In addition to the faction leaders, Veneesa, Saurfang, Eitrigg, and Jaina are also present. The Celestials have decided that a proper trial should happen where the Celestials will represent the jury. In addition to this, each faction will choose an Accuser and a Defender for Garrosh to seek balance and a "proper" punishment. One faction will defend at a time while the other will seek more severe punishments for Garrosh. The Horde have chosen Baine to defend Garrosh and this decision does not sit well with Sylvanas. Sylvanas, instead wanted to defend Garrosh (probably to manipulate the situation to get Garrosh executed). The Alliance has chosen their Accuser to be Varian. Lets see how this plays out! Favourite quote thus far, "Defend Garrosh Hellscream. The very words were an offense." - Baine BloodhoofUmmm well, the Horde just used their only veto to deny Varian the ability to represent the Alliance as the Accuser. They have chosen Tyrande!
Baine has gone to Mulgore (via teleportation) to take time to think before his Defending of Garrosh. During this time he has a vision of his father and his father basically says that he should defend Garrosh and that he will be at peace after he is finished. The sacred ceremony/meditation Baine is enduring is then broken by the arrival of Kairozdormu who has stated that Taran Zhu has instructed him to bring Baine back to the Tiger of the White Tiger. (Kairoz arrives!)
Tyrande is discussing how the trial may affect her afterwards to Malfurion when Chromie enters the scene. She requested that she join her to meet Taran Zhu. Baine, Tyrande, and the two Bronze Dragons meet at the Temple of the White Tiger. Taran Zhu has stated that there are rumours of deception that will happen during the trial. Kairoz then goes on to state that ever since Murozond's defeat he has been "tinkering" with the Hourglass of Time. He has taken a few grains of sand and combined them with the epoch stones from the Timeless Isle. He has created an artifact he calls the "Vision of Time." It cannot turn back time but it can provide a glimpse of any given point in time and even peak into the future. Furthermore, he states, "It can create a precisely controlled rift in time." He also states, "It does not run the risk of changing history, I have altered he intrinsic makeup of the Sands of Time we will be using. The Vision of Time won't actually manifest the events. Only the sights and sounds will be able to come through the rift." I believe this does answer a lot about how Garrosh go to Draenor. Both Baine and Tyrande will be given a finite amount of Vision of Time duration. They will use this to show real events that have happened and the duration of each showing will add to their total time available during the trial. Chrome will advise Tyrande, while Kairoz will inevitably advise Baine.
Garrosh enters the Temple of the White Tiger and after being read the charges he has this to say, "I will not say that I am guilty, for that denotes shame. Nor will I protest innocence, for I claim no such. Let the comedy begin!"
Zaela and the remaining Dragonmaw Clan have retreated to Grim Batol. A scout has been given a letter from an individual that basically says if you still thirst and believe in your True Horde then I may be of great help to you. The individual who wrote this letter is a dragon.
Also, im not sure if this was confirmed by Blizzard or not before. Thrall's son is named Durak. Aggra, is also pregnant with a second child.
Another Update! Tyrande has begun showing her visions. Velen has been requested to narrate all the scenes but is only allowed to speak about the exact details and not what his heart wants to say. The first four are as follows: 1) Durotan and Orgrim meet Restalaan (a Draenei) after they were saved from the Ogre who was trying to kill them. 2) Restalaan shows Durotan and Orgrim how their city (Telmor) is disguised using powers from The Light so the Ogre's don't know of their existence. Thus, never attacking them. 3) Tyrande then shows the visions where years later, Durotan and Orgrim use the secrets shown to them about the city to exploit it and invade Telmor. Thus, killing any Draenei that stood in their way. Durotan also kills the very Draenei that saved his life and showed him the secrets to protecting their city, Restalaan. 4) An orc asks Durotan what to do with any remaining living Draenei. Durotan says, "Kill them, kill them all!"
I added the fourth and final scene to the post. Also, everyone can see the vision, including Thrall. Basically, he's pretty pissed because they're taking visions and twisting them to make ALL Orcs look horrible. This may or may not be the final plan for the Alliance? We shall see!
So Tyrande was attempting to twist the visions to her own benefit. Although, at the end of the third vision a young female Draenei throws herself at Durotan and starts punching his leg. He refuses to kill her but before he can move the girl a Shattered Hand Orc stabs her through the side and throws her to the ground saying, "You owe me one, Frostwolf." Tyrande ends the vision. Baine then uses Kairoz to continue the vision and show that Durotan brings his head up in tears. Baine then asks Velen questions. In conclusion, Velen basically states that all Orcs can change from evil to good with time and even Grom Hellscream went from evil to good with time. Baine made Durotan look like the true Orc he was, forced into a battle he did not want to be in.
Update! Thus far it's been normal boring trial stuff about Garrosh using Malkorok to scare/hurt people who disobeyed him and Baine stating that Malkorok could have acted on his own without Garrosh. Baine has now brought Garrosh to a room alone for 10 minutes with Kairoz to ask if he has anything that could help him and he stated that there is "one". Kairoz has given some "subtle" quotes. Here are some from Garrosh and Kairoz, "I am no youngling to be told bedtime tales, Bloodhoof. I will never be permitted another battle, were I as long lived as this bronze wyrm." - Garrosh. Directly after Kairoz smirks and states, "Life is full of surprises!" Furthermore, Varok Saurfang is now taking the stand as a witness for Tyrande. I do however have a feeling that Garrosh may not have knowledge of Kairoz's plan. But, i've been wrong before.
Any Varok Saurfang lovers out there? "So the prodigal son has spoken! Your father's blood runs strong in you, Hellscream. Impatient as always... Impatient and reckless. You rush headlong into all-out war without a thought of consequences?" - Saurfang. "Don't speak to me of consequences, old one!" - Garrosh. " I drank of the same blood your father did, Garrosh. I drove my weapons into the bodies and minds of my enemies. And while Grom died a glorious death - freeing us all from the blood curse - he could not wipe away the terrible memory of our past. His acts could not erase the horrors we committed!" - Saurfang. This is a vision Tyrande is showing and takes place in Warsong Hold, Northrend, during the Lich King days.
Shokia now has her moment in the novel! Shokia is being sent letters to gather individuals to help bring back the glory to the Horde (the letters are more than likely coming from Kairoz). The individual attached a list of individuals she must meet. The first person she must meet at Drywhisker Gorge. Anduin, is also the next witness being called to the stand!
Alright guys, another chapter has finished. Anduin finished his witness stand and concluded that Garrosh shouldn't be executed because he could change, "like his father changed." Taran Zhu called for a one hour break and Sylvanas joined Baine and Vol'jin and stated that Baine should stop trying so hard because he may actually win! Baine grabbed Sylvanas by the arms after she called him an, "Alliance Sympathizer." Vol'jin asked Baine to let her go, while Sylvanas knew Baine could crush her arms right there and then! After Voljin and Baine left, Sylvanas thought that she would take matters into her own hands and that she didn't need anyone else. She also though about how she would have been a better Accuser than Tyrande. A pandaran then brought a letter to Sylvanas that read, "Once we were on the same side. Perhaps we can be again." In the letter was a ruby necklace. Sylvanas opened her necklace given to her by Alleria that read, "To Sylvanas. Love always, Alleria." The ruby necklace read, "To Vereesa. With love, Alleria." Any discussion after this all over the place explanation?
Sylvanas responded to Vareesa (yes it was confirmed to be Vareesa) with, "I will see you at home after court." Obviously, it has more meaning to it but she worded it this way so if anyone found it they wouldn't know who it was from or what it meant. You know it could cause a war a cool stuff like that!
I just finished the scene where Anduin talks to Garrosh in his jail cell, this scene was given a preview by Blizzard some time ago. The next scene seems to involve Sylvanas and Vereesa. This is going to be my last chapter tonight and then I must hit the sack so I can work in the morningI plan on finishing the book tomorrow night! I will do one more update with this last chapter before that! This is the preview. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/133...k-3-17-2014%20
Update! Sylvanas and Vereesa met in Ghostlands, where they grew up before Arthas destroyed the land. Basically, Vereesa requested that Sylvanas create a new poison that is not traceable to murder Garrosh before the ruling of the August Celestials. But, before Sylvanas agrees to anything she wanted to know why Vereesa wanted him dead so badly. After several excuses/lies Vereesa finally said, "He took my Rhonin!" Vereesa began crying profusely and Sylvanas actually went in and hugged her sister.
Vol'jin has been called to the witness stand. Tyrande was focusing on the fact that Garrosh exiled the Trolls and how he put martial law on the Echo Isles. Furthermore, it is shown through a vision that the Saurok were "formed" via dark magic by the Mogu and were not born into Pandaria. Garrosh wished to use this power to build an army. When Vol'jin witnessed this he incredibly disagreed. Vol'jin, was sliced on the throat by Rak'gor, one of the Kor'Korn, and left to bleed to death (this story was told via a patch in MoP). It is then shown that Garrosh specifically told Rak'gor to do this if Vol'jin did not agree with his plan.
Baine has done a rather "exceptional" job representing Garrosh, he has done so because Vol'jin requested him to. Although, he made it seem like Vol'jin was committing treason because of how he told Garrosh we did not respect him and how Garrosh would know, "who shot the arrow through his black heart." Baine basically just threw Vol'jin under the bus and made it look like Garrosh's motives to assassinate Vol'jin were justified.
Garrosh has requested to speak to Anduin and in return he will let the Defender and Accuser speak with him during the trial. This is the second of their meetings.
"I have never forgotten my people's traditions. I repeat what I said to Vol'jin. Were I free, I would indeed stop at nothing to ensure a proud and glorious future for the orcs - and anyone with the courage to stand with us." "What if the Alliance stood with you?" Garrosh starred at him in utter shock, his mouth slightly open in disbelief. Finally, Garrosh spoke. "Get out."
Thalen is in Silvermoon thinking about how loyal he is to the True Horde and how they rescued him from the Theramore prisons. He also states how Lor'Thermar is being soft and becoming to friendly with the Alliance. Before Thalen can close his house window, two figures on black wolves rid up to him. Zaela, is one of the figures. Zaela states, "As you said - someone rescued you once, when you languished in captivity. I think you might be the sort of person who would care to return that favor."
Kalecgoc brings Jaina down by the ocean in Pandaria near the Temple of the White Tiger. He talks to her about how she has changed and how he believes she will continue to wound even after the trial. He does not enjoy watching Jaina feel this way and stated, "If you keep hanging on to this hatred, Jaina... it will devour you. And I couldn't bear to watch... to lose you to that. I don't want to lose you, Jaina!" Basically if Jaina continues down this path, Kalecgoc is going to leave.
Baine just showed everyone the scene that occured during Patch 4.2 (?) where the Druids of the Flame took Go'el. This scene is the one where he is in the Skywall surrounded by Air Elementals with his shadow form in the center of the platform. The quote he showed was, "Oblivion... nothing.... but oblivion. I have... failed the Horde.... as warchief. Garrosh... will lead it to ruin. My people... to ruin. Cairne, my brother... why did I not listen?" The scene faded and another scene began to take shape.
Baine showed yet another vision. The vision is of Go'el meeting Cairne where Mannoroth was slain. Cairne had a lot to say to Thrall, here is a peak at his feelings about leaving Garrosh in command. "I am here, in the shadow of what was once your greatest enemy, for a reason. I remember Grom Hellscream. I remember the harm he once did. He may have died a hero's death by slaying Mannoroth; I am the first to acknowledge that. But by all accounts, even your own, he took many lives, and gloried in the doing. He had a thirst for blood, for violence, and he quenched that thirst with the blood of innocents. You were right to tell Garrrosh of his father's heroism. It is true. But also true were the less savory things as well. I stand here to ask you to remember these things, too, the dark and the blight, and to acknowledge that Garrosh is his father's son." Cairne goes on to say that it is the wrong choice to leave Garrosh in charge and that there would be grave consequences. Baine then gets Go'el to say that if he could attempt to kill Garrosh again at the end of the Siege of Orgrimmar, that he would not do it. Because, he should have the chance to learn from his mistakes. This was exactly Baine's goal. Tyrande then shows a vision if Go'el did not leave Garrosh in charge and instead stayed with the Horde. The vision is in Dragonblight where Deathwing is impaled on the Wyrmrest Temple and only Twilight Dragons live in Azeroth. All other creatures are dead.
To end any confusion, this is the quote Tyrande said before her vision of End Time. "You say that we do not know all ends, Go'el, and this is so. May it please the court, I wish to show one possible end, had Go'el made a different choice. An end that was very likely, so highly probable, that Ysera the Awakened had a vision of it - a vision that prompted her to seek out the witness."
A conversation between Vereesa and Sylvanas.
"My dislike of Garrosh is very well known, and I have already run afoul of Baine and Vol'jin. Also, the fewer who know, the better. I think we can trust one another." Vereesa turned to the Banshee Queen and regarded her steadily. "Can we, Sylvanas?" Sylvanas nodded, "I will not betray you, Sister. We have suffered enough losses." She realized as she spoke them that the words were true. It was ..... unexpected. Vereesa smiled.
It has been confirmed that Jaina actually does approve of the plan to assassinate Garrosh, but, has been having second thoughts since Kalecgoc spoke to her. We shall see how this plays out. Good to see Sylvanas and Vereesa getting along.
Vereesa is somewhat hesitant of this plan because it could involve poisoning other people by accident. Whereas, Sylvanas doesn't care who dies as long as Garrosh does.
Zaela, Harrowmeiser, Thalen and Shokia are currently on a zepplin called the "Lady Lug" in pursuit towards Pandaria where they will regroup with the rest of the Dragonmaw Clan.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder has been summoned as the next witness!
Update! Tyrande did not show a vision for Alexstrasza. Instead they simply took her word for the horrific acts the Dragonmaw Clan forced her to endure. She spoke of how they used to Demon Soul to imprison her and her four consorts, and later murdering three of them. She spoke of how they forced her to give birth the red dragons and the at first she refused. But, Nekros crushed the first and second born egg in front of her face and spattered the guts on her. She then agreed and was remained chained up. Garrosh worked with the Dragonmaw and still used their dragons in battle which makes him responsible for those actions during his rule because he used Dragonmaw dragons in battle. Although, when Baine asked Alexstrasza if an Orc, the race who committed so many crimes against her, was to ask for her forgiveness, would she give it? "I would forgive him, of course" said Alexstrasza. Baine, got exactly what he wanted from Alexstrasz. There were no further questions.
Alexstrasza's forgive is relevant because Baine is trying to save Garrosh from execution he's convincing people that he should go to prison but live and maybe change.
Anduin went and visited Garrosh a third time. In the end he got so angry at the fact that he couldn't understand why Garrosh did all those horrific deeds. Garrosh told him he would never understand and Anduin replied, "Maybe I never will." But, as Anduin left Garrosh he said, "Then again, you might be wrong." Sylvanas and Vereesa have successful come up with their plan to poison Garrosh. Vereesa has been learning to cook Pandaran food with the head chef and plans to poison and Sunfruit that Garrosh will use to squeeze onto his rice, basically, poisoning himself. At the end of their meeting Sylvanas had this to say to Vereesa, "Come and rule by my side. You hate the Horde - and so did I, until I had a place of power there. We can be our own law, Little Moon. We can reshape the Horde in our image. Nothing could stop us. We will grind our enemies into dust and elevate our allies. I feel this; I think you can feel it too. I want you with me, Sister. I have been... so very lonely. I did not even realize it until now. I did not think I could - stay with me. Please... stay, my Little Moon. Then the chapter ended.
Update! A Night Elf sentinel approaches Tyrande and speaks to her in whispers, Tyrande then says, "I submit a formal request to have this trial regarded as irreparably compromised!" Tyrande believes that Baine has a conflict of interest and is not a fair Defender for Garrosh. Taran Zhu asks the two of them to approach his stand and Baine is, of course, outraged. She states that she has a witness to prove it and that what she is about to do is not a personal attack against Baine. Baine says, "You're making it one!" Tyrande is doing everything in her power to get Garrosh executed. Taran Zhu says that if the evidence is fair enough than Garrosh must find a new Defender. Tyrande then calls to the witness stand to testify against Baine, Longwalker Perith Stormhoof.
Perith Stormhoof at first refused to speak at all because his sole purpose was to protect the secrets of Cairne and Baine Bloodhoof. He threatened to stay in Pandaran prison before he would speak. Baine then commanded Perith to speak and thus, he had no choice. Tyrande had Perith reveal that during the Grimtotem invasion of Thunderbluff, the only hope Baine had was to request help from Jaina. Perith stated that Jaina gave Baine gold to help with the situation because she could not drag the Alliance into a war with the Horde. At this point the courtroom exploded and Varian was less than pleased. Varian said, "This is just like what happened with the Sunreavers. Jaina you should have told me. Tell me what I have to prepare for next!" "I can't tell you in ten minutes." said Jaina. "Then tell me what you can! Light blind me, Jaina, I just found out someone I regarded as one of my best friends had secret meetings with Baine Bloodhoof!" "Father, I have something to tell you," said Anduin. Perith than stated that Jaina and Baine have had several more meetings than just that. "So, it appears you might be joining me in prison, Bloodhoof" said Garrosh. "Possible, but I would request a difference cellmate" said Baine. "Perhaps Jaina?" said Garrosh. "No. But perhaps Anduin." Tyrande nodded to Chromie to begin the second vision.
Tyrande then showed a vision of Perith Stormhoof meeting with Jaina and warning her about the inevitable invasion of Theramore. In the vision Fearbreaker was shown when Perith gave it to Jaina to give back to Anduin, from Baine. After the vision everyone was out of their seats, screaming and yelling. Taran Zhu then acknowledged Baine and said, "Baine Bloodhoof, you may have a moment with the Accused and-" "I do not need a moment," responded Garrosh. "The Defender should speak-" Taran Zhu began. "I will speak," Garrosh said, raising his voice even louder, "and I will keep Baine Bloodhoof." Tyrande's jaw dropped. :P
Varian had a long conversation with Anduin and Jaina after the trial but, it didn't go so smooth with Jaina and Varian. "Do you know, the more I think about, the more I think the former leaders of the Kirin Tor were right - that it's better to be independent. Do not push me, Varian. Because I will push back if I have to."
Anduin was down by the beach alone when Wrathion asked if he wanted any company. "Not going to see Garrosh today?" asked Wrathion. Nobody is supposed to know that Anduin visits Garrosh. How did Wrathion know? Also, Varian has been summoned as a witness by Baine Bloodhoof.
It seems that Jaina and Kalecgoc's relationship is really at it's worst right now. the current vision Tyrande is showing is the actual destruction of Theramore and the death of Rhonin. Jaina left during the 20 minute break and Kalecgoc stayed in his seat. Anduin questioned Kalecgoc's choice and said, "It's a brief respite, but I'm sure she'd be glad to see you." "I'm not sure she would," Kalecgoc replied. The vision has now ended and it's now Baines turn with Jaina.
Varian has not officially been called to the stand, it's not his turn yet. Baine then asked Jaina about the wave she created to destroy Orgrimmar and how she wanted to kill all of the Horde if she could. Baine asked why she didn't send the tital wave, Jaina replied with, "I am glad I refrained, because I would never, ever want to be like him" pointing at Garrosh. Tyrande then asked one final question of Jaina, "Lady Jaina, do you wish to never, ever be like the Horde?" "The Horde isn't Garrosh" replied Jaina. Tyrande realized her mistake directly after Jaina's response. Now don't hate on Tyrande just yet. It's not over. More Windrunner lore inc!
Sylvanas and Vereesa went for a ride like they used to always do together as children. They both rod on Skeleton Horses. They discussed how much they wanted Garrosh to die and how he was going to die. Although, they started on the topic of how Vereesa was going to come and live with Sylvanas in the Undercity. Vereesa didn't know if the Forsaken would accept her but little did she know that Sylvanas knew they would never accept her. Sylvanas knew she was going to have to murder Vereesa. She planned to have her fall asleep and when she woke up she would be reanimated in a new powerful to lead with Sylvanas, together, and forever. Vereesa would leave her boys in Dalaran since the Undercity would be a very good place for boy to grow up. Sylvanas was quite pleased by this decision, she did not want to murder her nephews as well.
Vereesa said, and I quote, "No, you are right. I cannot imagine it would be a good place for them. They are better off where they are. I have not been the best of mothers to them anyway."
Vereesa does not know she needs to die. She thinks she will be able to live in the Undercity with Sylvanas, alive.
Varian had just taken the stand as a witness. Baine asked him several questions and eventually had Varian state that Garrosh could change over time. Baine used the vision from when he invaded Ironforge after Magni died to rescue Anduin from Moira. He tried to compare Garrosh to Varian and in some ways succeeded.
So, apparently Tyrande would be the only Accuser and Baine would be the only Defender (vut?). Tyrande just finished her closing statements. It involved her stating that Garrosh was being held on 10 charges, but then laid out 9 stones. She stated, "I know I listed 10 charges, but only have nine stones. These stones are all pieces of land that will forever remember the name Garrosh Hellscream." The lands went from Ashenvale and Gilneas to Stonetalon Mountains and Orgrimmar. The closing quote was, "End it. End him. Now!" Before the closing statements, Taran Zhu informed everyone that after Tyrande speaks, there will be a two hour respite for the August Celestials to decide on an outcome. During this time Garrosh would potentially eat his last meal. This was not according to the plan Vereesa and Sylvanas had. He was to eat in the evening, not in the middle of the afternoon. This did not stop them. Christie Golden, wrote this, "They would not fail, no matter when the cursed orc was supposed to shovel food into his boastful mouth."
Each stone is from a place Garrosh tainted. Theramore is one of the stones.
The August Celestials have now left to make their decision.
The nine stones represented the following: Stonetalon, Ashenvale, Orgrimmar, Theramore, The Vale, Azshara, Darnassus, Gilneas, and the last was a piece from a Molten Giant that the dark shamans twisted.
Vol'jin sent Jaina a letter. "It took some time for me to learn what happened in Dalaran. You used to be a woman of peace; you be that no more. Garrosh scorches earth, and the dead ain't the only victims. You got no blame or hate from me, no matter what you toward Garrosh - or the Horde. We all got our ghosts."
Jaina just had epiphany after that letter from Vol'jin. Kalecgoc was shaking Anduin and Varian's hands as he was about to depart. Jaina ran as fast as she could yelling, "Kalec!" He began walking away but his steps began to slow and then stopped. He cocked his head as if listening, then turned, his gaze scanning the sea of people. Their eyes met, and his face lit up like the sun. Her heart surged with gladness. She closed the space between them and flung herself into his outstretched arms. Right there, in front of all eyes, they kissed, joyfully and longingly, and Jaina was fiercely grateful. WoW PDA.
Vereesa as begun working with the head chef and he has asked her to make herself useful and cut up the Sunfruit for Garrosh's meal. o.0
Vereesa had successfully laced Garrosh's meal with the poison Sylvanas created. She left the kitchen after being told she was no longer needed. She rested on a cold stone and began thinking of her boys, how they had Rhonin's hair and how she so missed their laughter. She also began thinking about how she could not picture them in the Undercity. "Vereesa?" said Anduin. "I am sorry I was lost in thought. What are you doing down here?" she asked. "Going to see Garrosh, this could be the last chance I get to see him." Vereesa stared at him, and thought of her laughing boys. Before she could change her mind. she suddenly lunged for Anduin and grabbed his arm. "I believe the light is at work here. I surrender my choice to you. Garrosh's food is poisoned. Do with the knowledge what you will!" Before receiving an answer she left to find a way back to Dalaran to hug her boys and never, ever think of forsaking them again.
I'll try to summarize this part as best as possible without leaving out any key details as best I can.
Anduin ran to where Garrosh was being held captive. After several remarks were shared back and forth about how Anduin is foolish for studying the light and how if Anduin ever became king the Orcs would celebrate and invade Stormwind, killing all they found. Garrosh's poisoned meal was brought to him. Anduin thought that maybe the light was doing it's work and wanted Garrosh to die. He thought for a minute if he should keep quiet and let him die. But, Anduin dashed forward and reached into the cage, knocking Garrosh's meal onto the ground. Garrosh grabbed Anduin's arm and pull him closer to his face. He twisted his arm into an almost impossible position and then Anduin said, "The food is poisoned!" Garrosh didn't believe him at first but then a rat came and began eating some of the food that had fallen on the ground. Its body began to shake, and then began to convulse. Blood and foam appeared on its muzzle, and it thrashed in agony, trying to crawl back to its hole with limbs that refused to obey. It made grunting, wet breathing noises as its lungs laboured for air, and then, mercifully, it ceased to move. Garrosh glanced away, and shoved Anduin back so hard the prince stumbled.
A messenger brought a letter to Sylvanas from Vereesa. He asked if she had any response and she responded with, "Get out." Anduin sent a letter to Vereesa stating that Garrosh lived and that her secret was safe with him. Sylvanas, on the other hand went on a wild hunt, yelling while riding her skeleton horse, killing a bear and decapitating a wolf and then holding it's head. Sylvanas the Banshee Queen, would never again make the mistake of believing she could love.
Garrosh is being brought forth to await the Celstial's decision. Chromie is also missing.
Kairoz is also currently tinkering with the Vision of Time.
"Garrosh Hellscream," said Taran Zhu. "You have been tried in a formal court of Pandaran law. Before the jury begins its deliberation on your fate, is there anything you wish to say, to me, to the jury, or any spectators?" "Yes," he said. "I do have something to say. Honourable Taran Zhu. August Celestials. Spectators from all across Azeroth. I have heard everything you have heard. I have seen what you have seen. Tyrande Whisperwind has presented a strong and damning case against me. A case that has roused some of you to anger, and thoughts of revenge. Thoughts of my death. I do not blame you for hungering for that. Baine Bloodhoof, who has little enough cause to do so, has with great earnestness rpesented a case not protesting my innocence, but asking for your understanding. For your compassion. For you, the jury and the spectators, to look within your own hearts, and see that no one is completely free from blame. And Prince Anduin, who by all rights should be foremost among those clamoring for my death, has chosen to spend hours in my company. I attempted to slay him, in a brutal, cruel, and painful manner. And what does he do? He speaks to me of the Light. He tells me he believes that I can change. He has shown me kindness when I offered hatred and violence. It is because of him that I stand before you, facing what I expect to be a pronouncement of my death, as a warrior, not as a broken slave. Oh, yes. I know full well how much blood is on my hands. I know exactly that magnitude and the consequences of what I have done. And now, here at this moment, when I am free to speak my mind and heart, I tell you true: I regret..... Nothing!"
"Yes! Yes! I would destroy a thousand more Theramores, if it would bring the Alliance to its knees! I would hunt down every night elf whelp that bleats on the face of this world and silence their mewling forever! I would banish every troll, every tauren, every simpering blood elf and greedy goblin and shambling waling corpse if it were within my power - and it almost was! The only atrocities I regret are the ones I did not perform! The only thing that preys on me is that I stopped before I could see the true Horde live again! Nothing - nothing in this world can stop me!"
Go'el asked to speak to Varian and Anduin. Chromie was missing. "I will go try to find her," said Anduin. He down to Garrosh's prison to ask the guards if they had seen Chromie. But, instead the two pandaren lay limply on the floor, looking like black-and-white sacks of grain someone had carelessly tossed. "Two..... females," one of the body guards muttered. "They had crossbows." Anduin looked at Garrosh's prison cell and saw Chromie locked inside.
"What happened," Anduin asked. "It was Kairoz!" yelled Chromie. "Please, just listen; we don't have much time! I think he's going to do something with the Vision of Time. I caught him tinkering with it and I asked him why, and he made some excuse about 'shutting it down.' I started questioning him, and then - then I woke up locked in here. You have to stop him from doing whatever he's planning! Please, you have to hurry!" "The two females with crossbows," Anduin asked. "One orc, one human, weren't they, Li? I should have known."
"Perhaps you should have, but it is not yet within you to suspect treachery, Anduin Wrynn. If it is any consolation at all, I am deeply sorry for what I now must do." Wrathion then talks about how Anduin told him to make up his mind about what is best for Azeroth and he states he has done just that. Wrathion lifted a hand, and Anduin knew no more.
Kairoz pushed the Vision of Time just far enough off the table and activated it. Once activated, a portal opened and Kairoz and Garrosh fell through the floor. But, things were coming out of the portal as well. Jaina looked at the center of the room and saw a figure with a single strand of golden hair. It was herself and with her was Kalecgoc. Jaina began fighting another version of herself while Kalecgoc was running to the floor so he had enough room to transform into his dragon self! The Zepplin Zaela and others were travelling on arrived as well to join the fight. Go'el saw Garrosh and Kairoz vanish into the floor but where the two stood, ten more now stood and among them was Aedelas Blackmoore.
Dragonmaw Clan fighting together with infinite dragons.... confirmed.
The Dragonmaw Clan and the Infinite Dragons are now riding towards the Temple of the White Tiger.
Anduin just witnessed King Anduin from another timeline have an all out fight with Vol'jin from another timeline. Go'el in our timeline is winning against the Go'el from another timeline and KALECGOS from another timeline is insane and just trying to pick random people off while our Kalecgos has a battle strategy.
Kairoz opened a rift with the Vision of Time. Multiple timelines are merging with our own. This is why so many characters are coming to say hullo.
Several rifts are opening out of random in the general area.
Okay. All of the characters from other timelines are chosen specifically by Kairoz. For example the alternate Baine killed Garrosh and is now the Warchief of the Horde. He is full of rage and anger. Baine had to convince him that they were the same at the core and that his decisions were wrong. Once Baine did that the timeline Baine disappeared. Similar with Kalecgos, the mad timeline Kalecgos didn't stop Jaina from destroying Orgrimmar with he tidal wave and as a result all the Blue Dragons, Jaina and everyone Kalecgos loved, died. He convinced the timeline Kalecgos that it wasn't his fault and it was Jaina's actions. Once he realized they were the same and that this was true, he disappeared.
Okay. Zaela and her Dragonmaw Clan searched and found no sight of Kairoz or Garrosh in the battle at the temple. Thus, Zaela called her Clan to retreat outside of the temple, where they were met by more Infinite Dragons (no details as to what happened to them). Jaina nearly died during the all out battle but was given a second chance at life by Chi-ji (I love this bird). Zaela managed to escape successfully as well. There is one page remaining.
Here is the final verdict the Celestials came to about Garrosh, not that it matters anymore. "We knew from the very beginning" - Niuzao "Garrosh Hellscream would live, so that he would continue to learn. Dear ones, wisdom, fortitude, strength, and hope cannot be learned in death." - Yu'lon. "Life is not about reward and punishment. It is about understanding, accepting who oneself is right now in order to know what to change, and how" - Xuen "We feel that justice has been done - Niuzao."
Go'el was no longer in a position of leadership among them. Even so, he found that all of these faces eventually turned toward him. Humbly, Go'el son of Durotan and Draka, spoke for them all. "We will find Garrosh."
Kairoz and Garrosh arrive in Draenor, but Garrosh does not know where he is. "Hellscream!" shouted a rough, orcish voice. Garrosh turned to the sound of the call. But, the call was for another Hellscream. Standing atop a hill, wind blowing through his black hair and sun gleaming on his muscular brown body, a fierce, tattooed orc whose blood ran in Garrosh's vein replied to the greeting with an ear-splitting cry, and raised..... Gorehowl.
It is stated that Kairoz went to Grim Batol to discuss his plans with Zaela.
Im under the impression that Kairoz is working for Wrathion.
Alright everyone! I would like to first thank Christie Golden for this amazing book. It is most definitely the best Warcraft book to date. I would like to thank MMO-CHAMPION for being awesome and letting me make this chaos filled thread and not closing it! Furthermore, I would like to thank all of you for following along and making this one hell of ride, really it was quite the roller coaster. Some of your comments made he laugh out loud, a lot. I hope my grammar/confusing posts weren't to much for you guys to handle and I hope that everything, kind of, makes sense! This is one great book and I definitely think all of you should pick it up and read it for yourselves. There is a lot of great scenes that was not able to fully explain, it's something you just need to read. I hope to do this again with the next release so stay tuned for next time! I may do a QA this weekend or something for any further questions you guys may have, or watch for any posts relating to that! I will also try and condense everything into the original post by tomorrow so it's not to much of a chore to read through the entire thread. Thanks guys, and I hope you enjoyed this thread and the conclusion of Warcrimes! <3 <3 <3 Tyrande is a great Accuser, btw.![]()